Chapter 1151: Sandpiper and Clam War Together

Lin Hai was crying without tears, wearing a dumb rabbit pajamas drifting golden armor, dived into the seabed again, and carefully searched for the single Heart Demon giant beast.

“There is one there!” Soon, Lin Hai found a huge Heart Demon giant beast, wandering slowly, hurriedly running Zhen Qi, and quickly came over.

When approaching the Heart Demon giant beast, Lin Hai hurriedly stopped, and looked around 4 times, seeing not at all other signs of the heart Demon giant beast appearing, clenched the teeth, rushing like an arrow off the string.

It seemed to hear the movement behind him, and Heart Demon giant beast stopped abruptly, then the huge body turned around, and the sea water tossed for a while, causing Lin Hai’s body to stagnate, and the speed slowed down instantly.

“Delicious human cultivator?”

The moment Heart Demon giant beast saw Lin Hai, he spoke human’s words, and his eyes were excited with rays of light. As wild beast saw the prey, his scarlet tongue licked his lips, and he moved directly towards Lin Hai.


At the same time, the scene in front of Lin Hai’s eyes changed, Yu Tianze’s grievance appeared in front of him, Lin Hai suddenly shivered, and quickly shook his head. The silhouette of Yu Tianze disappeared instantly, and Heart Demon giant beast was approaching.

“Damn, I almost got there!” Lin Hai secretly rejoiced, and at the same time immunized with this 50% chance of Heart Demon. He was very satisfied. As soon as Heart Demon appeared, he was immediately cleared.

However, Lin Hai kept changing his face, pretending to look like he was trapped in Heart Demon, confusing Heart Demon giant beast, and staying indifferent until Heart Demon giant beast approached.

“Hehe, in the tangled pain of Heart Demon, die slowly!” Heart Demon giant beast paused in front of Lin Hai, with an anthropomorphic smile on his huge beast’s face, in this bloody sea , More and more gloomy.

“You’ve taken it to your door, or you’ll die!”

Lin Hai suddenly sneered, and made a joke, suddenly flashing rays of light in his eyes, restored the clarity, where there is still a little confused by Heart Demon.

“You got rid of Heart Demon!”

Heart Demon giant beast was shocked, instinctively moved towards back, Lin Hai seized the opportunity, and suddenly moved towards Heart Demon giant beast behind him, making a rolling action, a light shout in his mouth!

“Rolling Curtains!”


Heart Demon giant beast receding body, just retreating into the space mezzanine, and a sudden scream came, and Lin Hai quickly flashed like lightning, just entered, and saw the dark interlayer, blood light splashing !!

Lin Hai did not blink, staring straight ahead, seeing the huge Heart Demon giant beast, cut directly into pieces by a knife-like wind blade in the space mezzanine, a blood-red Nedan appeared in mid-air.


Lin Hai waited for this moment, his fingers turned into claws, and his body jumped up. Nedan, moved towards Heart Demon giant beast, grabbed it, grabbed it in his hand, and then the person flipped in the air and broke out of the space interlayer. .

“Hu ~ too terrifying!” Lin Hai gasped slightly, looking down at moved towards his body, and saw the scratches of white on top of the quicksand golden armor. In some places, it had cracked, and some blood was flowing out.

I did not expect such tenacious quicksand gold in the space mezzanine, but it only lasted for a few breaths of time, and it was almost destroyed. If the flushy body enters and stays for so long, I am afraid that Lin Hai’s end at this moment has already been with Heart Demon giant beast It’s the same.

Fortunately, the inner Dean of Heart Demon giant beast finally got it before being crushed by the space interlayer, and Lin Hai’s purpose has been achieved.

The surrounding seawater seemed to receive a huge thrust in an instant. It was centered on Lin Hai and lined up in all directions. Around Lin Hai, a vacuum zone with a diameter of about one foot was formed.

“With this Heart Demon giant beast, Neidan did Water Repelling Bead and sneaked into seabed with no difficulty!” Lin Hai took out the induction token again, followed the strength of the rays of light flashing on the token, and went straight to the seabed to dive .

Along the way, Lin Hai was cautious. Even so, he still encountered dozens of Heart Demon giant beasts. Fortunately, these Heart Demon giant beasts were very vigilant. With a leisurely look, Lin Hai avoided in advance. It was not discovered.

