Chapter 1147 Rolling Curtains

Is it extracted?


Do you study?


The magic book “Rolling Curtains” disappeared in the hands of Lin Hai instantly, and the next moment reminded the message in my mind.

Congratulations, you learned the magic-Rolling Curtains!

Lin Hai raised a brow, and immediately felt that a piece of information came into his mind, and then realized this magical power instantly, as if he was born with an instinct.

“It turns out that this Rolling Curtains has so many wonderful uses!”

Lin Hai was immediately overjoyed, this Rolling Curtains is far more than Sha said monks can escape, as long as they are used well, they can even be used to kill the enemy.

“What are you laughing at?” Yu Tianze was beside him, watching Lin Hai smirking, and asked curiously.

Lin Hai didn’t speak, with a faint smile on his face, and suddenly his arms stretched out, making a rolling action.


Suddenly, the air in front of Lin Hai fluctuated, and then the space was rolled up, as if a dark door appeared out of thin air.

“What is this?” Yu Tianze was startled, his face incredible.

“This is a space mezzanine. When you enter here, you are in another space!”

Lin Hai said, his body suddenly jumped forward, jumped in from the dark gate, and made a curtain movement, the dark gate disappeared instantly.

“Lin Hai, Lin Hai!” Yu Tianze complexion greatly changed, ran to the dark gate before, panicing for a while, but flicking with both hands, and found nothing strange at all.

“Another space!” The words Lin Hai said before immediately echoed in Yu Tianze’s mind, causing Yu Tianze’s heart to panic.

“Lin Hai, where did you go, don’t leave me alone!”

At the moment, Lin Hai was already in the space mezzanine. Before entering, he felt a sharp pain like a knife cutting. He spread all over the body and hurried to run Zhen Qi to resist the hurricane in the space mezzanine.

“My sun sister!”

Lin Hai mobilized the entire body of Zhen Qi to form the Zhen Qi shield, which appeared as soon as it was split by the hurricane and burst with a bang!

“Rolling Curtains!”

Lin Hai shouting loudly, hurriedly displayed the magical power again, rolled up the space mezzanine, and rushed out.

“Lin Hai!” Yu Tianze was losing her heart, thinking that Lin Hai had left her alone, but she couldn’t think of Lin Hai jumping out of a dozen meters ahead.

It was just that Lin Hai’s appearance at the moment surprised Yu Tianze and hurried over.

“Lin Hai, how are you?”

I saw Lin Hai at this moment, his body was blurred, and there were a few deep scars on his face, as if being cut by a knife.

“Sand monk, you’re paralyzed!” Lin Hai was so angry that he scolded the monk!

“The space mezzanine is so terrifying. If it wasn’t for the quick response, I would go in and come out. I’m afraid he would be cut into flesh later. This bastard wouldn’t tell himself!”

The pain came from all over, Lin Hai cultivation base just broke through to the Golden Core Middle-Stage, and couldn’t help shaking violently. There was an urge to die immediately. The so-called Ling Chi was nothing more. So right?

Hurrying to take out a medicine pill from the sanctuary, Lin Hai stuffed it directly into the mouth, the medicine efficacy turned away, and the pain on his body quickly disappeared, so Lin Hai put out a long breath.

Although it was a flesh wound, without hurting the bones and internal organs, this inhuman pain was enough for Lin Hai.

“This Rolling Curtains is not meaningful to the current one. Running out of ten meters at most, it can be found out that it is used to kill the enemy. It is a good magical power!”

Lin Hai personally experienced the formidable power of the space mezzanine. Although he almost lost his life, he was even more satisfied with this supernatural formidable power.

“Lin Hai, what’s the matter with you?” Yu Tianze saw Lin Hai covered with blood, but unfathomable mystery scolded the monk there, and couldn’t help worrying more about whether he was hurt too much and even his brain was broken.

“I’m fine!” Lin Hai frowned as he looked at his torn skin and gaping flesh.

“wait for me a while!”

Lin Hai finished speaking, and moved into the sanctuary with a thought.

