Chapter 1153 I only know that you are all mys!

“It really is a human cultivator, hahaha!”

“I haven’t tasted the taste of human cultivator for a long time.

“How come there is only one, no distribution at all!”

Close and numerous, Heart Demon giant beast of indistinguishable quantity, all came over, like countless towering mountains, surrounded Lin Hai imperviously in the center, his eyes glowed and talked with interest.

“This human was first discovered in our eastern waters, and now I declare sovereignty over him!”

“Fart, obviously we first arrived in the south waters, this human belongs to us!”

“The message is from our west waters, and it belongs to our west waters!”

“Don’t make any noise, since the damn Island Lord has issued a hunting order to keep us ashore, we haven’t eaten humans for a long time, and it’s so easy to have one today, you just give us North Sea Territory!

“Why, wishful thinking!”

“That is, this person class is ours!”


“Huh?” Lin Hai was all ready for a desperate fight. I didn’t expect this group of Heart Demon giant beasts to be the same as the previous five, so let’s start the internal conflict.

From their discourse, Lin Hai also analyzed that this group of Heart Demon giant beasts was divided into 4 groups. Without a unified leader, each group wanted to take themselves as their own, and they would argue.

“It looks like there’s a turning point!” This group of Heart Demon giant beast has obviously regarded Lin Hai as something in his pocket, and is not in a hurry to do something with Lin Hai. Lin Hai’s brain immediately spins up and thinks about his escape strategy.

It is a last resort to hide in the holy realm. Lin Hai does not want to use it. Although Rolling Curtains can make a short Space Jump, the wind blade of the space mezzanine is too horrible. Lin Hai can’t move far in it at all. Come out and still cannot escape.

When I think about it, it seems that only by virtue of the Dafa magical power, a blood path has been killed.

“Burned them!” Cold light flashed in Lin Hai’s eyes, and a decision was made immediately!

“Can you stop fighting, let ’s take down this human before talking about it?” At this time, finally, there was a clearer Heart Demon giant beast, and suddenly stood out, moving towards many Heart Demon giant beasts.

“You have to make it clear that this human can’t run anyway!”

“That is, in case anyone starts, who doesn’t pay attention to swallowing people directly, where can we justify?”

“Yes, this human is impossible to escape. It is not a concern. Let’s decide to belong first!”

“You don’t need to discuss the issue of belonging again!” Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in the ears of this group of Heart Demon giant beast, and immediately made them all stunned, moved towards Lin Hai and looked.

“Is it you talking?”

“Very well, then say to yourself, which side do you want to belong to, and who are you willing to let you eat you!”

Lin Hai looked disdainful, sneered, and showed a Murderous intention in his eyes!

“Where do I belong? I don’t know, I just know that you all belong to me!”

Lin Hai’s words made all these Heart Demon giant beasts stunned. Before they could react, he was shocked to find that Lin Hai’s forehead suddenly showed a vertical slit.

“Look, he has 3 eyes!”

Heart Demon giant beast When they were curious, Lin Hai suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a few words!

“Supernatural, Burning Heavens!”


Instantly, Lin Hai’s third little purple flame flickering in her eyes suddenly turned into numerous purple light spots.

“Well, don’t you think it’s suddenly hot?”

“Yeah, it feels like I’m on fire!”

“Look at it, why is it so red?”

Just as this group of Heart Demon giant beast was in surprise, suddenly countless flames suddenly fell from above, instantly burning the entire Sea Territory into a fire sea!

“Ah, I’m on fire!”

“Help me, burn me!”

The sky fire fell, and this hundreds of thousands of Heart Demon giant beasts were all enclosed in it, the flames fell on them, and the Heart Demon giant beast was swallowed up instantly, and the terrible cry was endless!

“go with!”

Lin Hai suddenly coldly shouted, and the blood skull flew out again, rising into the air and spinning rapidly.

“Run away, or you will all die!”

“What fire is this, why not afraid of water, my tail, ah !!!”

Heart Demon giant beast instantly messed up, surrounded by the fire sea, fleeing wildly.

No matter what, under the magical Burning Heavens, this piece of Sea Territory is all surrounded by fire, there is no escape gap at all, and there are countless flames in the sky, which keep falling down.

This group of Heart Demon giant beasts suddenly seemed to be wrapped in their pockets and could not escape at all. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of them were burned to the ashes by flames.

“Oh, life, human power!”

The Heart Demon giant beasts, who were lucky enough to survive, each revealed extremely terrifying expressions, while avoiding the flames, while roaring from the village completely to break, they begged Lin Hai for mercy.

Lin Hai was coldly smiled, unmoved.

Not to mention that he would never save these Heart Demon giant beasts. Even if he wanted to save, once the magical Burning Heavens was performed, even Lin Hai couldn’t extinguish the flame, how could he save it?

To blame, you can only blame this group of Heart Demon giant beast to find the dead end.

Looking at the entire piece of Sea Territory, it was burned by the fire and turned into a red piece. Before that, hundreds of Heart Demon giant beasts, one by one, were burned to ashes. Lin Hai grew a Tone, knowing that the crisis is over.

When the last Heart Demon giant beast was wrapped in flames and howled in pain, Lin Hai a light shout!


Suddenly, the third eye closed, and finally there was no new flame falling from above.

Looking at the surrounding high snakes, they swayed in the seawater, and the hot high temperature evaporated the seawater into gas, making the sound of zi zi, the red mist rising, Lin Hai could not help but secretly sighed.

This supernatural Burning Heavens is worthy of being the strongest supernatural power of the moment, so many Heart Demon giant beast groups, so with no difficulty, all have been wiped out, and it should not be too easy.

Fortunately, the supernatural Burning Heavens can automatically identify the enemy and me. Although Lin Hai is in the fire sea, he has no discomfort, otherwise Lin Hai himself may have already fallen to ashes!


Lin Hai Zhen Qi fluttered, his body floated directly towards the top, stopped at ten zhang from the fire snake, and quietly looked at the fire sea area below.


Suddenly, the blood skull below stopped spinning, Lin Hai followed the beckoned, and the blood skull flew back.

At the same time, a message reminder sounded in my mind.

The magic blood skull has completed the energy storage, and the current energy is 100/100.

“Fuck, I’m full!” Lin Hai suddenly gave a happy moment, and secretly figured it out. I’m afraid there are thousands of Heart Demon giant beasts that I killed with Burning Heavens?

Moreover, it will definitely not be the same level as the previous 5 silly ones, including Golden Core Middle-Stage and even Golden Core Late Stage, otherwise it may not be filled so quickly!

“The only pity is that Burning Heavens is too overbearing. Even the inner devil of Heart Demon giant beast has been burned into dregs. Otherwise, thousands of inner detains have all been refining. Why do they estimate that they will directly rise to heaven!”

As he sighed, Lin Hai’s eyelids yanked sharply, and then an extremely strong ominous premonition suddenly rose in the mind.

“Not good !”

I have n’t waited for Lin Hai ’s response, but I saw the distant sea water suddenly tumbling like a tsunami, sweeping in, and at the same time, a terrifying horror breath locked Lin Hai in an instant!


Lin Hai’s face changed drastically, his scalp exploded, and nodded ran!

But then found in horror that his body was completely confined by the seawater and could not move!

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