Chapter 1137: Whereabouts Of The Pass

“If you don’t give it, believing or not I will kill you!” Lin Hai sank, threatening coldly.

“I have already said, not because I will not give you, but I cannot give you!” Duan Tianyu narrowed his eyelids, glanced at Lin Hai, and sneered.

“Can’t give it? What do you mean!” Lin Hai asked, looking puzzled.

“This pass is made by the Island Lord and distributed to each main city. Each main city has only ten in one year. Unfortunately, 9 have been used this year!” Duan Tianyu said lazily .

“Then there is one more!” Lin Hai raised a brow and asked.

“Oh!” Duan Tianyu suddenly sighed and shook the head with regret.

“Just a month ago, there was a cultivator of Golden Core Middle-Stage. I wanted to enter the central city for an auction and took this last pass from me!”

“However, he didn’t know why, but instead of rushing into the city, he went to the Heart Demon Sea at Hundred Thousand Li Li in Northwest of Fenglan City. He was unfortunately buried there, and the pass was lost in the Heart Demon Sea!”

“Heart Demon Sea?” Lin Hai moved his heart. The Heart Demon giant beast that he had killed himself did not come from the Heart Demon Sea. He also called himself Heart Demon Prince.

However, what Lin Hai said to Duan Tianyu did not fully believe that the corner of the mouth raised, sneer.

“Do you think I will believe you?”

Duan Tianyu hehe smiled, spread his hands, and looked helpless.

“I’m all in your hands, how dare I lie to you?”

“Hmph, true or false, just search the city!” Lin Hai thought of it and took out a piece of Divine Pill!

“Eat it!” Lin Hai stretched his arm and reached in front of Duan Tianyu, said coldy.

“What is this?” Duan Tianyu suddenly changed his face and suddenly looked up.

“Control Divine Pill!”

“Is this Divine Pill ?!” Duan Tianyu cry out in surprise, and then flashed endless fear in his eyes.

“Hurry away, I won’t eat!”

“Don’t eat?” Lin Hai coldly smiled, his eyes suddenly flashed a strong murderous intention!

“Then I will kill you!”

“Hmph, whatever you want, even if I die, I won’t eat it!” Duan Tianyu coldly snorted, his jaw was raised, his eyes closed, and he looked as if he was dead.

“En?” Lin Hai hesitated, not thinking that Tian Yu was a little bit boned.

“You don’t eat, don’t I force you to eat it? With your current injury, do you still have the ability to resist?” Lin Hai stared at Duan Tianyu, coldly said.

“I can’t resist naturally, but if I am Self-destruction Golden Core, can’t you stop it?” Duan Tianyu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Hai with a sneer.

“You!” Lin Hai frowned sharply, a little annoyance raised in his heart, really didn’t expect, this section of Tian Yu was actually rather die than submit.

“Stop your trick!” Suddenly, Yu Tianze took a step forward, moved towards Duan Tianyu coldly said.

Duan Tianyu heard this, his face suddenly changed, he took a deep look at Yu Tianze, his eyes flickered.

“You simply don’t want to die, you are afraid to die!”

“You bullshit!” Duan Tianyu seemed to be stimulated, and moved towards Yu Tianze roared.

“I’m not talking nonsense, you are just determined that we will not kill you, so we will pretend here!”

Duan Tianyu froze, then suddenly laughed.

“You’re very smart! Yes, I just expect you can’t kill me!”

“Kill me, you won’t get a pass, you can never enter the center city!”

After speaking, Duan Tianyu’s face changed, and a bit of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

“But don’t doubt me before, if you dare to force me to take Divine Pill, I must Self-destruction Golden Core!”

“Hu ~” Lin Hai long put out a breath and frowned at Duan Tianyu.

“Say, what do you want to do?”

Lin Hai really didn’t expect, this section of Tian Yu is so difficult, not only is he powerful, but also extremely cunning, even if he is seriously restrained by his own injuries, he can easily occupy the active position!

“Let me go, and then you go to the Heart Demon Sea to find the lost voucher. Once I find it, I will re-engraved the information for you and let you pass!”

“Let you go?” Lin Hai froze, coldly smiled, “would you agree?”

