Chapter 1195: I Don’t Want To Kill, Don’t Force Me!


An extremely resounding voice suddenly sounded behind Lin Hai, and then the wind swept through the space instantly. Lin Hai felt only a sharp edge and suddenly fell on his back!

In the midst of the crisis, Lin Hai put all his energy into his side, leaping sideways, avoiding the key, but felt a sudden pain in his shoulder, and the blood was drifting!

Turning back suddenly, I saw Bai Can holding a sharp blade of purple rays of light flashing through his body, deeply piercing his own within the body, with a vicious and gruesome face on his face.

“courting death !”

Lin Hai’s eyes suddenly bloomed with cold cold light, angrily, flying up, fiercely pinched on Bai Chan’s lower abdomen!


With a muffled sound, Bai Can’s body suddenly emptied, and at the same time, Zhen Hai’s feet swayed into Qi Qi, followed by a jump into the midair, followed by Bai Can’s ankle before landing, and then moved towards fiercely Fall on the ground!


Bai Can’s body was slammed to the ground by Lin Hai fiercely, and his nose and mouth spurted blood immediately before he could open his mouth. Lin Hai grabbed Bai Can’s neck directly and raised his arms, raising him high!

“Give me a hand!”

General Dong of the Armored Army was loudly shouted, and suddenly he drew out a saber around waist, pointed finger towards Lin Hai, eyes narrowed, murderous aura rushing to the sky!

Lin Hai looked cold and grim, and turned a deaf ear to his shouts, but fiercely stared at Bai Can hanging in the air, his eyes flashing cold killing intent!

Bai Can complexion ashen, terrified in his eyes, trembled violently, and wanted to speak for mercy, how could Nai be tightly grasped by Lin Hai and couldn’t even say a word!

Lin Hai stretched out his left hand, holding the long sword that was still slightly trembling, still holding his shoulder. With a little force, he pulled the sword out and threw it on the ground!


The long sword fell to the ground, making a clear sound, but like a heavy hammer, hit everyone’s heart!

“This time, Bai Can is probably worse!”

The onlookers all felt a chill at once. Lin Hai’s murderous aura, thick and substantive, did not hide in the air, and he was completely annoyed by the sword Bai Bai.

“I’ve spared you, but you’re behind a sneak attack, trying to kill me?”

Lin Hai stared hard at Bai Can, exuding a cold breath, in a calm tone, but hiding great anger and strong murderous intention.

Bai Can had a light sound in his throat, his muscles trembling, and he wanted to speak, but he couldn’t say a word, only the fear of deep bone marrow in his eyes!

“Hehe!” Lin Hai suddenly uttered a self-deprecating wry smile. “It seems that Jade Girl is right, I really don’t understand the sinister rivers and lakes!”

After speaking, Lin Hai’s face grew colder.

“I finally understand one thing, the hatred has settled. Even if I let you go today, you will not give up, but instead, just look for every opportunity and just let me die!

“Unfortunately, such a simple truth, but I almost lost my life, I can understand!”

Lin Hai was talking to himself as if talking to himself, but hearing Bai Can’s ears made him endlessly chill, and an extreme ominous premonition made him tremble violently.

Sure enough, Lin Hai’s eyes fell on him like a knife!

“I didn’t want to kill you, but why would you want to kill me? In that case, don’t blame my men for being ruthless, everything is you having only oneself to blame!”

“Kill Bai Young Master, you don’t want to live!” General Dong saw Lin Hai this time really moved his Murderous Intention, and his heart trembled immediately, and he was anxious to shouted!

“hmph! ”

Lin Hai didn’t even look at him, coldly snorted, his palm was forced, and Bai Can’s neck was suddenly broken!


With a wave of his hand, Bai Can’s body was thrown on the street, his eyes were rounded, and he couldn’t believe it until he died, Lin Hai actually killed him!

“His ~” The onlookers were all sucked in a breath of cold air, stunned, and they also absolutely didn’t expect, Lin Hai actually killed Bai Can!

