“Broken, it must be the guard of the teleporter, who recognized Jade Girl and leaked the news!”

Lin Hai could not help frowning. Before transmitting to Divine Dragon Island, Yu Tianze had forgotten to hide his features. Now he is being followed again by the Third Young Master of Island Lord. I am afraid there will be trouble!

When Yu Haochen heard the news, he was shocked in his heart!

“Yu Tianze is back? Where is it!”

Involuntarily, Yu Haochen looked towards Yu Tiancheng, and other Yu Family people also moved towards Yu Tiancheng.

Yu Tiancheng is Yu Tianze’s big brother. If Yu Tianze returns, Yu Tiancheng will surely know.

“En?” Soon, Yu Haochen’s gaze fell on Yu Tianze.

“Who are you, why hide your face and disperse Zhen Qi!”

Yu Tianze knew he couldn’t hide it, and Zhen Qi dispersed, revealing his original appearance.

“Yu Tianze! It really is you!”

Yu Haochen cry out in surprise, then suddenly showed the color of anger, raised his hand moved towards Yu Tianze with a finger!

“You still have a face back! Come here, take her down!”

Yu Haochen’s words fell, and immediately Yu Family’s children came forward and surrounded Yu Tianze, and they had to start.

“Slow!” Yu Tiancheng suddenly panicked, and hurried forward to block in front of Yu Tianze.

“Great Elder, what do you mean, and why do you want to catch her?”

“Hmph!” Yu Haochen coldly snorted, looked towards Yu Tianze’s gaze, showing a deep hatred! “At first, she was selfish and left the family, disregarding the interests of the family. It angered the Island Lord. My Yu Family was even more suppressed. How many industries were swallowed up by other families. The lack of cultivation resources made the cultivation of the family’s descendants seriously affected. The family has also changed from prosperity to prosperity. She is the first sin of the family.

people! ”

When Yu Tiancheng heard the news, he immediately showed displeasedness, and just wanted to refute, but was stopped by Yu Tianze.

“Brother, stop talking! It’s useless to say anything!”

Yu Tianze stepped forward and faced Yu Haochen with a deep disappointment on his face.

“Are you going to grab me and give it to the Island Lord Third Young Master?”

Yu Haochen was black-faced, coldly snorted.

“That’s natural! This is also a chance for my Yu Family to redeem my guilt. The Island Lord is generous and may give up the suppression of my Yu Family. It won’t be long before my Yu Family will return to Peak!”

“Hehe!” Yu Tianze smiled bitterly, with a strong contempt in his eyes.

“Are you afraid of being ridiculed for the family’s lifetime happiness in exchange for family benefits?”

“Shame?” Yu Haochen sneered, “Who dares to laugh when the family is strong!”

“Nonsense, take her down immediately!”

玉 浩 辰 collyly shouted, Yu Family disciple immediately moved towards Yu Tianze and rushed over!


At this time, suddenly a silhouette rushed to Yu Tianze’s body, and then the dazzling blade glow passed, and the Yu Family disciple was all repelled in an instant!


Yu Haochen frowned, but saw Lin Hai holding the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in front of Yu Tianze!

“What do you want to do?” Yu Haochen sank, coldly said.

“Nothing!” Lin Hai sneered, “I just think you’re too shameless, so I can’t stand it anymore!”

“What did you say!” Yu Haochen’s face suddenly changed, and a flash of cold glow flashed in her eyes.

However, thinking of the previous scene where Lin Hai killed the Bai Family, I know that Lin Hai is also a tricky figure, and took a deep breath to force the anger in his heart down.

“Youngster, this is my Yu Family thing, I advise you to take care of yourself!”

“Not good, big brother has a hobby all his life, and he likes to deal with injustice in the world!” Lin Hai said with a chin, his lips raised, and he said disdainfully.

“People who care about their affairs usually don’t live long!” Yu Haochen said with a cold face, threatening.

“Is that so?” Lin Hai pouted and smiled. “Unfortunately, the big brother has been living so well!”

Cold light flashed in Yu Haochen’s eyes, a cold momentum suddenly emanated, staring coldly at Lin Hai.

