A group of people have gathered on the ground of Lin Hai’s house.

Li 2 in his early 30s, shirtless, both hands crossed near chest, staring at Lin Wen with disdain.

“I said Lao Lintou, don’t you know why, don’t you take a share of it? What’s so great about it?”

“That’s it, he’s nothing, he can’t care about it for a minute.”

“This dead old man just can’t find it.”

“Fuck, I smashed all his glass in a while, old bastard!”

Li 2 说道 behind a few flowery village 痞 st mystifying said.

“Lao Lin, forget it.”

“That’s it, forget it, these people can’t afford to offend.”

“Let’s be safe and secure, Lao Lin, do you look at these people as if they can compensate you?”

Several villagers came up to persuade Lin Wen.

Lin Wen’s neck was stubborn, his face stubborn, and the wrinkles on his angry face were trembling slightly. He was not afraid of Li 2, who was taller than him.

“Li 2 愣, I tell you, if you don’t pay compensation today, I’m not finished with you!”

“Endless? Huh!” Li 2 looked disdainfully, “Old Guy, don’t he shameless his face.”

“I tell you, Li 2 愣, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you! My little sea knows Mayor Huang. You don’t pay me today, be careful I let my son go to Mayor Huang!

Li 2’s face changed. Some time ago, there seemed to be rumors. The old bastard’s son who went to college seemed to know Mayor Huang.

If it was changed before, Li 2 愣 was not afraid, but yesterday, listening to his second uncle who was the village chief, it seems that the mayor of Huang is going to be the secretary.

Being a secretary, that is the leader of the town, and it is not wise to offend the leader.

Mad, cheap this old bastard.

Li 2 yelled insultingly and took out a crumpled 20 yuan from his pants pocket.

“Fuck, folks in the country, don’t say that Li 2 is unwilling to show affection. I took these 20 dollars and lost your money.” Li 2 slammed 20 dollars directly on Lin Wen’s dark face.

“Twenty dollars?” Lin Wen laughed directly. “Why do you send a flower boy?”

“Hey, old bastard, don’t be so content with him, just 20 dollars, do you want to love him?” Li 2 gave Lin Wen a arrogant look and turned away.

How could Lin Wen let him go.

“Stop it for me. If you don’t give me a reasonable compensation today, you don’t want to leave.” Lin Wen grabbed Li 2’s arm and said.

“You let me go!” Li 2 shook his arm and shook Lin Wen for a moment.

“Fuck, did I give you a face?” Li 2 愣 moved towards Lin Wen pushed his chest forward, pushing Lin Wen back a few steps.

“2 Alas, we don’t need this compensation, old fogey, come home with me.” Song Qin hurried over.

“You flash me aside!” Lin Wen’s grumpy up again, pushing Song Qin away.

“Li 2 愣, if you don’t pay compensation today, I’m not finished with you!” Lin Wen rushed over again.

“I Fuck You!” Li 2 愣 pushed Lin Wen again.

“What can you do without end?” Li 2 愣 continued to push Lin Wen.

“Believing or not I’ll kill you, an old fart!” Lin Wen hasn’t stood still, Li 2 pushed it over again.

Lin Wen slammed and fell on his back, smashing into his own crop.

“Dad !!!” Lin Hai bellowed.

He drove a car, and he saw a big man all the way, pushing step by step to push his old father.

Father’s vicissitudes of face, dark skin, sloppy body, and gray hair are just now, getting closer and closer!

However, Lin Hai’s heart is getting heavier and heavier!

The son was close at hand, but looking at his old father, he was shoved by a robust man, one step at a time, and directly pushed to the ground.

Lin Hai’s eye circles instantly turned red.

“Squeak!” There was a harsh snap.

Lin Hai jumped open the door.

“Dad!” Lin Hai rushed forward and held Lin Wen on the ground.

“Dad, the son is late!” Lin Hai’s tears flowed down.

“Squeak!” Another sudden brake!

Guangtou Qiang came down from Bao Carriage and ran Li 2 愣 then went.

Just now, he saw it in the car, but he didn’t understand what was going on.

“I’m Fuck You!” Li 2 愣 did not respond to what happened, was directly hit by Guangtou Qiang with a punch, and then banged his back to the sky.

“Strong son, fight me to the death!” Lin Hai exasperated Hah!

Guangtou Qiang, who also ordered with Lin Hai, rushed up for a long time!

“Damn, who are you? Let go of 2 Lengo!”

“Don’t hit him, I hear nothing!”

Li 2 yelled at a few jumbles behind him, and hurriedly pointed at Guangtou Qiang.

At the beginning, there were still a few others who wanted to rush over and rescue Li 2 愣.

But when the image of Guangtou Qiang is opened, the bald tattoo with a large Gold Chain is a mix of Taoism at first glance.

They are all foolish, bullying a peasant in the village of honor and timid is okay. I really ran into stubble. How dare I do it, and I immediately counseled.

Therefore, no one dared to move forward, except for two bluffs on the side.

At this moment, Li 2 was sick, and after a while, he was sprayed with blood by the mouth and nose of Guangtou Qiang and twitched.

One Hooligan was smart and hurriedly called a few youngsters from Li Family.

At this time, Liu Xinyue hurried out of the car.

“Uncle, are you okay?” Liu Xinyue hurriedly supported Lin Wen and asked with concern.

Lin Wen froze, I don’t know where to run out of such a fairy-like girl, called herself Uncle.

Song Qin saw it clearly. The girl got out of Lin Hai’s car.

But I haven’t had time to ask carefully. On the opposite side, a group of shirtless youngsters with sticks in their hands ran over aggressively.

When Li 2 lay on the ground, he suddenly felt energetic.

“Old 3, come and save me!”

“Save you paralysis!” Guangtou Qiang kicked his mouth and kicked the front teeth directly.

Song Qin was frightened when he saw so many people.

“Xiaohai, let your friends run, and you, take this girl and hurry up and run.”

Lin Hai watched the crowd coming coldly, shook the head.

“Mom, don’t be afraid, your son is back. Previously, you and dad were the son’s big tree. Today, the son is going to hold up the sky for 2 years old!”

Speaking, cold light flashed in Lin Hai’s eyes, stepped forward.

“Hadron, come behind me!” Lin Hai called Guangtou Qiang to his side.

Although Guangtou Qiang also has two children under his hands, the other party is too crowded and has weapons. After two or three, it’s okay, and more, Guangtou Qiang will definitely suffer.

Guangtou Qiang was in his prime for his Master, and Lin Hai would not let him take risks.

Guangtou Qiang also had a self-knowledge, and fiercely kicked Li 2 and kicked him, hiding behind Lin Hai.

He didn’t worry about Lin Hai at all, Master was a martial art master.

“Fuck your mother, dare to hit my 2 brother! Why am I killing you today!” This group of people rushed over to help Li 2 first, a youngster moved towards Lin Hai shouted.

Not waiting for Lin Hai to speak, not far away, a huge roar of cars suddenly sounded, and at the same time a dust like a flying sky, moving towards here quickly swept away.

The crowd turned around and wondered what was inside the dust.

“Squeak!” A harsh brake.

After the dust had dissipated and everyone could see what was inside, everyone was stupid.

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