Chapter 1110 Playing the melee, the big brother has a big trick!


Lin Hai shouting loudly, the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade danced quickly in front of him, forming a layer of light blue blade shadow, blocking the flame out!

puff puff puff puff!

The flame slammed on the blade of the sword, bursting into flames, and the Fireball followed, slamming against the blade of the sword!

Lin Hai suddenly felt a huge impact, falling through the knife shadow, causing his chest to feel a dull burst, the body could not help flying upside down, and then the knife shadow burst instantly, turned into a faint blue light, and disappeared into the night sky!

“Fuck, it’s still a battle, this Yu Tianze is really not easy!”

Lin Hai immediately noticed that the outer side of the star at the formation door was actually covered with a layer of protective Formula. If it is not close, it will not trigger. Once approached, it will start immediately!

And this huge Fireball braving a blazing flame is to protect the launch of the Formula and drive Lin Hai back!

Lin Hai was in mid-air, but saw this huge Fireball flying again, knowing that he would not be able to approach the gate without destroying this Fireball.

The arms shook, and the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade was raised high in his hands. Zhen Qi poured into the handle through his arms, spiraled upwards, and rushed straight towards blade glow with a loud Hah in his mouth!

“Air-Severing Slash!”


A sharp sound of cracking air sounded, and the huge blue blade glow broke out, and immediately collided with the Fireball, making a loud noise.


Under Lin Hai’s sword, the Fireball burst instantly, and the gravel and flames 4 flew apart, and the night sky was dotted like a day.

However, Lin Hai didn’t want to appreciate this. After this sword, Lin Hai was also thrown up by the high shock, and has not yet landed, but there are 9 meteors flying fast behind towards me. !!

“Fuck, it’s over!”

Lin Hai frowned. He had just finished the Air-Severing Slash, which was the Zhen Qi gap period. He couldn’t hack or evade at all!

“Supernatural, Annihilation!”

In a critical moment, Lin Hai once again exhibited the Water Element supernatural powers learned from 3 heads, and suddenly the waves tumbled and turned into countless water arrows, rushing towards 9 meteors!

bō bō bō 啵!

The sound of water arrows and meteors colliding, close and numerous sounded, the sky suddenly splashed with water, the speed of the meteors was paused again and again, and finally slowed down, and finally glued to the water arrows.

Lin Hai mentioned Zhen Qi, turned around instantly, and the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand was ready to sweep again.

When I saw the scene in front of me, my heart suddenly moved and my hand stopped.

“The magical power of Annihilation formidable power is evenly matched with the nine meteors.

Lin Hai immediately figured out that the meteors in the trapped array are currently increasing by two. Once they are crushed, they will soon attack in a larger number. The Formation is not broken. The meteor more than.

If Lin Hai took the shot and crushed these 9 meteors, 3 meteors would soon attack Lin Hai. After the eleven, there were ten, three and five … Endless!

And if you keep this situation, let these 9 meteors not die, but you ca n’t interfere with breaking the formation yourself, but it is the best choice!

“Just do it!” Lin Hai withdrew the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, and this magical Annihilation contained 9 meteors, which happened to break the formation.

Silhouette flashed, regardless of the bumps and bumps under his feet, Lin Hai returned to the previous birth place again.

The star that had just disappeared just now appeared at the same place as the Fireball was shattered.

Lin Hai froze at the corner of his mouth, showing a slight sneer.

Without the Protection Formula, opening the door is just a matter of your own!

With a shock in his arms, Lin Hai lifted the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade high, ready to smash the star in front of him.


Suddenly, a sharp gust of wind pierced the sky, a cyclone of azure, from the side like lightning, moved towards Lin Hai!

“Fuck, how can there be!” Lin Hai was suddenly surprised, unexpectedly at this place, in addition to the Fireball, there are other protection formations, this Yu Tianze formation is too cautious.

The cyclone of azure is rapid and swift, mixed with the powerful tendency to penetrate everything. If Lin Hai does not resist, even the body of Golden Core will surely be worn through the heart!

In desperation, Lin Hai had to withdraw again, Three Pointed Double Edged Blade turned into a sweep, and the cyclone moved towards azure blocked.


A crisp sound, the cyclone of azure hit the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, and a large area of ​​azure glow suddenly appeared, just like the tsunami, and the impact of Lin Hai flew away. The Three Pointed Double Edged Blade almost couldn’t hold it!

“This is not a Formula!” Lin Hai was startled, and his heart was shocked. The azure cyclone’s attack power was even better than his Air-Severing Slash.

What’s more important is that Lin Hai is keenly aware that the cyclone of azure has Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi beating, which is obviously a Taoist attack of the practitioners!

“Lin Hai, you really surprised me!”

And at this time, an astonishing voice sounded all around the night sky.

“Yu Tianze!” Lin Hai cry out in surprise, this voice is exactly from Feng Xiangcheng’s City Lord Yu Tianze. It seems that he guessed right. The cyclone of azure did not come from Formation, but Yu Tianze is out!


There was a sudden flash in front of Lin Hai, and Yu Tianze’s silhouette appeared in front of him, shaking the fan lightly, his handsome face with a thick and incredible!

