Chapter 1106 Burned to the Bald Scoop!

Little confused: What the hell did I do? (Behind is a blank expression)

Red child: You asked me to spit fire and burn the Supreme Taoist beard. The fire was too fierce. I also directly burned the hair of Supreme Taoist. Now Supreme Taoist is bald! (Behind is a sweaty expression)


“Ha ha ha ha!” Lin Hai smiled as he thought of Supreme Taoist’s semblance at the moment.

Fuck, burn well, let this Old Guy always pit himself, this is great!

Little confused: Beautiful job! Take a picture and make me laugh for a while! (Behind is a laughing expression)

Red child: Are you still laughing, I said you’re in trouble! (Behind is a sweaty expression)

Little confused: What does it have to do with me if he is bald?

Red child: You do n’t know, Heavenly Court is all messed up now, Supreme Taoist has become a bald, Taoist celestial beings, thinking that their Taoist ancestors will change to be monks, all protest at South Heaven Gate, they still have slogans!

“Fuck, is this still happening?” Lin Hai eyes shined, and suddenly thought it was quite interesting!

Little confused: What slogan?

Red child: Bald poor for 3 generations, huhu destroys all beings!


Lin Hai couldn’t help laughing anymore, fuck, this slogan was bad enough.

Red child: The Doudou Palace is also messy now. A lot of monks are blocking the door of the Supreme Taoist, clamoring to celebrate the Supreme Taoist’s abandonment and conversion to Buddhism!

“Fuck, what a mess 7 8 is bad!” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, but didn’t just burn his hair, so many moths came out!

Little confused: What does this have to do with me?

Red child: Daxian, that thing between the Buddha and the Tao, do you really not know?

Little confused: What do you know? Is there a basic relationship between them? (Behind is a confused expression)

Red child: It ’s Laozi’s huhu. Laozi is Supreme Taoist. According to legend, the Buddha was transformed by his body, and Buddhism was introduced by him into Middle-earth. As a result, one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers. It seems that the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism do not interfere with each other, and there is tranquility, but the secret struggle is fierce and has never stopped.

Little confused: Is this still the case?

Although Lin Hai has heard the legend of Laozi Huahu, there is such a big contradiction between Buddha and Tao in didn’t expect Heavenly Court. The hair of Supreme Taoist was burnt, which was obviously an accident, but both sides played on the subject. Make things bigger!

It seems that Heavenly Court is not a kind.

Red child: Daxian, you know, I ’m timid, I ca n’t bear such a major event, so I offered you up, and told the Taoist people that you were the one who taught me this minor. (Behind is an innocent expression)


“Your uncle!” Lin Hai then responded, why did the red child say he was in trouble.

It’s been a long time, isn’t he? This kid sold himself!

Little confused: Is it too outrageous if you do this! (Behind is an angry expression)

Red child: No way, now the whole Taoist people are hunting you down. If I don’t confess you, it will be me! (Behind is a weak expression)

“Fuck!” Lin Hai’s nose almost crooked, and Fuck was in trouble!

Fortunately, I do n’t know how to deal with it.

Red child: Sorry, Daxian, but rest assured, if you are killed by Taoism, I will burn the newspaper for you, good brother.


Did you just talk about morality like that? Burn the newspaper? Fuck?

Little confused: Less nonsense, did Shengji Dan get it?

Lin Hai is too lazy to care about him. Anyway, Xian Fan is separated. Lin Hai does not care about carrying this pot. The key is Shengji Dan. Have you got it?

Red child: Naturally I got it. I got the hydrangea before I spit fire.

“You’re smart!” Lin Hai relaxed, as long as medicine pill was in his hands.

Little confused: It’s not too soon!

Red child: Daisen, what you said about 50 bottles of baby haha ​​and 50 packs of spicy strips … (behind is a shy expression)

Fuck, this brat is fine enough, and actually wants to send it first, Lin Hai will not go for a sneaky trick with him for this worthless gadget, open the Universe Bag, and send it to the past.

Ding dong!

You have sent 50 bottles of baby haha ​​milk to the red child.

Ding dong!

You sent 50 packets of hot sticks to the red child.

Red child: hahaha, many thanks Daxian, I’ll send it to you!

Ding dong!

Red child has sent you a muscle pill, check it out in the Universe Bag!

Lin Hai hurriedly opened the Universe Bag of the mobile phone, and it really added a medicine pill, which was exactly the same as the Shengji Dan he had taken before!

