Chapter 1127 I, Can’t I Calculate It?

At the moment of eye contact, two people’s hearts flashed a strange feeling at the same time, as if the two were intimate and intimate, and there was no longer any diaphragm.

After a moment, the two people realized at this time almost at the same time that there seemed to be something wrong, and hurriedly withdrew their hands and looked away.

“Cough cough, Jade City Lord, are you useless?” Lin Hai asked with a weak cough.

“Much better, many thanks Sect Master Lin!” Yu Tianze replied softly, thinking of the previous close contact with Lin Hai in the soul house, he was instantly ashamed with red ears, and at the same time he rose inexplicably sweet.

Lin Hai extend the hand arm, remove all the gold needles from Yu Tianze’s head, and then get out of bed, laughing awkwardly.

“Your spirit’s wound is already about 70% better. It won’t have any effect in daily life. Just warm it up again and you will be cured!”

I thought I had to treat Yu Tianze more than ten times before he could recover, but Lin Hai didn’t expect Yu Tianze’s spirit to be so strong that it was enough for two times.

“En!” When he heard that he needed another soul warming up, Yu Tianze was so ashamed that he pulled up the quilt and covered his head.

The feeling of warming up the soul, although exceptionally comfortable, but the scene was almost ashamed.

“Then, take a rest and wait for me to recover before I can completely cure you!” Lin Hai finished and walked out of the room.

After “hu ~” came out, Lin Hai took a breath and raised an extremely complicated emotion in his heart. The shadow of Yu Tianze in his mind never lingered.

Until this moment, he was shocked to find that this soul warming technique is the most direct communication between the souls of two people, more intimate than a drive through a shell!

Especially when the soul touches, the feeling of water and milk blending even exceeds the joy of fish and water between men and women!

“Me, can’t you figure it out?”

Lin Hai asked himself a question, but had to admit that after this incident, Yu Tianze occupied a very important position in his heart, and it was as important as Liu Xinyue!

This discovery made Lin Hai suddenly have a hint of fear and deep self-blame!

“Isn’t my heart specific enough?”

Lin Hai didn’t know that the process of soul warming had already mingled him with Yu Tianze’s soul. You have me and you have me, occupying an irreplaceable position in your own soul.

In the deepest part of the soul, they have buried the shadow of each other. In reality, two people may not be able to recognize this throughout their lives, and even instinctively resist this seemingly absurd feeling, but have to admit that This feeling that touches the soul is real.

While Lin Hai was distressed, Yu Tianze curled up in the quilt and fell into the same confusion.

“I’m in love with him? I can even die for him? Is this sweetness so uncontrollable and lost, is love?”

Yu Tianze, who has never had an emotional experience, is much simpler and more straightforward than Lin Hai’s idea, but the more so, but it makes her sweet and joyful, and more confused.

“Sect Master, you are finally out!”

Lin Hai was somewhat absent-minded, suddenly awakened by a shout, looked up, but saw Feng Zhiyuan and the others, all gathered outside City Lord Mansion, looking at himself with joy.

“Don’t you let you wait at the city gate, why are you all here?” Lin Hai asked in wonder.

“Sect Master, you have been here for 7 days. I have no news. We are really worried about your safety. We just discussed it and came to the City Lord Mansion to come to you. Didn’t expect you to come out! “

Lin Hai sniffed, and then his face changed suddenly.

“What did you say, 7 days?”

“Yeah, so far, you have entered the city with Yu Tianze for 7 days!” Feng Zhiyuan had a strange face, wondering why Lin Hai was surprised.

“Unexpectedly, 7 days have passed!” Lin Hai nodded, it was a little unexpected.

“Okay, I’m fine, you all disperse, rest in the city today!”

“Yes!” Feng Zhiyuan and the others saw Lin Hai Wuyi, so he felt relieved, and the people of the City Lord Mansion arranged a place to rest.

Lin Hai originally thought about walking around the city at will, but the inexplicable trace of affection for Yu Tianze in his heart made Lin Hai feel betrayed by Liu Xinyue, and he was inexpressible.

“Fuck, you have to figure it out!” Lin Hai felt that the unfathomable mystery and unreasonableness of this feeling were obviously abnormal, and it was probably related to the cultivation of the soul!

The person of the City Lord Mansion had already arranged a room for Lin Hai. Lin Hai entered the room and took out his mobile phone to find Iron Crutch Li’s WeChat.

Little confused fairy: Is there any side effect of the soul warming in the fairy story of the medicine king inheritance?

Iron Crutch Li: (a row of shocked expressions)


“You’re paralyzed!” Lin Hai was already irritable, and even more irritable to see Iron Crutch Li’s annoying expression.

Little confused: I ask you what a shock! !! !! (Behind is an annoyed expression)

Iron Crutch Li: You have cultivated your soul for others! !! !! (Behind is a row of shocked expressions)

Little confused: nonsense, or ask you what! Also, don’t be so shocked, otherwise the big brother will put a row of shocked expressions on your son’s face!

Iron Crutch Li: Are you in love with men? The kind of love hovered between life and death? ? ? (Behind is a row of surprise expressions)

“Your uncle!” Lin Hai’s nose almost crooked. Why wasn’t he shocked? Why was he surprised again?

“Wait a minute, why do you ask me if I am in love with a man?” Lin Hai was a little confused.

Little confused: What do you mean? Can it be explained!

Iron Crutch Li: Let me tell you this, the soul is nourished, but it ’s actually equal to two people. It ’s still the kind of soul, far better than the feeling of the body. I said, are you with a man … ha ha ha ha !! (Behind is an expression with a big laugh)


After Lin Hai saw it, his eyes straightened in an instant, and finally he knew why he felt that way about Yu Tianze. It turned out that between him and Yu Tianze, it was equivalent to happening …

“Oops, I’m going!” Lin Hai was speechless for a moment, and the five flavors in his heart were mixed. It really didn’t make sense.

Iron Crutch Li: Come on, what happened to you and the man? (Behind is a row of surprise expressions)

“Go to your uncle!” Lin Hai can’t wait to get this product out of the cell phone fiercely. It’s too bad. Why do you want to see what happened between the big brother and the man?

Little confused: let you down, is a top grade beauty! (Behind is a pouting expression)

Iron Crutch Li: Woman, it’s boring! (Behind is a disdainful expression)

Little confused: Get out! What kind of broken book is your medicine king inheritance, and there are no side effects behind it? (Behind is a look of contempt)

Iron Crutch Li: No side effects, it can also promote love! (Behind is a row of shocked expressions)

“Fuck, start shocking again!” Lin Hai exited WeChat directly, too lazy to care about this silly!

Lying on the bed, the shadow of Yu Tianze, unconsciously reappeared in Lin Hai’s mind, how could it be lingering, even the wonderful feeling of extremely enjoyment that the two souls embraced before, also rose in the mind, let Lin Hai Love and hate!

“Fuck, can’t I figure out what’s wrong?” Lin Hai’s mind was very tangled.

Over and over, Lin Hai was upset, and finally sat up suddenly, picked up the phone again, took a deep breath, and found Liu Xinyue’s WeChat!

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