“How did you find the birth of Formula?” Yu Tianze asked in surprise.

Lin Hai is coldly smiled, his eyes flashing disdain.

“A low-level formulation, how difficult is it to find students?” Lin Hai finished, and suddenly took a peek at Yu Tianze, opening the mouth and said.

“I heard that it took 3 years for you to lay down the rubbish Formation?” Lin Hai finished with a scornful look at the head.

“Tsk tsk tsk, if I were you, it would be better to find a piece of tofu and run to death! I can’t afford to lose this person!”

“You!” When Yu Tianze saw Lin Hai’s sarcasm, he was still proud of himself. A flash of anger flashed on his face, and his handsome face turned red with anger, which turned out to have a different taste.

“Ah, hey, angry!” Yu Tianze’s expression, like a girl’s frivolous anger, coupled with a handsome face better than a woman, made Lin Hai feel surprised.

“I said Yu Tianze, you are really a lord before you become a City Lord. Since you have a duck face, you should consciously become a duck to benefit thousands of women in the world. I promise that every day there will be countless rich women who will order you Clock! “

This Yu Tianze is a Golden Core Middle-Stage. He is very powerful. Lin Hai naturally has to take the opportunity to anger him. After all, angry people are better to deal with than calm people!

“Duck?” Yu Tianze heard a moment’s notice, and Jun Mei’s face flashed a little doubt, apparently he didn’t understand what Lin Hai meant.

“Oh, forget that this is Penglai Immortal Island. It seems you don’t understand it! It’s okay, big brother said it as soon as you understand it!” Lin Hai smiled wryly and explained the meaning of the duck to Yu Tianze. .

“Oh! You just have a duck face, you die for me!” Yu Tianze knew it, and immediately became angry. She swayed the fan in her hand, and suddenly an azure cyclone, dropping from the sky, moved towards Lin Hai Head down!

“I’m going!” Lin Hai was startled suddenly, as if he was pressing a big mountain above his head, before the cyclone had fallen, Lin Hai felt out of breath!

“Air-Severing Slash!” Lin Hai coldly shouted, knowing that ordinary moves can’t compete with this azure cyclone at all, and directly displayed Air-Severing Slash again.


The azure cyclone burst instantly, but Lin Hai was shocked to find that the silhouette of Yu Tianze also disappeared strangely.

Just as Lin Hai was in a trance, suddenly a wind came out of his head, and a swift anger hit him instantly!

“Fuck, actually playing close-up with the big brother!” Lin Hai didn’t expect Yu Tianze to attack me close-up. In this way, his Three Pointed Double Edged Blade was a long weapon, which became awkward and useless in an instant.

“Close!” As a last resort, Lin Hai put away the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, and at the same time a back arm of his left arm blocked Yu Tianze’s attack!


Yu Tianze slapped Lin Hai’s arm with a slap, Lin Hai hissed, suck in a breath of cold air, and the entire arm became sore and instantaneous, almost losing consciousness.

“Hmph!” Yu Tianze sneered, “I know your Three Pointed Double Edged Blade is weird, but unfortunately, I am good at being close to me!”

“Let’s die!” Yu Tianze coldly shouted, his body suddenly disappeared, and the next moment had appeared next to Lin Hai’s side, waving his palms and hitting at the same time!

“Fuck!” Lin Hai cursed with a curse, his lips fluttered, and his face was disdainful.

He hurriedly walked under his feet and stepped on the strange steps of shadow-tracking. Although he couldn’t stop but also cleverly avoided Yu Tianze’s attack.

“Well?” Yu Tianze couldn’t help but whisper, apparently didn’t expect Lin Hai to be able to escape his attack.

Lin Hai smiled smugly and sneered.

“Are you good at close combat? Sorry, big brother is also good!” Before Lin Hai used Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, but had been relying on two Dragon’s Tooth to break into rivers and lakes, would you be afraid of close combat?

“Really? Then look, you are stronger, or I am stronger!” Yu Tianze looked cold, and suddenly bulls his arms up and waved at the same time, and moved towards Lin Hai was about to hit.

“I’m going!” Lin Hai’s heart jumped, and he had to admit that this Yu Tianze melee is really powerful!

This seemingly bland move, not only blocked all his retreats, but forced himself to fight with him in order to resolve this move.

However, I am the Golden Core Early-Stage, and Yu Tianze is the Golden Core Middle-Stage. If I fight hard, I will definitely lose myself!

“What a cunning!” Lin Hai cursed, but a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

“It’s just a pity, playing melee, big brother has big tricks!”

With this in mind, Lin Hai has a light shout in mind!

“Thunders everywhere!”


Suddenly, a thundernet appeared around Lin Hai, wrapping Yu Tianze in it.

Yu Tianze’s body suddenly froze, and his face suddenly showed fear.

Although the numbness of the whole body was relieved in an instant, but the master could move to death in a matter of thoughts. Lin Hai took advantage of this opportunity to make his first come, with a slammed palm, printed on Yu Tianze’s chest.

“Eh …” However, the moment Lin Hai touched Yu Tianze’s chest with his palm, his eyes were suddenly abrupt, and he froze suddenly.

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