Chapter 1188: Shocking Big Secret!

“Lin Hai, you promised not to kill me!” Island Lord Nascent Soul’s face changed dramatically, and he shouted in horror!

“Girl Yueru, slow!” Lin Hai was also surprised, didn’t expect Leng Yueru said to do it, and hurriedly stopped it.

Leng Yueru turned his head, glanced at Lin Hai, and then the black mist wrapped around Island Lord Nascent Soul and flew in front of Lin Hai.

“You refined this Nascent Soul, or you can break through to the Golden Core Late Stage in one fell swoop!”

After hearing this, Island Lord Nascent Soul scared the souls, and looked with horror towards Lin Hai.

“Lin Hai, gentleman said, you can’t chase a horse, you can’t say nothing without faith!”

Lin Hai took a look at Island Lord Nascent Soul, then slowly shook the head.

“Rest assured, Lin Hai will do what I say!” After speaking, Lin Hai turned his head to Leng Yueru.

“Girl Yueru, let him go!”

Leng Yuru’s eyes flickered, a touch of strange color flashed, and she fainted before speaking.

“it is good!”

Then the black fog disappeared and Island Lord Nascent Soul instantly recovered his freedom. At an extremely fast speed, he distanced himself from Leng Yueru, and his peng peng jumped in his heart, with fear of avoiding a catastrophe!

“Go back to town!”

Lin Hai said a word, everyone jumped on Little Hong’s back, Island Lord Nascent Soul was next to Lin Hai, for fear that Leng Yueru would suddenly strike him again.

Little Hong issued a scream of an eagle, flapped his wings, and golden rays of light cut through the sky. After a short time, he returned to the central city and entered the Island Lord House!

“You are back.” As Lin Hai and the others came in, Zhen Shuang swayed his waist and greeted him, charming eyes were like silk, with an endless enchantment.

“Are you still there?” Lin Hai said without thinking.

As soon as Zhen Shuang was about to speak, Lin Hai crossed her directly and stepped into a room, which suddenly changed Zhen Shuang’s face.

“Girl Yueru, Girl Jade, come in!”

Lin Hai’s disregard suddenly made Zhen Shuang’s face change, and there were rays of light in her eyes.


Island Lord Nascent Soul suddenly whispered behind Zhen Shuang.

Zhen Shuang looked back and glanced at the Island Lord, which was only Nascent Soul, and suddenly smiled at him, holding Island Lord Nascent Soul in his arms.

“Husband, they won’t leave you!”

Island Lord Nascent Soul trembled, his fleshhy body was destroyed for the first time, the temperament was already extremely fragile, his eyes were deeply moved, and tears almost fell.

The Lin Hai 3 were already sitting in the house.

“Girl Yueru, I have a thing and want to ask you!”

Leng Yueru gave Lin Hai a faint glance, and said expressionless.

“What are you asking?”

“I was in full control of the ice element in the Wannian Ice Cave just now, but after getting the treasure map, I planned to continue my adventure, but found that the ice element below was not under my control at all, why?”

Leng Yuru Dai raised an eyebrow and glanced at Lin Hai, apparently surprised.

“You mean, with the ice platform as the boundary, you can perfectly control the ice elements above the ice platform, but below the ice platform, you are completely out of your control?”

“That’s it!” Lin Hai looked at Leng Yuru, slowly nodded.

Leng Yueru’s beautiful eyes flickered. After a while, her face suddenly changed.

“Girl Yueru, do you know the reason here?”

Lin Hai also stood up and made Leng Yueru so shocked that things were definitely not easy!

“There is only one explanation for this weird thing!”

“What’s the explanation?” Lin Hai asked in surprise.

“With the ice platform as the boundary, the ice elements in the upper and lower pieces of space are not the same substance!”

“Ah?” Leng Yueru said, making Lin Hai startled a little.

“Let me tell you this!” Leng Yueru stared directly at Lin Hai. “What cultivation base are you now?”