Finally, Lin Hai landed on both feet and reached the seabed, but suddenly his feet sank, and the second half of his body fell directly into the mud of the seabed, which made Lin Hai startled!

“Not good !”

Lin Hai hurriedly mentioned Zhen Qi, palms moved towards the sea and shot down. With the force of rebound, he pulled his body out of the quagmire and escaped from danger.


Under the slap of Lin Hai, the sea water suddenly raged, and moved towards 4 Fang rolled away, immediately shocked several Heart Demon giant beasts not far away, shaking a huge body, running towards the direction of Lin Hai.

“A human cultivator broke in!”

Lin Hai had just adjusted her body, and was found by these coming Heart Demon giant beasts, and was immediately surrounded.

“Well!” Lin Hai was suddenly shocked. There were 5 Heart Demon giant beasts around him. It was impossible for him to pack all 5 at once if he was strong. Once he gestured, it would cause huge movement.

In this way, it will surely alarm more Heart Demon giant beast. If you want to find your passport again, it will be harder than heavenly ascension.

“Hahaha, it’s really a human cultivator. Hurry up and send a signal to inform the other Heart Demon!”

“Zhu 2 aunt, what a fool you are!”

This Heart Demon giant beast was finished, and suddenly he was pumped by the other one, watching it with scorn.

“Damn, Jia clever, why are you pumping me?”

“Why not talk about it, we finally encountered a human cultivator, and we will finish it in 5 points. If you notify other Heart Demon, you wo n’t be able to distinguish even the root hair. Are you stupid you?”

“Yeah! What didn’t I expect, you’re too smart!”

“Yeah, yeah, Jia Mingjiao is really smart!” The other ones immediately followed, Jia Mingjiao appeared instantly.

“By the way, how can we divide up later?” Suddenly, another Heart Demon giant beast asked.

“I’m the smartest, so I pick first, I want Golden Core, my head, and a thigh!” Jia Mingming was proud and said first.

“Then I’ll have another leg, plus an arm!”

“Hey, what do you two say? You are so one point, we only have one arm and one smelly belly bag for the three of us! Tell you, don’t even think about it!”

“Yeah, we don’t agree!”

There were 3 Heart Demon giant beasts left, and they immediately opposed.

“Do you disagree that it is useful? Do you have a brain? If you do n’t have a brain, you have no status. If you do n’t want to, go away!”

“Fuck, what do you say! I don’t care, I want Golden Core, the rest is up to you!”

“I want Golden Core too, Golden Core is a big supplement!”

“Go to the fuck, dare to grab the Golden Core with me, believing or not I abandon you!”

“Come, I’m afraid of you … whoops, why do you fight so hard, I fight with you!”

“Okay, dare you hit my brother, our brother will kill you!”

“Who dares to fight Jia clever, I’m with him!”


Five Heart Demon giant beasts became more noisy and fierce, and eventually rushed together and started to fight.

“Eh …” Lin Hai was beside him, looking agitated, and then suddenly smiled.

Fuck, is this IQ?

Lin Hai suddenly remembered a news that he had read. The young couple bought a lottery ticket and imagined how to share the money if they really won 5000000. In the end, due to disagreement, they fought and eventually divorced.

Now these 5 Heart Demon giant beasts, aren’t they the replicas of the young couple with mental retardation?

Looking at these five Heart Demon giant beasts, the more they hit, the more fierce, and the more fierce they became. In the end, they started to die, and Lin Hai’s heart burst into laughter.

“Hit, fiercely hit!”

“Hey, it’s wise, it knocks your smart head, can you bear it?”

“Zhu 2 愣, the two brothers spit on you and replaced me, not to death!”

“Hey, don’t fight when you fight, you can’t find anyone!

Lin Hai danced beside him, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, constantly giving 5 Heart Demon giant beasts and 5 Heart Demon giant beasts, and they became increasingly fierce.

Seeing 5 Heart Demon giant beasts, 5 defeated and wounded, on the verge of collapse, all of them suffered severe injuries, even struggling to act, Lin Hai’s eyes were suddenly light flashed.

With a thought, the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade appeared in the hands, and couldn’t help laughing.

“When the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it’s the fisherman who benefits, now it’s the big brother’s shot!”

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