“Lin Hai, you, why did you leave again?” Yu Tianze thought Lin Hai ran into the space mezzanine again, and stomped anxiously.

Lin Hai has already appeared in the holy realm, standing in front of Xian’er.

“Master, how did you hurt like this?” Xian’er cry out in surprise, tears almost came out, looking at Lin Hai’s face distressed.

“It’s okay, it’s just trauma.” Lin Hai laughed. “It’s just like this now, but it doesn’t look good. Xian’er, is there any way you can get me back?”

Xian’er was relieved when he heard a skin trauma, and then Lin Hai grinned resentfully.

“Master, you need to be careful in the future!”

“I know, this time it was a pure accident!” Lin Hai scratched his head and said, looking back to find the monk Sha, to settle the account, the manual of “Rolling Curtains” is simply unqualified!

“The water of Jade Pond can quickly recover from injuries,” Xian’er said suddenly.

“The water of Jade Pond?” Lin Hai almost forgot about it, and there were countless buckets of Jade Pond water in the sanctuary.

Ever since Empress Empress gave a peach feast last time, Jade Pond Fairy gave the mask to Empress Empress. Empress Empress has been used once and can no longer be separated. It has been recommended to other fairies many times. Now in Heavenly Court. Xianzhong has already opened a lot of sales.

As a result, Jade Pond Fairy emptied the entire pool and sent Lin Hai tens of thousands of barrels of Jade Pond water at one time, and it was still an oversized barrel. To this end, the Heavenly Court bath was closed for 3 days.

Lin Hai was left in the sanctuary after leaving Chen Yan with a one-year dose.

Only this time has been busy, and the mask has been sold by Jade Pond Fairy. Lin Hai has not intervened except in the supply, so forget about it.

“Some time, I have to talk to Jade Pond Fairy about dividends.”

Lin Hai walked out of Xian’er’s wood house, arrived at a room not far away, pushed in the door, and saw that the room was full of large wooden barrels filled with water from Jade Pond.

“The big brother also uses the water from the fairy bath to wash himself!”

Lin Hai Zhen Qi swayed, the broken cloth strips on his body were popped open, and he jumped into one of the wooden barrels.

“Xian’er, wait for the master to shower!”

Suddenly, Xian’er came in, swiped his fingers lightly, the long coat on his body fell to the ground, revealing the coat inside, and the smooth white skin, his eyes shy and extremely seductive.

“Ah? Don’t need to! I’ll do it myself!” Lin Hai was startled, and hurriedly shrank in the water, waving his hands again and again.

“the host……”

“No need, no need!”

“Oh!” Xian’er saw Lin Hai insist and had to pick up the clothes on the ground and ran out.

“Hu ~” Lin Hai breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly a little upset.

“Fuck, isn’t this the life that big brother had dreamed of before? Why refuse it?” Lin Hai was confused.

Under the immersion in the water of Jade Pond, the wound on Lin Hai’s body healed miraculously and quickly. In less than 5 minutes, Lin Hai had recovered as before, and even the skin was much better than before.

“No wonder the fairies use this water to bathe, it’s amazing!” Lin Hai watched his skin becoming whiter and tenderer than a woman, and clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

The injury recovered, Lin Hai was about to go out, and suddenly remembered the quicksand gold that had been put away before.

“I don’t know what it is. What can it do?”

“That’s right!” Thinking of Sha Monk casting gold body with quicksand gold, Lin Hai suddenly knew what to do with quicksand gold.

“However, go out now. The tide in the Heart Demon Sea is about to fall.”

With this in mind, Lin Hai moved out of the holy realm with a thought.

“Lin Hai, you, how are you?” Yu Tianze was completely unrecognizable before seeing Lin Hai, but now she has returned to her original shape, and her skin is white and tender, not worse than her.

“It’s okay!” Lin Hai laughed. “How’s the tide?”

Lin Hai finished speaking, lifted his eyes moved towards Heart Demon and looked at the sea, and soon his eyes flashed a little bright!

“Look, the tide is down!”

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