“You are so hard-hearted that you are going to fight against my Yu Family?”

“What is it!” Lin Hai narrowed his eyes, giving tit for tat, and he did not avoid looking at Yu Haochen!

Lin Hai has offended Bai Family anyway, and he doesn’t care about offending one more Yu Family. Anyway, he won’t watch Yu Tianze be sacrificed.

“Hmph!” Yu Haochen was sneaked, with a contemptuous look on his face.

“The dying, and the carelessness of others, unfortunately, you can’t protect yourself!”

After speaking, Yu Haochen suddenly looked up and looked towards the distant sky, but saw dozens of white cranes, flying fast, and blinked over the crowd.


Lin Hai also looked up, but saw a current white crane with a red crown on his head, his gaze like electricity, and a youngster above standing with his hands on his shoulders, overlooking the bottom, just standing there, gave a sense of extreme oppression.

“Master!” Lin Hai pupil suddenly shrank.

Behind youngster, there are more than a dozen white cranes, each one standing on top of each other.

When this group of people appeared, there was an invisible majesty that enveloped the entire Yu Family, the Disciples of the Yu Family, all of them were shocked, giving birth to a sense of panic!

And Yu Haochen rushed forward three steps, moved towards the sky Yaoyao cup one fist in the other hand, and spoke respectfully.

“Yu Family Elder, Yu Haochen, Your Highness Third Young Master!”

“His Royal Highness is here, you Yu Family patriarch, why not come out to greet!” The youngster on the red-crowned white crane, the nose coldly snorted, said arrogantly.

Before Yu Haochen answered, suddenly a hearty laughter hovered above Yufu.

“Haha, Your Highness Third Young Master is here, the Yu Family is full of vitality, and my husband excuse me for not going out to meet you!”

The voice fell, and then a powerful breath came from the distance between Yufu and Yufu, and a silhouette appeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

“Another master!” Lin Hai was startled, and this later man was not under the youngster on Baihe.

“See patriarch!”

Yu Haochen and the others, hurriedly moved towards the white clothed old man saluted that appeared, and then stepped back respectfully.

When patriarch came forward, it was natural that they could not turn around to cope with the situation at this time.


The sound of cranes came from the sky, and a dozen white cranes fell to the ground. His Highness Third Young Master slowly walked to the front of Yu Family patriarch. A dozen masters behind him followed closely from behind. His body was so imposing that he could not control his eyes. Watching all around, it seems that terrifying attacks may erupt at any time!

“Yu Zhantang, have met His Royal Highness Third Young Master!” Yu Family patriarch Yu Zhantang, cup one fist in the other hand salute, said with a faint smile.

His Royal Highness Third Young Master carried his hands, his chin was slightly raised, and his face was proud. He glanced down at Yuzhantang, un’ed with a smile on his skin.

“Jade patriarch, no need to be polite!”

“Many thanks Third Young Master!”

“Where did Your Highness come from this time, should you be understood?” Island Lord Third Young Master faint smile looked at the Jade Pavilion, indifferently asked.

“There was a messenger’s message before, His Highness Third Young Master, who came for Yu Tianze?”

“Yes!” His Highness Third Young Master stared coldly, and then suddenly turned his head, looking towards Yu Tianze not far away, and suddenly a stunning rays of light revealed in his eyes, satisfied nodded.

Then, suddenly raised his hand and moved towards Yu Tianze with a finger.


His Royal Highness Third Young Master’s tone was irresistible.

Yu Tianze’s complexion changed, biting her lips and shook the head firmly.

“I won’t follow you!”

His Royal Highness Third Young Master’s eyes flash with a cold light, his face sank suddenly.

“what did you say?”

His Royal Highness Third Young Master’s voice was not loud, but it made everyone around him feel a deep chill. All of them suddenly held their breath, and even the atmosphere dared not come out.

Yu Tianze was also pretty face changes. Her highness, Third Young Master, was terrifying from her body, making her breath stagnate, her mouth opened, and before she spoke again, a faint voice suddenly sounded beside her. “She means, let you go!”

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