“courting death !”

General Dong’s eyelids leaped wildly, and under the rage, a cold light flashed in his hand, stabbing shatter void, and he was behind Lin Hai!

Lin Hai’s eyebrows were raised sharply, and General Dong’s sword had a hint of killing, and there was a whistle of evil spirits. Before he got close, Lin Hai’s blood tumbling and became fluid.


Too late to look back, Lin Hai thought about it, and an ice wall as high as several feet suddenly appeared behind him. At the same time, his body leapt and leaped straight ahead.


As soon as the ice wall touched the long sword, cracks appeared and it exploded. The long sword continued unabated, like a ghost, followed by Lin Hai and followed!

Lin Hai was secretly shocked. I couldn’t think of General Dong. It was so good. I condensed the ice wall before, but after 300 years of use, I was able to withstand a single blow!

What’s more terrifying is that above this long sword, there is a faint breath that makes Lin Hai tremble!

Lin Hai didn’t dare to care, and felt the eerie spirit behind him. With a thought, the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade appeared in his hands, and suddenly he turned sideways, the knife in his hands from the bottom up, and a chopping!



The blue blade glow suddenly appeared in mid-air, as if hitting a flash of light, colliding with the long sword chased by!


A metal impact sounded, it was sharp, and there were countless black smoke on the long sword. Heaven and Earth were like a ghost like and howl like wolves, and there were countless souls appearing. Lin Hai!


Lin Hai was suddenly shocked, and his heart suddenly jumped up. The terrifying spirit made him feel that life seemed to be losing!

“No wonder there is a feeling of palpitations, this long sword is really not ordinary!”

Seeing countless souls, baring fangs and brandishing claws fluttered, but Lin Hai slapped the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer!

“This ghost may be effective against others, but in front of itself, it is tantamount to the moth flies into the flame!”

Lifts the head, looking at the fierce face of the evil spirit, Lin Hai suddenly spoke and spit out a few words!

“Thunders everywhere!”


Instantly, a thunder pool suddenly appeared around Lin Hai’s body. Lightning screamed and electric arcs jumped, and the countless evil spirits that flew to him fell into it!


Suddenly, the roar of fear rang through the whole space, the evil spirits entangled by the arc, the nimble body stopped trembling for a while, and the silhouette instantly became dim.

“All for die!”

Lin Hai coldly shouted, the sky suddenly thundered, one flash after another, and the volley fell.

Ka ka ka ka ka ka !

Every thunder sounded, there were several scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of the evil spirits. The evil spirits trembled violently, but they were paralyzed by thunder and lightning. They could n’t escape if they wanted to escape.

“Abominable!” General Dong saw this, suddenly surprised and angry, unexpectedly, Lin Hai actually cultivated the extremely rare Thunder Element cultivation technique!

You know, the Thunder Element cultivation technique specializes in ghosts. Although the evil spirits are fierce, they have almost no power to fight against lightning. This magic weapon, the long sword, has been collected for many years, and it has been destroyed by Lin Hai for a while. Mostly, it made him feel a pain in his heart!

“come back!”

General Dong took the sword with his sword and hurriedly withdrew the long sword. At the same time, he raised his hand and sent out a gust of wind, which defeated the blade glow of an arrow at the end of its flight.


In this look, General Dong Qi almost vomited blood, and saw that the long sword was dim, and under the influence, only 10% of the evil spirits in it were gone, and the rest were all killed by lightning.

“hmph! ”

Lin Hai swayed his arms and lifted the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, his eyes moved slightly towards General Dong!

“Again, I don’t want to kill people, don’t force me!”

“Mad!” General Dong was full of anger and yelled, suddenly a long sword waved!

“Give me around!”

As soon as the words fell, that team’s iron armies dispersed immediately, enclosing Lin Hai and Yu Tianze, blocking all retreats, swinging lance, invisible Murderous aura, and instantly locking Lin Hai together!

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