Chapter 1170: Cloud Lake Small Building

Leng Yueru raised her eyebrows, did not hurt the killer, but did not let them down. The huge force in her hands instantly made the two middle-aged men of the Golden Core Middle-Stage flushed, almost suffocating!

“You scumbag, is Island Lord your place to spit!”

“Release me 2 quickly, otherwise the Island Military Leader will surely crush you!”

The faces of the two men were embarrassed, and with vicious eyes, moved towards Leng Yueru’s vicious roar.

Leng Yueru’s words to the two were unheard of, but he just held them quietly and let them shave their hands.

Lin Hai took a step forward, looking gloomy and looking at the two people coldly said.

“We just came to see the Island Lord and didn’t offend the two. Why bother to make sarcastic remarks? Don’t you even understand the truth of the disaster?”

“Enough talk, so for me this bitch dare 2 people imagine Island Lord, the door did not!”

“Then I’ll kill you!” Leng Yueru’s eyes suddenly shot with a murderous intention, his voice cold like a knife, and the two of them suddenly shivered, feeling the death threat.

They trembled with no doubt, this terrifying woman, how dare to kill them!

“If you dare to kill us, Island Lord won’t let you go!” The two finally showed fear and threatened!

“We were meant to meet Island Lord. Since Island Lord will appear if you kill you, that would be great!”

After speaking, Leng Yueru’s eyes were cold and his hands were suddenly strained. The two middle-aged men suddenly became stiff, and their eyes showed endless fear, and their tongues were spit out.

Lin Hai was shocked. Just before approaching, he was about to stop Leng Yueru, but he heard a terrifying voice, and suddenly made it in the mouths of two middle-aged men.

“Forgive, forgive!”

“Island Lord is not in the house!”


Leng Yueru waved his hands and threw two middle-aged men to the ground.

“Where is Island Lord? Say!”

“If there is a lie that draws you away, you will never be reincarnate!”

The two middle-aged men met Leng Yueru’s knife-like eyes, and they were shivered.

“Island Lord, here, at Xiaohu in Yunhu!”

“Yunhu Xiaozhu? Where is it!” Leng Yueru sighed softly, and two middle-aged man shiver coldly, trembling, said the location of Yunhu Xiaozhu!

“Hmph!” Leng Yueru was coldly snorted, and returned to Lin Hai without a word.

“Eh …” After getting this result, Lin Hai felt some emotions in his heart. If he planned according to the previous plan, he could talk with each other. I am afraid that these two arrogant guards would not pass.

“It seems that Leng Yueru’s way of acting, although a bit overbearing, is very effective!”

After being informed by Island Lord, Lin Hai rode on A’hua again, and three people and one dog moved towards Yunhu Xiaozhu.

Cloud Lake is a small building located on Cloud Lake 30 kilometers from the center of the city. In a blink of an eye, you can see the edge of Cloud Lake all the way, 3 steps a post, 5 steps a whistle, standing full of guards.

“This Island Lord’s appearance is really not small!”

Lin Hai frowned secretly. With the Island Lord’s cultivation base, these guards were naturally not used to protect him, and the rest had only one purpose, which was to highlight identity and force!

In general, most people who love to pretend to be susceptible to cymbals are arrogant and conceited, and they are not very good at dealing with them. It seems that their own business may not be smooth!

“Stand up, who!”

Soon, someone found Lin Hai and the others, a vicious person, aggressively approached and asked!

“Lin Hai, come and see Island Lord!”

“Lin Hai?” The guard looked suspiciously, looking at Lin Hai on his dog, a flash of blankness on his face.

“Among the Island Lord guests accounted by the boss, it seems the name not at all Lin Hai?”

“Wait a minute here, I’ll go through it!” After thinking about it, the guard thought it would be better to ask for advice.

Island Lord is going to do a major ceremony. In addition to the invited guests, there must be a lot of admirers. Among them, there may be some experts that can’t offend. He ca n’t afford to take this risk, even though Lin Hai is riding a dog. It’s not like expert, it’s like amusement.

“Every expert has his own way!” The guardian’s teachings emerged from the guard’s mind, and he became more and more determined.

In the middle of Yunhu Lake, there is a 7-color loft made of millennium pine wood, surrounded by the sunlight and the mist of the water of Yunhu Lake, illusory, appear indistinctly, like Immortal Realm.

