Chapter 1158 seemingly true and seemingly illusory

“You really aren’t dead!” Lin Hai shivered and stood up, while crossing the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade across his chest, his eyes were full of astonished expression.

“Kill him together!” Yu Tianze tenderly shouted, pulling his hands to the sides, a sword of rays of light appeared in the palm of his hand, moved towards Heart Demon Wang Yaoyao stabbed, and the swordman rushed away, heading straight for Heart The key to King Demon.

“Air-Severing Slash!”

Lin Hai also knew that he couldn’t give Heart Demon Wang a breather, otherwise they would be the ones who suffered, and the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand also broke out without the slightest hesitation.

“Hahaha, let’s die together!”

Heart Demon Wang laughed heartily, and suddenly a ripple of water appeared in front of him, all blocking the blade glow sword shadow easily.

“What!” Lin Hai and Yu Tianze were shocked, and then suddenly felt tight around him, and they were enveloped by water waves appearing out of nowhere.


Heart Demon King shouting loudly, the air wave exploded in an instant, and like countless sharp arrows, penetrated into the bodies of Lin Hai and Yu Tianze, and the two of them uttered a cry and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the huge sole of King Heart Demon suddenly appeared in the air, and stepped down fiercely.

“It’s over!”

Lin Hai and Yu Tianze could not escape, they could not escape, and they were desperate.


Just at this time, a silhouette wearing a green veil, a lithe and graceful variety, like a 9 Celestial Immortal woman, dropping from the sky, a cold gaze, a trembling arm, and an air of fierce flew out, It landed directly on King Heart Demon.


Heart Demon King a loud roar, the huge body fell to the sky, the blood on his chest burst out like a fountain, twitched twice, and died.

Lin Hai and Yu Tianze avoided a catastrophe, one after another moved towards the sudden appearance of the fairy, but with this look, Lin Hai was surprised and happy!

“Xinyue, why are you here!” Lin Hai was about to get up, and pain came, but he fell to the ground again.

Liu Xinyue turned his head, looked at Lin Hai coldly, and looked at Yu Tianze, suddenly turned away and ran away!

“Xinyue, Xinyue!” Lin Hai saw Liu Xinyue and left without saying a word.

“Since I have her in my heart, why bother with me anymore.” Liu Xinyue’s voice softly swelled and fluttered down from the sky, but the person was slowly disappearing into the sky like Fairy.

“Xinyue, don’t go, Xinyue!” Lin Hai screamed in pain, and his heart suddenly became empty, as if he suddenly lost something more important than life!

“She, is Liu Xinyue?” Yu Tianze’s voice suddenly sounded behind him, with an air of resentment.

Lin Hai turned his head back suddenly, staring at Yu Tianze, with fierce rays of light in his eyes.

“It’s all you, how could Xinyue leave me without you!”

“You get out, you get out of me !!!”

“You!” Yu Tianze burst into tears, Zhu Lips shivered with anger, staring at Lin Hai for a long time, turned suddenly, and left in anger.

“Xinyue, Xinyue !!!”

Lin Hai lay on the ground, looked up at the sky, kept shouting, tears left along the corner of his eyes …

I do n’t know how long it took, Lin Hai fell asleep, and between the hazy, he felt that there was a soft little hand on his body, gently touching, that familiar feeling, let Lin Hai hum quietly, eyes opened.

“Xinyue, you haven’t left? You forgive me!” Lin Hai was overjoyed, but saw Liu Xinyue sitting next to her, the tender jade hand, gently stroked across her chest.

“Xinyue, don’t leave me, Yu Tianze and me, just because of soul problems, I explained to you before, I love you in my heart!” Lin Hai said nervously, grabbing Liu Xinyue’s little hand.

“I know, I know everything, you don’t have to say anything.”

After Liu Xinyue finished speaking, she leaned down and blocked Lin Hai’s words with her sexy mouth.

Lin Hai shuddered, full of excitement and joy, holding Liu Xinyue in his arms …

“Xinyue, I knew that you wouldn’t leave me!” After not knowing how long, Lin Hai said like a nightmare with closed eyes and a happy face.

“Liu Xinyue? Why mention her again!” Suddenly, a resentment sounded, with deep dissatisfaction.

Lin Hai’s body trembled, startled, and eyes opened, but she saw Yu Tianze next to her, tidying her clothes!

“How are you, how are you !!!”

Lin Hai’s face was unbelievable, his head banged, and it suddenly became blank.

“What happened to you? Who else can I not?” Yu Tianze asked in wonder.

“Where is Xinyue?” Lin Hai was stunned. What he saw just now was obviously Liu Xinyue. Why is it now Yu Tianze?

What the hell is going on?

“You are tired, take a good rest!” Yu Tianze stood up, kissed Lin Hai’s cheek gently, and left happily.

Looking at the silhouette where Yu Tianze left, Lin Hai shivered, his eyes were terrified, his body was cold, and he fainted again.

I don’t know how long it has been, Lin Hai slowly opened his eyes, and looked confused, moved towards all around.

But I saw that I was in a dark cave, and in front of me, there was a bunch of bonfires. The beating flames were like Lin Hai’s mood at this time, unable to calm down!

“Are you awake?” A weak voice sounded behind him.

Lin Hai turned his head back, but saw that Yu Tianze was sitting behind himself with a look of exhaustion, sweat drenched in his clothes, the hair on his forehead, a few strands of hair hanging down, don’t have a charming smell.

But Lin Hai couldn’t care less about it. He stood up and looked at Yu Tianze with a look of anger.

“what did you do to me?!”

Yu Tianze froze, then laughed puzzled.

“You were seriously injured and fainted. I brought you here to heal.”

Lin Hai said a word, flashed in his mind the scene of his previous injury, he did faint in Yu Tianze’s arms, but!

Lin Hai’s mind reappeared that seemingly true and seemingly illusory!

“Is that fake?”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible! I personally experienced, how might it be fake?”

Lin Hai stared blankly at Yu Tianze, his brain was confused, as if lost.

Suddenly, Lin Hai thought of a key point, suddenly looked at Yu Tianze, and asked seriously.

“Did Xinyue come during my fainting?”

“Liu Xinyue?” Yu Tianze froze, and it was not easy to notice a flash of dissatisfaction in his eyes, and then shook the head.

“So, before that, has anything happened between us and anything that transcended the boundaries?”

Yu Tianze glanced at Lin Hai with a little surprise, then smiled charmingly, and put his little hand gently on Lin Hai’s chest, and the jade lips opened slightly.

“What do you want to happen to me?”

“Let’s go!” Lin Hai pushed Yu Tianze rudely away, his emotions suddenly became excited and confused.

“What’s going on, what’s going on!”

“Which ones are true and which are fake?”

“Is King Heart Demon dead? Has Xinyue ever been here? Before and myself … Is that woman Xinyue or Yu Tianze?”

Just as Lin Hai’s thoughts were in a mess, suddenly ding dong sounded, and WeChat rang.

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