Chapter 1115 Two Lin Hai?

“Formation has started!” Lin Hai frowned, immediately feeling that the air around all seemed to start to become unusual.

“This Yu Tianze is really abominable!” How did Lin Hai didn’t expect, and he had already shown enough sincerity that Yu Tianze actually had to be concealed against him, it seems that it is really speculative!

Although the scope of Formation is very small, that is, the distance of a reception hall, in the eyes of ordinary people, for Golden Core masters such as Lin Hai, it is more than 100 meters to jump out of Formation with no difficulty.

But Lin Hai is a member of the Formation, but he doesn’t think so. If it is really so simple, how can the Formation become one of the avenues, and found mystery?

Lin Hai knows that even if it is only one meter in diameter, it can only accommodate a circle of one person. When the Formation is not started, it can be taken in one step, but once the Formation is started, it is another Heaven and Earth, like an independent space. In general, it can be even wider than the sea, which cannot be measured by its original size.

This is also the depth of Formation. Once in the battle, even if the strength is strong, if you do not know how to break the formation, it is extremely troublesome to get out of trouble!

Lin Hai hurriedly held his breath, his eyes flickered brightly, and he opened Heavenly Eye Technique to prepare for the formation eye.

However, I was horrified to find that, wherever I was, the air suddenly rippled, and then a silhouette appeared slowly in front of me.

“Damn, the mirror!” Lin Hai was shocked to find that this silhouette was not someone else but himself.

Just preparing to walk over to see what happened, the person in front of me suddenly raised his mouth, revealing a wicked smile.

Lin Hai froze, and then suddenly startled. He didn’t make that expression at all. Why did he suddenly laugh in the mirror.

“Fuck, this is not a mirror!” Lin Hai reacted instantly, and at this time, he suddenly moved in front of him!

“5 Thunder Boom!”

The opposite Lin Hai, coldly shouted, waving his arms, the shot is Lin Hai ’s Thunder Element technique!

“Your sister!” Lin Hai screamed strangely. I couldn’t think of myself, even the spell was the same as myself. Looking at the Divine Thunder falling from the sky, sharp and swift, Lin Hai didn’t doubt the formidable power of the 5 thunder blast!

“Burning Heavens!”

Lin Hai shouting loudly, flirting, and then raising his arms, a Fire Burning The Heavens style, the flames rose suddenly, forming layers of fire walls, facing the sky Divine Thunder!

boom ~ boom ~ boom ~!

Huge thunder and lightning roared endlessly, 5 Divine Thunders collided with the fire wall until the 5th Divine Thunder fell, the fire wall collapsed, and was split into countless fire stars, 4 scattered.

Lin Hai moved towards moving behind and leapt behind, 5 thunder of the thunderous thunder, split on the ground, and suddenly appeared a huge pit deep into several dozen meters!

“Fuck, is it a formula to hone oneself?” Lin Hai jumped, frowning.

There are thousands and thousands of formations in the world. Although Lin Hai has learned the hundred diagrams of Supreme Taoist and understood the essence of Formation Dao, it does not mean that he knows all the formations in the world. He can only see the nature of the formation and find a weak spot. .

At this moment, this Formation is like a very advanced form recorded in a hundred formation diagrams, and it is categorized in the discipline that hone itself.

Most of these types of formations are used in their own experience, but they are rarely used to kill the enemy. The main purpose is to find and find their own weaknesses. The enemy in the formation is themselves. Only when they find their own weaknesses can they illusionize the formation You can kill it yourself, and the Formation can be cracked!

This type of Formation is extremely advanced and difficult to crack. Even if everyone is in the Form, they still have a headache and have no grasp of breaking the formation.

I do n’t know the true face of Lushan, I am only in this mountain! The strongest enemy is himself. Even if he is strong and proficient in Formula, he may not be able to find his fatal weakness.

If this Formation is really a discipline of its own kind, it will be bad.

Although it may not be broken, it is definitely extremely difficult to break. After all, it is not easy to find your own fatal weakness in a short period of time and seize the opportunity to kill the illusionary self.

Mindful of it, Three Pointed Double Edged Blade appeared in the hands of Lin Hai, Lin Hai had to take it seriously!

But just when Lin Hai held the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand, the opposite Lin Hai was also shocked with his arms, and the same Three Pointed Double Edged Blade appeared in his hand!

“die for me !”

Lin Hai’s eyebrows were raised, his body suddenly jumped, his head was cut and his face was cut off!


The opposite Lin Hai was not weak, with his arms raised, the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade fiercely chopped upwards, colliding with Lin Hai’s blade glow!


The two knives were connected, and suddenly the wind and waves were rolled up. Two Lin Hai were lifted at the same time, and their bodies withdrew more than ten zhang away!

“Interesting!” Lin Hai coldly smiled. The opposite Lin Hai was really exactly the same as himself. There was no difference in the fighting style!

“Eat the big brother again!”

Lin Hai Zhen Qi runs fast, jumps away again, cuts down!

“Air-Severing Slash!”

Lin Hai coldly shouted, using Blade Technique learned from Erlang Shen, and Lin Hai moved to the opposite side, cut it with a knife!

“Air-Severing Slash!” Lin Hai on the opposite side was also shouting loudly, even the same move was used!


The sky suddenly made a dull and loud noise, rays of light filled the sky, the air waves rolled, Lin Hai’s body was shaken and flew away, and the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand almost flew away!

“Damn, it turned out that this trick of Air-Severing Slash, formidable power is so great!” Until now, Lin Hai didn’t know that he was so powerful!

After landing, Lin Hai’s body spun around and turned more than ten circles in place before she let go of her strength and her brows frowned deeply.

After several temptations, Lin Hai discovered that he was capable of meeting his own plenary meeting.

In this way, it is difficult to kill him.

But without killing the opposite self, it is impossible to crack the Formula. You ca n’t wait for him, kill yourself?

While thinking about it, Lin Hai on the opposite side did not give him the opportunity, shouting loudly, holding the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, and rushing over like an off-string arrow.


Facing Lin Hai, he strode forward, his body suddenly jumped into the air, with a single arm holding a knife, and moved towards himself!

“Well, that’s not right!” Lin Hai’s heart jumped, a flash of aura flashed through his mind!

“This simply is not a formulation that tempers itself!” Lin Hai immediately found something wrong.

The opposite Lin Hai, instead of chopping with a knife, used the point of the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade and moved towards himself. Although this is also a common attack method of the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, Lin Hai has never Used!

And to hone this kind of Formation, the enemy ca n’t even distinguish between true and false. It ’s impossible to have such a weak spot and use his own moves!

“I just said that honing one’s own type of formation is very advanced. How can Yu Tianze’s formation level be put out? It turned out to be a fake!”

Lin Hai can be seen everywhere, such a large weak spot is exposed, and he immediately sees the essence of the Formation in front of him.

At the same time, deep skepticism raised in Yu Tianze again.

“The purpose of this Formation is not to kill the enemy at all. What is she doing for this?”

Lin Hai was puzzled, and he simply left the corner of his mouth and stopped thinking about it.

“If you can’t figure it out, then break this Formula and ask her!”

Thinking of this, Lin Hai looked up and saw that the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade had been stabbed in front of him, but did not evade, and also lifted the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade!

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