“It’s done!” Lin Hai rejoiced. In this way, Leng Yueru could reshape the fleshhy body. At that time, he would have a solid Nascent Soul Realm helper. With such a powerful man, even if the entire Penglai Immortal Island is straight and flat, isn’t it a problem?

Just ready to send Shengji Dan to Leng Yueru in the sacred realm, but saw a large group of people come from a distance, it is Feng Zhiyuan and the others returned.

“Yes, it’s getting faster and faster!” Lin Hai was very satisfied. There are so many people doing things. So many Golden Core Realm masters are dispatched together, and the efficiency is high.

Feng Zhiyuan is very skilled at business now. He does not need to be ordered by Lin Hai, and everything is arranged in a proper way. Lin Hai only needs to collect various treasures, which makes Lin Hai unspeakable satisfaction.

“Go, continue to the next one!”

Lin Hai controlled the shuttle shuttle and brought a group of Golden Core masters to the next city!

In this way, Lin Hai controlled Chuan Shuo, a city and a city swept by. One day of work and non-stop, even forcibly won more than 50 cities. Half fell into the hands of Lin Hai!

Apart from this, the treasures collected by Lin Hai have also been countless. The team has become larger than ever. The Golden Core masters who have been conquered all the way have reached about 200 people!

“It’s awesome. In this lineup, even if Nascent Soul Realm can see it, we must retreat.” Lin Hai watched his Golden Core Human Immortal army grow a little bit, and he was very satisfied.

Seeing that it was getting late, and several major core subordinates such as Feng Zhiyuan had a slight fatigue on their faces, Lin Hai decided to end here today, so that everyone could take a break at night.

With this in mind, Lin Hai glanced at Feng Zhiyuan before he could wait to speak. Feng Zhiyuan had come here respectfully.

“Sect Master, it’s getting late. Do you want to take a break in the city?”

“Well, I’m going, it’s very eye-catching!” Lin Hai became more and more optimistic about Feng Zhiyuan, and he knew how to understand the leadership intentions. Young man is very promising!

“Well, trim in the city tonight, and set off tomorrow morning, you arrange it!” Lin Hai indifferently said.

“Yes!” Feng Zhiyuan hurriedly agreed, and he turned around and went to the patriarchs who had just been conquered to arrange a rest.

“Wait a minute!” Lin Hai said suddenly, stopping him.

“Sect Master, what else is there to command?” Feng Zhiyuan hurriedly respected.

“Things are going well, hard work, take this mysterious spirit!” Lin Hai threw it away and rewarded a medicine pill to Feng Zhiyuan.

“Xuanqi Dan!” Feng Zhiyuan looked at the medicine pill in his hand, and suddenly felt ecstatic.

He has heard of this mysterious dandelion long ago, but it is Grade 6 medicine pill. After taking Golden Core Realm, Zhen Qi will be greatly condensed, and his strength can be increased by 30%. It is a priceless treasure!

Unexpectedly, such a precious medicine pill, Lin Hai actually rewarded himself so casually, making Feng Zhiyuan moved and excited!

“Sect Master Xie!” Feng Zhiyuan’s face was full of excitement, and directly moved towards Lin Hai and bowed to Shane.

“Come up, as long as you do things well, rewards are indispensable!” Lin Hai waved his hand and said lightly!

“The subordinates will never let the Sect Master down!” Feng Zhiyuan said resolutely, immediately feeling full of strength.

Looking at Feng Zhiyuan’s spirited and cheerful appearance, Sima Jianru and Lu Kun Peng and the others, secretly sighed, there was something in her heart that was not tasteful.

They also relinquished Lin Hai together, but Feng Zhiyuan apparently has come to their front, and even got the mysterious Xuan Qi Dan that made them jealous. It is impossible to say that they are not envious.

Just when their mood was down, suddenly Lin Hai’s indifferent voice sounded again.

“Everyone has worked hard today, but everyone who has merit has rewards!”

With that said, Lin Hai’s thoughts moved, and hundreds of medicine pill appeared in the air and flew to Feng Zhiyuan. Although there were no advanced medicine pill such as Xuanqi Dan, Lin Hai took out so many medicine pill at a time, and shocked everyone. Living.

“According to the performance, let’s share it for everyone!” After that, Lin Hai carried his hands on his shoulders, and a few flashes of silhouettes had already moved towards City Lord Mansion.

Until this moment, many Golden Core masters who reacted came with full face enthusiasm, and the back of moved towards Lin Hai respectfully worshipped!

“I wait, Sect Master Xie rewards!”

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