Chapter 1125: Wounds of the Spirit

Lin Hai’s eyes, staring at Yu Tianze, couldn’t be moved anymore, he swallowed and spit, and a hot current inside the body went straight to the lower abdomen.

I saw Yu Tianze, lying on the bed on the side, with messy hair, painful face, open lips, and a slight gasp. His whole shirt was torn and shattered, and he couldn’t cover the proud lovable body. It was tempting!

“Don’t watch!” Yu Tianze was angry and annoyed, weak while said fully playful pouting.

“Eh …” Lin Hai woke up and hurriedly turned his head to reveal his embarrassment.

“Jade City Lord, what’s wrong with you?”

“When I recovered the spirit, there was a sudden accident, and the spirit was hurt. It hurt me! Ah!” Under severe pain, Yu Tianze couldn’t care about Lin Hai beside him, holding his hands in disorder, and holding his body. The clothes, all torn apart, tumbled on the bed!

“There was an accident, and the soul was injured?” Lin Hai was suddenly surprised, no wonder he hadn’t counted 7 before, and the transparent bubble suddenly broke, which turned out to be the case.

But at the same time, Lin Hai’s brow frowned deeply.

“It’s not a trivial injury to the soul, it’s not only painful and unbearable, but also extremely troublesome to treat!”

Lin Hai’s medicine king inheritance from Iron Crutch Li has a cure for soul wounds. Because of this, Lin Hai feels incredibly tricky.

However, if Yu Tianze is not cured, Yu Tianze will surely die alive, and he will no longer be able to find the jade stone mine.


Just as Lin Hai was in a dilemma, Yu Tianze again uttered a painful scream that was so terrible that Lin Hai’s heart suddenly snapped!

“No, she must be saved!”

Thinking of this, Lin Hai suddenly pulled out two gold needles and shot lightningly, piercing Yu Tianze’s temples on both sides.

Yu Tianze’s body trembled suddenly, and the pain suddenly relieved a lot. He cast a grateful look on Lin Hai.

But soon, I found something wrong. I hurriedly called for my arm, and the quilt, which had already fallen on the ground, flew up, covering the almost uncovered lovable body.

“Thank you, I still don’t think you know acupuncture!” Yu Tianze thought that she was almost seen by Lin Hai, and her face became crimson and shy.

Lin Hai worked hard to get rid of the temptation I saw before, and then sighed.

“Spiritual wounds, which cannot be treated by acupuncture, can only temporarily alleviate your pain. After an hour, it will be ineffective.”

Yu Tianze heard that, she suddenly changed her face, smiled, and shook the head in despair.

“Family elder has repeatedly warned that the essence of the soul must be used as a last resort and must not be used, otherwise it is very likely that perish together will come to the end, and now it seems that it is fulfilled!”

Having said that, Yu Tianze lifts the head, gently rubbing his forehead hair soaked with sweat, revealing a touch of apology.

“Once the spirit is damaged, it will undoubtedly die! It’s just a pity that it can’t take you to find mineral deposits.”

When Lin Hai heard it, it was brows tightly frowns, and then she gently shook the head.

“No, the spirit damage can be cured!”

“What did you say ?!” Lin Hai suddenly made Yu Tianze’s eyes wide, shocked and incredible.

But soon, Yu Tianze shook the head helplessly, revealing miserable looks.

“You don’t need to comfort me. There are more than 20 people in my family who have died from the damage of the soul. If there is rescue, why won’t the family know? How can they let these excellent clansman die?”

“That’s because they didn’t meet me!” Lin Hai stared at Yu Tianze with a confident expression.

“You?” Yu Tianze looked up suddenly, looking at Lin Hai, doubtful!

“Did you say that you can heal this spirit wound?”

Lin Hai’s methods are endless, not only proficient in Formation, but also proficient in acupuncture, Yu Tianze has long regarded Lin Hai as a stranger.

If others say that the soul’s wounds can be saved, Yu Tianze estimates that there is nothing to say, and it will be a big mouth to go up. After all, her family secret is the soul of the soul. If the soul’s injuries can save the family, wouldn’t they know?

However, seeing the solemnly vowed that Lin Hai is talking about now, it doesn’t seem to be bragging, and it makes Yu Tianze’s heart confused.

“Yes, I can cure!” Lin Hai nodded.

“Then you talk about how to treat it?” No one wants to die, Yu Tianze suddenly asked a hint of hope in his heart.

“The wounds of the soul must be nurtured by the soul, and there is no other way!”

“Spiritual soul warming up?” Yu Tianze was the first time I heard it and didn’t understand the meaning at all.

But since Lin Hai says it can be treated, it can’t be better!

“Sect Master Lin, can you treat me?”

“This …” Lin Hai’s face showed a slight hesitation. “Treatment is okay, but the process may be awkward.”

After listening to Yu Tianze, the pretty face couldn’t help but became popular and seemed to think of something.

“Is it necessary to get rid of my clothes?” Yu Tianze asked with a low head, whispering.

“I don’t need a shirt, but I need to use my spirit, to nurture your spirit, our spirit may need intimate communication.”

“Spiritual communication?” Yu Tianze suddenly sighed in relief, thinking that he wanted to meet him sincerely.

“Yes, I don’t know Jade City Lord, can I accept it?”

“Anyway!” Yu Tianze Zhu Lip lightly started, “Also please Sect Master Lin, save yourself!”

“Okay, so, I’ll heal you right away!”

Lin Hai finished speaking, suddenly stopped, and looked 4 times.

“Is there anything else?” Yu Tianze asked puzzledly.

“Don’t disturb during the treatment, I need to take precautions!”

“This is easy to say!” Yu Tianze laughed, and suddenly he waved his hands, and the two of them were immediately covered in a pink mask.

“I have already set up a formula here, and no one can detect you or me now!”

“It’s so good!” Lin Hai has forgotten, Yu Tianze is a master of Formula. Wouldn’t his bedroom be set up without Formula?

“So, Jade City Lord, shall I begin?”

“There is a work Sect Master Lin!” Yu Tianze was suddenly nervous, pulling the quilt on her body subconsciously.

Lin Hai was unmoved. When he took out more than ten gold needles, when he looked up again, he looked like a different person, his eyes were very focused, and he stared at Yu Tianze, just like staring at a work of art, without a touch of color.

Just when Yu Tianze was a little shy at Lin Hai, Lin Hai suddenly moved.

Yu Tianze just felt that the golden light in front of him kept flashing, and then, on his head, ten or six gold needles were inserted in an instant, together with the two on the temple, a total of ten!

At this time, Lin Hai was coldly shouted!

“Ten 8 days Luo locks the soul needle, set!”

As Lin Hai’s words landed, Yu Tianze’s body suddenly shocked, then his eyes closed, and he slowly fell to the bed, losing consciousness.

“Hu ~” Lin Hai exhaled, and gently wiped the sweat on his head, feeling exhausted for a while.

These eighty-eight stitches may seem bland, but they have consumed a lot of Lin Hai ’s mind. Compared with a battle, it is not much easier!

Taking a short break, Lin Hai walked to the bed and also lay down, while reaching into the quilt, holding Yu Tianze supple as if boneless’s little hand.

Later, Lin Hai mobilized his own spirit and entered Yu Tianze’s within the body according to the method described in Yaowang’s inheritance!

“Ah!” As soon as Lin Hai entered, a harsh scream came from Lin Hai’s ear!

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