“Golden Core Middle-Stage?” Lin Hai didn’t understand why Leng Yueru asked to a question, when already knows the answer.

“So before you practice?” Leng Yueru asked again.

“Before cultivation, it is naturally an ordinary person!”

“But regardless of you in the Golden Core Middle-Stage or you in the ordinary person, you, or you!” Leng Yuru flashed a rays of light in his eyes, saying word by word.

“Me, or me?” Lin Hai frowned, then his eyes suddenly flashed.

“Girl Yueru, do you mean that the same Heaven and Earth elements are also graded? The ice element under the ice platform is a more advanced ice element?”

“Smart!” Leng Yuru corner of the mouth slightly raised with a smile.

“Such a thing like this?” Lin Hai felt a novelty.

“Lin Hai, I have a word to remind you!” Leng Yueru suddenly looked at Lin Hai and said with a look of solemnity.

“What kind of advice does the girl Yueru have to say!”

“The ice element that you can control is obviously the lowest-level ice element. This level of Heaven and Earth element is also the element that most cultivators control.”

“However, in this world, there are extremely few High Rank elements. High Rank elements are extremely difficult to communicate, but once communication is successful, the strength will change qualitatively!”

“Under the 100 meters of this XNUMX-year-old ice cave, it is definitely the ice element of High Rank. Opportunities are rare. Don’t miss it in the future!”

“Oh?” Lin Hai’s eyes lit up. If that’s the case, it’s a great thing!

But soon, Lin Hai suddenly noticed that what Leng Yueru was talking about turned out to be future!

“Girl Yueru, can’t I communicate now?”

Leng Yueru shook the head with helpless expression on his face.

“High Rank’s Heaven and Earth elements have their own pride. They only follow the approved powerhouse. With your cultivation base at this time, even if your affinity is strong, there is no chance of success.”

“You mean, are they conscious?” Lin Hai was startled, a little incredible!

“You can say so!” Leng Yueru nodded, “The low-level elements need communication, the High Rank elements need approval!”

“But these are also recorded in an ancient book. No one knows what it is. After all, they can control the cultivator of the High Rank element, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.”

“But one thing is for sure, whoever appears to be in charge of the High Rank element is the cultivation base above Earth Immortal!”

“Hu ~” Leng Yueru’s words immediately made Lin Hai’s enthusiasm burn out, and it instantly extinguished, but Lin Hai’s eyes flashed firm eyes.

“That being the case, wait until I step into Earth Immortal, come here again, and surrender it!”

Solving the doubts in his heart, Lin Hai took out his mobile phone, opened the Universe Bag on WeChat, and then found the synthesized treasure map!

Touch your finger to display the treasure map information.

Treasure map: You can enter the land of the God hidden treasure as shown in the picture, and there is a big secret hidden in it!

After Lin Hai read the information, he raised his eyebrows and moved a little!

“Amazing secret!”

No wonder in the realm of the world, the agents of the four countries are chasing after this sheepskin scroll, even offering a reward of 4 billion. It turns out that this treasure map is really more than that.

“Just wondering what the shocking secret is, what will it be?”

Lin Hai pressed the extract to take the treasure map out of the Universe Bag, spread it flat in his hand, and carefully look it up.

In the picture, the winding path leads to a continuous row of high mountains. Behind the high mountains is a forest covered by mist. In the middle of the forest, a large red circle is drawn!

The picture is simple, but one can understand at a glance that the location of the treasure is the red circle in the forest.

“This is where?”

Lin Hai frowned, there were only mountains and forests, and it seemed that he couldn’t identify the specific place at all!

Leng Yueru and Yu Tianze also got up and came together, and moved towards the treasure map.

“Girl Yueru, do you know where this is?”

“It should not be the Earth Immortal world!” Leng Yueru shook the head, said.

“Jade girl, do you know?” Lin Hai asked again, and found that Yu Tianze didn’t answer, and he couldn’t help but lifts the head.

Later, I saw Yu Tianze staring at the treasure map, pretty face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear!

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