Chapter 1186 With Me, You Will Never Be Alone!

“How are you?”

At the entrance of Wannian Ice Cave, Leng Yueru, completely surrounded by a cloud of black fog, asked moved towards Lin Hai, with a hint of concern.

“It’s not a big problem!” Lin Hai took a deep breath, the whole body was flashing with fiery-red flames, and the hot high-temperature Ice-Cold Qi that would be invaded by it, the burning crackling and turning into a constant rising mist.

Along the way, nearly 30% of Zhen Qi was consumed by Lin Hai. At the entrance of the ice cave, the biting icy cold made Lin Hai’s Fire Yuan prime all a little irritable, but it was not enough to let Lin Hai flinch!

“Girl Yueru, let’s go in!”

Lin Hai’s eyes flashed firm, before stepping into the ice cave.


As soon as I entered, Lin Hai’s body shook suddenly. The extreme coldness broke through the blockade of the Fire Yuan element, and an icy cold, like an awl, invaded Lin Hai’s within the body!

Lin Hai’s face changed abruptly, his body surface was instantly covered with frost, his blood stopped flowing, and even his thoughts were almost frozen!

“Hah! ”

Lin Hai shouting loudly, and then a flame rose from within the body, instantly swallowing the coldness of the body, and the frost on the surface was directly evaporated and melted!

“hmph! ”

Only at this moment, Lin Hai was a groan. Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, a face became blue and purple, and a deep shock flashed in his eyes.

“It’s okay?” Leng Yueru’s worried voice sounded again. The black mist on the body surface became denser and denser, making her silhouette almost invisible.

“It’s okay, but I can’t think of Ice-Cold Qi here, it’s more terrifying than I thought!” Lin Hai panted slightly, shook the head, with a hint of fear in his tone.

Just a moment ago, Lin Hai was frozen to almost suffocation. If it were not for the body Zhen Qi to burn automatically, and turned into countless Fire Yuan elements, the invading Ice-Cold Qi would be destroyed instantly, I am afraid the price I paid would be great!

“You first realized Dao of Fire. Although it has super top grade affinity, it still lacks in application and control.” Leng Yueru aside, said lightly.

“When you can fully communicate with Fire Yuan and reach Heaven and Person Unites As One, you are fire and fire is you. At that time, you will have no fear of this ice-cold force, but if you reach this step, even if you Innate talent is outstanding, not overnight. “

“You have been traveling for 500 years, and the body of Golden Core has been able to enter this ice cave. It is very important that you still have to be cautious at the moment. It is possible that Fire Yuan will be used by you to ensure your integrity!”

“Okay, I’m understood!” Lin Hai nodded, immersed in his heart, and fully experienced the Fire Yuan element, controlling the Fire Yuan element to constantly surround himself, never giving Ice-Cold Qi a chance!

In the ice cave, there are long steps, all covered by hard and bright ice. Above the head, countless huge Icicles are flashing cold light, like a path of sharp sword, giving a very oppressive and powerful trend.

“This ice cave’s steps are artificially constructed. Who can have this magical power?” Lin Hai started slowly and cautiously as he descended down the ice steps, shocked.

Leng Yueru’s expression was very calm, with a flash of aura in her beautiful eyes, and her tone was flat.

“Great Expert, move mountain, collapsing sea, open sky, omnipotent, it is not unusual to build stairs in this XNUMX-year-old ice cave!”

“I am afraid that such a great expert has a higher realm than Nascent Soul? I don’t know where the cultivation base is to have this magical power?” Lin Hai asked curiously.

Leng Yuru said in a tone, and flashed a rays of light in his eyes.

“Earth Immortal !”

“Earth Immortal ?!” Lin Hai frowned, slowly nodded.

Today Lin Hai is just the Golden Core Human Immortal. The most powerful powerhouse I have ever come in contact with is the powerful Nascent Soul power like Leng Yueru. As for Earth Immortal, it is too far away from him, even a vague understanding in his mind. ,nothing!

