Chapter 1184 Before You, What’s Your Face At All?

Island Lord’s face changed wildly, and all his actions were performed. The whole body instantly appeared countless white rays of light, and wanted to shake off the black mist that entangled himself.

No matter how soon, white rays of light appeared, and they were swallowed up by the black mist without any resistance.

Island Lord’s heart trembled and his muscles twitched. Although the same was Nascent Soul Middle-Stage, Leng Yueru’s deeds were much higher than him. He was as vulnerable as a baby in Leng Yueru’s hands.


In the next moment, the body of Island Lord burst instantly, and the blood mist drifted away. Then, a baby the size of Island Lord, but only the size of a palm, rose into the sky, with a terrifying color in his eyes!


Leng Yueru’s eyes were cold, and his jade fingers stretched out, Nascent Soul moved towards Island Lord, one finger away!


A cloud of black mist, like a bubble, Nascent Soul, who will flee in an instant, is trapped in it and cannot move half a step!


Seeing that Leng Yueru was about to smash him, Nascent Soul of Island Lord screamed in panic!

Leng Yueru moved slowly, glancing at Nascent Soul lightly.

“Why, now you regret it?”

Nascent Soul meets Leng Yueru’s cold, knife-like gaze, suddenly shivered, and endless fear is revealed in his eyes.

At the moment when the fleshy body was broken, the Island Lord’s psychology collapsed instantly, and a strong survival ** arose in his heart.

Only by approaching death infinitely do you know how terrifying death is!

For life, what glory and dignity, all of them are shit, as long as you can live, everything can be abandoned!

“Don’t kill me!” Island Lord trembled, moved towards Lin Hai, begging for help.

“Hmph!” Lin Hai coldly smiled, “I knew it so, why bother!”

After speaking, Lin Hai silhouette flickered for a while, then the outlook changed, and the occult materials had been put away.

“Let’s go back to Island Lord’s House. As for killing you, it depends on whether you have enough value!”

With that said, Lin Hai turned and headed straight for Island Lord House.

Leng Yueru looked up, glanced at Island Lord’s Nascent Soul, followed the beckoned, held him in the palm, followed Lin Hai.

Island Lord’s Nascent Soul was held in his hand by Leng Yueru, his heart trembling violently with fear.

He knows how attractive Nascent Soul is to a cultivator.

“Will this Hai Lin refining me?”

The idea of ​​terrifying flashed in the mind of Island Lord Nascent Soul, making him more afraid and upset.

“I knew that, so I ate Divine Pill, what can I do?”

“I blame this horrible woman. She thought she was going to die, and she could get more bargaining chips. Didn’t expect that she would do it without any hesitation!”

Island Lord Nascent Soul’s intestines are regretful, but it ’s too late to say anything now, the only thing I hope is to be able to keep myself in the form of Nascent Soul, do n’t be refining as a big supply!

The previous fierce fighting has already alarmed the people in the city. At this moment, the city was exceptionally quiet, and there was no pedestrian on the street. No one would dare to come out of such terrifying things, for fear of causing trouble.

On the way, Yu Tianze, who had woke up, and Little Hong also rushed over, and the three of them arrived at Island Lord House soon.

“Someone’s here!” The two guards of the Island Lord House didn’t know what happened. When they saw Lin Hai and the others, they were shocked and ready to stop people!

But when you look at the face of Lin Hai and the others, especially the cold face of Leng Yueru, the backs of the two people suddenly burst into a cool air, revealing the color of deep fear!

“This great aunt, how come back?”

Lin Hai and the others, ignored the two guards directly, and entered the Island Lord House!

The two guards froze for a while before they reacted, crying out in surprise!

“Someone broke into Island Lord House!”

The two of them watched Lin Hai and the others enter, but they didn’t stop. If the Island Lord knew it, it would be a death penalty!

But if you chase it, think of terrifying by Leng Yueru, they don’t have the guts!

Just don’t know how to be good, suddenly a charming silhouette appeared in front of me.

“Two big brothers ~”

The numbing sound made the two guards tremble, and the soul almost flew.

I turned my head sharply, and suddenly my eyes straightened, and my saliva flowed down unconsciously.

“Giggle!” Zhen Shuang giggled, covering his small mouth, moved towards the two guards, rolling a wink.

Both guards were stupid, and drooled on the ground, breathing quickly.