In the lobby of the attic, a vaguely invisible silhouette, leaning diagonally on a large wooden chair in the center, with a touch of laziness.

In his arms, a young woman with a spring eyebrow and charming in the bones, is using her jade fingers to pull away the purple grapes on the coffee table, put it in her mouth, and then send this vague silhouette to the mouth. In the mouth.

On the opposite side of the fuzzy silhouette, at this moment, eleven men with different expressions stood up, and from time to time moved towards the woman gave a glance secretly, and the heart immediately jumped suddenly and became dry.

After swallowing a grape, the fuzzy silhouette grabbed the woman in her arms and suddenly spoke.

“A messenger to Fenglan City, have you returned?”

As soon as the words came down, a person ran outside immediately and knelt down in front of the fuzzy silhouette.

“Back to Island Lord, messenger No. 7, has not yet returned!”

“What the hell!” Although the Lord Lord’s voice was not loud, he scared the kneeling man to shivered, shiver coldly, and quickly touched his head with the head, said anxiously.

“Based on the distance, you should be back 3 days ago.”

Just then, a guard suddenly strode in, one-knee kneels.

“Reporting to Island Lord, telling the officer to see you outside!”

“Life card officer?” Island Lord froze, then sat up, and the eleven people across from him all changed their faces.

“What is he doing?” Island Lord frowned deeply. “Let him in!”


The guard stood up and walked out. After a while, a man who looked 5 to 60 years old hurried in, expressing a panic and kneeling in front of the Island Lord.

“Island Lord, major event is bad!”

His tone barely fell, and suddenly a powerful and terrifying breath landed on him instantly, making him tremble all over, suddenly stopped, and kneeled on the ground shiver coldly.

“Isn’t Duan Tianyu dead?” Island Lord’s voice, soft and gentle, made everyone in the house feel a bone of cold, and the atmosphere didn’t dare to come out.

“Island Lord, you, you have been understood?” Ming Pai officer stunned and said, “Just now, I routinely checked the life cards of the 2 main cities, City Lord, and found and found Feng Lan City City Lord Duan Tianyu Your life card is broken! “

“No wonder!” Island Lord slowly nodded, “I said, the messenger No. 7 and Duan Tianyu, how dare you not respect the order, but you are too late! It turned out to be dead!”

“Island Lord, who on earth is actually capable of killing Duan Tianyu?”

“Moreover, Duan Tianyu is one of the City Lords who have been selected by the Lord Lord as their main city. The killer is eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder.”

One of the eleven people standing next asked in shock.

“You have to look at the owner to fight the dog. Although Duan Tianyu’s life is low, he is my person. No matter who it is, I dare to violate my majesty. I will never forgive it!”

Island Lord said, and suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed the life card officer who was kneeling on the ground.

“Island Lord, Island Lord is terrible … Ah!”

The screamer screamed, and his neck was severed by the Island Lord as if he was throwing a dead dog into the lake through a window.

“Gudong!” The eleven people standing underneath suddenly showed their fear, hurriedly lowered their heads, and swallowed nervously.

“Wow, Island Lord, what you looked like when you killed, very handsome!” The woman in Island Lord’s arms suddenly showed a face of worship, said intoxicatedly.

“Hahaha, beauties like me killing?” Island Lord raised her chin, his eyes glowing.

The woman did not wait to speak, the guard outside the door, came in again, under one-knee kneels!

“Reporting to City Lord, just reported from the south gate, someone entered the city through the pass of Fenglan City!”

“Oh? Interesting!” Island Lord smirked and pinched the woman’s face. “Duan Tianyu from Fenglan City just died, and someone used his passport to enter the central city? Doesn’t the beauty think this is something strange? ? “

“Reporting to City Lord!” Suddenly, another guard came in, under one-knee kneels.

“What’s the matter?” Island Lord frowned. The guard was ignorant. Didn’t he see that there was a guard reporting?

The guard did not know at all that he had been sentenced to death for this move, and opened the mouth and said aloud.

“By the lake, there is a man who calls himself Lin Hai. Seek Island Lord!”

“Lin Hai?” Island Lord frowned, bewildered, not impressed with the name not at all.

But the woman in his arms suddenly changed her face when she heard the name Lin Hai.

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