The two talked while walking towards the difficult moved towards the bottom. Every one meter, Ice-Cold Qi would be a little bit, and it would take more Zhen Qi to deal with it. As it went deeper, the Fire inside Yuan is obviously reduced.

After walking down more than 30 meters, Zhen Qi of Lin Hai within the body, because of the continuous aggregation of Fire Yuan elements, consumes a huge amount, leaving only about XNUMX%, and has to take out a medicine pill supplementing Zhen Qi and send it to the entrance.

“Would you like one?”

“No, I know the way, the sex is cold and not too expensive!” Leng Yueru shook his head and refused.

Lin Hai recovered for a moment, took a deep breath, and moved towards walking below again.

At this time, I only walked out for more than ten meters and reached a place about 50 meters. Lin Hai had to stop again and swallow a medicine pill, and then frowned deeply!

“I’m afraid I can’t continue down!” Lin Hai smiled bitterly.

Lin Hai can clearly feel that the Fire Yuan element below is even more scarce. The flame on his body has reached the critical point. Even if he takes one step forward, I am afraid that it will be instantly engulfed by the strong Ice-Cold Qi.

“It’s quite amazing to be able to get here, that Island Lord, but we have only reached this step!” Leng Yueru comforted Lin Hai, and then glanced down at moved towards.

“You’re waiting for me here, I keep going down and see if I can reach 100 meters!”

“Okay, then you’re careful, don’t force it!” Lin Hai ordered, Leng Yueru nodded, in the dark mist package, and continued to go down slowly.

“I hope it will be successful!” Watching Leng Yueru’s extremely slow movement, Lin Hai exhales one breath saying for a long time, then both eyes are slightly closed, his mind is completely immersed, and he will fully communicate with the little Fire Yuan prime, and the raging Ice-Cold Qi Fighting.

I don’t know how long, Lin Hai’s consciousness was plunged into the darkness, and the fiery-red light dots beating around him tightly surrounded him in the center, like a loyal warrior, the guardian’s not one drop of water can leak out.

“That’s Fire Yuan!”

Lin Hai is no stranger to these fiery-red spots. There is a spiritual communication with them. They can clearly feel the anxiety and uneasiness of these Fire Yuan.

Around the Fire Yuan element, there are countless white light spots, with an extremely cold atmosphere, is madly engulfing the Fire Yuan element and swallowing it, wantonly!

“Ice element!”

In Lin Hai’s consciousness, these white spots were immediately identified.


At the same time, the icy elements of the sky suddenly trembled, and even stopped the attack on the Fire Yuan element, floating quietly in the air.

Lin Hai hesitated, and then surprised to find that in his heart, there seemed to be a very delicate connection with these ice elements.

“I can feel their arrogance and indifference!”

“But under this indifferent appearance, they are full of loneliness, but their hearts are fiery and eager to care!”

Lin Hai’s heart is turned over and down, looking at the ice elements in the sky, just like watching an iceberg woman who hides her true self with a cold appearance. The extreme loneliness and longing for love make Lin Hai thrilled!

Uncontrollable, Lin Hai slowly stretched out his hands and opened his arms!

“Come on, I understand you!”

“We will be the best partners and friends!”

It seemed that he understood the words of Lin Hai. These ice elements suddenly messed up, while Lin Hai moved towards Fire Yuan and waved his hand. Immediately in front of him, a channel appeared.

“With me, you will never be alone again!”

Lin Hai said this, the sky’s ice element, suddenly and sharply trembling, Lin Hai clearly felt that they began to be excited and started to excite, and finally turned out to be just like Fire Yuan, cheerful like a child!


The next moment, the icy elements of the sky suddenly converged into a cold current, and rushed to Lin Hai in an instant, surrounded him in the middle, and jumped up cheerfully!

At the same time, Lin Hai’s consciousness suddenly woke up, his eyes suddenly opened, and even Bingfeng was flashing, Qi Han was so boned!

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