“Can anyone go in?” Zhen Shuang stretched out Bai Nen’s arm, put it on one of the guards, drew it to his ears, and blew his breath, like a moan, charmingly.

“Ah, ah!” The guards were nodded again and again, the words would not be said.

“Giggle, thank you!” Zhen Shuang winked and winked, almost turning over the two guards and twisting his waist into the house.

“By the way, don’t let anyone in!” Zhen Shuang took two steps and suddenly turned around, said charmingly.

“Yes!” The two guards backed up, leaving only Zheng Shuang’s order in mind!

In the Fuzhong, Lin Hai sat in the upper position, Leng Yueru and Yu Tianze stood side by side, and Nascent Soul of Island Lord, with full of fear, stood opposite Lin Hai.

“Say, what do you want to do for your life?” Lin Hai looked at the Island Lord Nascent Soul on the ground, and said lightly.

“I can let you use Transmission Gate for free!”

Lin Hai slipped his lips, revealing a disdainful expression.

“Kill you, the entire island is mine, not to mention a Transmission Gate!”

Island Lord Nascent Soul’s eyes rolled sharply, and finally he clinched the teeth, and there was a pain in his heart.

“I would like to offer all the treasures I have accumulated over the years!”

After Lin Hai listened, cold light flashed in his eyes, and a murderous aura enveloped the Island Lord Nascent Soul instantly!

“Are you perfunctory me?” Lin Hai’s tone was cold, and the temperature in the room seemed to drop a lot.

Island Lord Nascent Soul shivered and shook his head in horror.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare!”

“Hmph!” Lin Hai coldly snorted, “Kill you, your treasure, it’s mine!”

“Lin Hai ~” At this moment, a soft voice that suddenly crisped into the the bones passed into Lin Hai’s ear.

Lin Hai’s heart boiled for a while, and he looked up, just to meet the eye-catching eyes cast by Zhen Shuang.

With a buzz on his head, Lin Hai couldn’t help but stand up, his eyes fell on Zhen Shuang’s body, a primitive **, quickly rose!

As soon as I couldn’t help walking, Lin Hai’s rays of light flashed in his head, instantly sober!

“Damn!” Lin Hai cursed, flushing with blush!

Fuck, this Zhen Shuang too terrifying, and even unconsciously let himself be on the road, shameful!

Zhen Shuang was watching Lin Hai come towards herself, and when she was proud of her, she found that Lin Hai got rid of it instantly, and her eyes flashed with surprise.

“What are you doing here?” Lin Hai frowned, coldly.

Nascent Soul of Island Lord, after seeing Zhen Shuang, suddenly burst into ecstasy.

“Love concubine, save me, save me!” Island Lord Nascent Soul moved towards Zhen Shuang begged madly.

“Island Lord!” Zhen Shuang saw Island Lord in the form of Nascent Soul, and suddenly cry out in surprise.

“It’s me, Concubine! Lin Hai and you are fellow citizens. Please help me to plead and let him forgive me!” Island Lord Nascent Soul burst into tears, and she has taken Zhen Shuang as the last straw!

Zhen Shuang looked at the Island Lord Nascent Soul, the rays of light in his eyes flashed with surprise, and then looked pitifully to Lin Hai.

“Lin Hai, can you give me face and spare Husband?”

Island Lord Nascent Soul saw Zhen Shuang and really pleaded for himself. He immediately overjoyed and looked at Lin Hai nervously.

“What face do you have in front of me?” Lin Hai coldly smiled, disdainful.

Although he and Zhen Shuang knew each other, they didn’t have any friendship. On the contrary, they still had resentment. How would Lin Hai give her face?

Zhen Shuang pretty face changed immediately, and what else did she want to say, Lin Hai turned her head and looked at the desperate Island Lord Nascent Soul.

“Finally ask you again, is there a treasure, can you exchange your life!”

Island Lord Nascent Soul was full of fear, his eyes flickered, and he was thinking quickly, but he couldn’t think of anything. There could be something more precious than Nascent Soul!

Lin Hai saw Island Lord Nascent Soul not talking for a long time, and suddenly the murderous intention shot, and he spoke coldly.

“Since not, let’s die!”

Lin Hai’s words fell, and a devastating coercion fell upon Island Lord Nascent Soul.

Island Lord Nascent Soul turn pale with fright, cry out in surprise!

“Wait a minute, there! I think of it!”

At the edge of life and death, Island Lord Nascent Soul’s dive light flashed in his head and finally thought of something!

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