Lin Wen ran into the room, and after a while, took out an old military shoulder bag.

“Let’s go.” Lin Wen’s mood suddenly fell into the car.

“Well, think of Dad again?” Song Qin asked behind, sighed.

“This is the only thing left by the Old Master. If the Old Master is still there, and follow Sea Child to enjoy the blessing in the city, it should be very comforting.” Lin Wen stroked the bag, feeling sad for a while.

Lin Hai also became silent.

Father said the Old Master is Lin Hai’s grandfather, Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng’s deepest impression to Lin Hai is that the Old Master is very kind. He likes to hold Lin Hai on his lap and tell him his story when he fought.

But Lin Hai was 7 years old when Lin Cheng suddenly left the house.

Parents and uncles, except Sun Guizhi, went out for more than ten days and found no one.

Since then, Lin Chengcheng has no news, even understood death or life.

Lin Hai was still young at that time, only remembering that when his parents and uncles returned, they ran to the second uncle’s house and had a big fight with Sun Guizhi, and even almost started to fight.

As for why grandfather ran away from home, Lin Hai had no impression.

“Dad, why did grandfather run away from home?” Lin Yun asked the question.

“Hmph, it’s not because of that Sun Guizhi!” When it comes to this, Lin Wen suddenly came to fire again.

“It’s her again?” Lin Yun felt disgusted for a moment when mentioning Sun Guizhi.

“Who isn’t she?” Lin Wen slammed the armrest.

“Dad, what’s going on?” Lin Hai also wanted to know why.

“Well.” Lin Wen sighed.

“That year, when you second uncle got married, wasn’t your family unable to afford furniture? As soon as I discussed it with your mother, I moved all of our new furniture to keep them from getting married.”

“As a result, guess what? On the second day of the move, she asked her mother to move her brother away, and then asked your grandfather to ask for a new set of 2 large pieces, otherwise it will not be with you second uncle gets married. “

“How can your grandfather have money? The Old Master sold the house with a ruthlessness, and he bought them a new set of furniture and 4 large pieces, and then you married the second uncle.”

“The marriage is over, but your grandfather and your uncle have no house to live with. I’ll discuss it with your second uncle. Then, every six months, live in rotation.”

“At our house in the first half of the year, nothing is wrong. In the second half of the year, it ’s your turn to go to your second uncle’s house. As a result, Sun Guizhi refused to let go. I quarreled with your uncle and you aunt, and my neighbors could not see When she passed, she came out to talk to her, and she reluctantly agreed to let you live in grandfather, but your uncle did not care what she said. There was no way. Your uncle lived in your aunt’s house. “

“Why would you think that this would hurt your grandfather. If we knew it earlier, even if we were bitter, we would let your grandfather live with us.” Lin Wen’s voice choked.

“This Sun Guizhi is so abominable, what next?” Lin Yun asked.

“Next, oh! Your grandfather lived less than a month and suddenly left home. We later heard from your second uncle’s neighbor that Sun Guizhi did not have a good face for your grandfather, 60-year-old man. Every day, I either fight or scold, just take one meal a day, and let me live with the donkey at night … “Lin Wen couldn’t say any more, this tough man burst into tears.

“Poor my old father, our brother-in-law and your aunt are not your grandfather’s biological ones. They were all adopted by your grandfather. As a result, the good people didn’t report it well. You second uncle lost a nest and let Sun Guizhi take your grandfather. It hurts! “

“What!” Lin Hai was shocked. He didn’t know until now that father several brothers were not born by grandfather.

That grandfather’s kindness to father several brothers is very important.

Based on Lin Hai’s understanding of father and the two Uncle characters, they are not filial, grandfather should have been living with his children for years, but everything is because of this Sun Guizhi …

Lin Hai grew more and more angry and suddenly stopped the car suddenly.

“What’s the matter with you, Xiaohai.” Song Qin asked in a hurry when he saw something wrong.

“I’m going back, and I’ve lost Sun Guizhi.” Lin Hai’s eyes were blood-red, remembering grandfather’s affection for himself when he was a kid, and he was completely furious.

“Forget it, so many years have passed, and besides, you have her abolished, what about your second uncle?” Song Qin shook the head.

“Why is this the second uncle!” Lin Hai slammed the steering wheel in anger.

After listening to Lin Hai grandfather, the atmosphere in the car suddenly became dull and depressed.

No one said a word until it entered the downtown area of ​​Jiangnan City.

“Squeak!” Lin Hai stopped at the high-speed intersection and walked down.

The big truck stopped behind.

Guo Fei jumped out of the car and shook hands with Lin Hai.

“Sea Child, let’s break up here. It was originally to help you move, but as a result, we didn’t move anything. Instead, we moved ten cases of wine for ourselves, which made me a little embarrassed.”

“Haha, Brother Guo is very kind to say so. Although I haven’t moved home this time, but you have helped me a lot and shocked Xiao Xiao for me. I still want to thank you.” Lin Hai said with a smile .

“Okay, don’t say anything, you will need to use your brother Guo’s place in the future, despite speaking.”

“Well, okay, after Guo Guo went back, say hello to the commander for me!”

After breaking up with Guo Fei, Lin Hai and Guangtou Qiang drove back to the villa.

As soon as he entered the villa, Lin Wen grinned.

“Xiaohai, let’s live here, like Xiaoyanglou, Zhen Qi.”

“Aiya, the environment in this place is so good. I also bring a small courtyard. I’m bored to grow a vegetable garden.” Song Qin also sighed.

“What kind of vegetable garden do you think it’s still in the village? You can’t lose it!” Lin Wen reprimanded.

“I’ll do it for you!” The two quarreled again.

“Wow, brother, is there an open-air swimming pool. Can I go swimming?” Lin Yun asked with excitement.

“Yes, you can go at any time.” Lin Hai replied with a smile.

Seeing the reaction of his family, Lin Hai was also very happy.

The car stopped in front of Lin Hai’s villa. Guangtou Qiang hurried off and ran over to help Lin Wen open the door.

Lin Wen seems to enjoy this treatment, watching Guangtou Qiang nodded for a while.

“That strong boy, you and Xiaohai are always called Master Master. What are you learning with Xiaohai?”

“Learn to fight!”


Your sister!

Will he speak?

Lin Hai almost went to kick him.

“Learning to fight?” Lin Wen frowned, and then looked at Guangtou Qiang’s appearance.

“Xiaohai, come down!” Lin Wen’s face pulled down.

Lin Hai fiercely gave Guangtou Qiang a glance.

“Dad, I learned a little with my teacher Fu from our school. He wants to learn kung fu with me.”

Lin Hai hastily moved towards Guangtou Qiang and winked.

“Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m a martial arts fan, and I want to learn Buddha Mountain Shadowless Foot with Master! I was just kidding you.”

Guangtou Qiang said, and also put on a Huang Feihong’s shape, but just matched his image, how to look funny.

Lin Wen was amused.

“Then you teach others well, the strong son is good.”

In a word, Lin Wen almost moved Guangtou Qiang to cry.

Mad, finally someone said I’m fine.

“That’s natural.” Lin Hai agreed, thinking in his heart that it was time to teach Guangtou Qiang something.

After all, he called himself Master for such a long time, and Lin Hai also saw that Guangtou Qiang was sincere to himself.

“I don’t care what you learn, just don’t take a detour.”

“Don’t worry, Dad, you don’t know yet, your son.” Lin Hai said as he opened the door of the villa.

“Ah !!!” Lin Yun just screamed as soon as the door opened.

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