Like a super great expert like Duan Tianyu, where does Lin Hai dare to let him go? I really want to let him go. If he wants to catch him, he will be extremely difficult. Even after Duan Tianyu was injured, Lin Hai and Yu Tianze were in danger. Not to mention asking him to imprint traffic information.

“I know what you’re worried about!” Seemed to understand what Lin Hai thought, and Duan Tianyu smiled.

“If you can’t believe me, you can put me under house arrest and send someone to guard until you return!”

After hearing Duan Tianyu’s suggestion, Lin Hai and Yu Tianze couldn’t help but glance at each other, their faces confused.

This method Duan Tianyu said is undoubtedly the best way now. Does he really not have any crooked thoughts, and is all true?

Moving towards Duan Tianyu again, he looked sincere and smiled calmly, Lin Hai secretly sighed in his heart.

“Regardless of true or false, this can only be the case for now!”

Thinking of this, Lin Hai slowly nodded, then looked coldly, and looked at Duan Tianyu coldly.

“I hope you don’t play tricks, otherwise I just won’t enter the center city, and I will kill you!”

“Relax, no one wants to die, neither do I!” Duan Tianyu shrugged, said.

“Okay, I believe you once!” After speaking, Lin Hai suddenly reached out, took out a few gold needles, and penetrated into the dantian of Duan Tianyu at lightning speed!

“What did you do to me!” Duan Tianyu cry out in surprise, and later found that the whole body of Zhen Qi was gone!

“Nothing, it just seals your anger!” Lin Hai lightly said while pulling the gold needle back slowly.

“You are too much!” Duan Tianyu suddenly looked pale, gritting his teeth.

“The villain first and the gentleman, if you have no intention, you will be unblocked in the future!”

“Let’s go to the city!” Duan Tianyu, who had been sealed off, was not even as good as Mortal, and there was no more threat.

Lin Hai thought about it, put away the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, and then carried Duan Tianyu, moved towards Fenglan City.

Bang bang bang bang!

Still far away, Lin Hai saw where he had fought before, and still spell flying, sword light sword shadow, from time to time there was a roar, the momentum was loud, accompanied by a scream.

Hundreds of Golden Core masters on both sides are still engaged in a fierce dogfight. Although they have their own injuries and injuries, they are still fighting each other.

“Give me a hand!”

Suddenly, Lin Hai shouting loudly, using the Moon Palace Immortal Sound method, the sky suddenly sounded like a thunder blast, humming in everyone’s ears, in shock, all stopped, moved towards Lin Hai looked.

“Sect Master!” Sima Jianru and the others were overjoyed at the sight of Lin Hai!

“City Lord has been captured!” And the Golden Core masters on the side of Feng Lancheng saw Duan Tianyu, who was almost invincible in their hearts, like a chick, and was held in his hand by Lin Hai. There was no fighting spirit at all. Face ashamed!

“Duan Tianyu has been captured by me, you will not surrender!”

Lin Hai coldly shouted, Golden Core masters on the side of Feng Lan City, look at me, I look at you, and I’m a little overwhelmed.

“City Lord, take care of you, I’ll wait to say goodbye!” Suddenly, this group of Golden Core masters winked at each other, turned around and fled!

“Eh …” Lin Hai’s face was suddenly aggressive, and then his face was funny.

“Fuck, I’m so angry!” How did he didn’t expect? This group of Golden Core masters ran away regardless of Duan Tianyu’s life and death, and in the blink of an eye there were only a few patriarchs in Fenglan City!

“Let’s release our City Lord!” These patriarchs are still a bit old-fashioned, and they are all Golden Core Middle-Stage. In the previous battle, they were not injured and still have a very strong battle strength.

“Ancient patriarch, let them enter the city!” Duan Tianyu said suddenly, weakly.

The ancient patriarch’s face changed, and he took a moment to sigh, and let out a helpless sigh, leaving the way.

“Let’s go!” Lin Hai waved his hand and took many Golden Core masters into Fenglan City.

When Lin Hai was holding Duan Tianyu and passed by the ancient patriarch, no one noticed that Duan Tianyu suddenly moved towards the ancient patriarch, with a secret wink.

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