Chapter 1104 I Want To Reshape The Fleshy Body!

“Grade 7 medicine pill?” Lin Hai could not help frowning. According to Hundred Refinements, which he inherited from Pill King, Guru 7 medicine pill can be refined, but the success rate is not high, only 30% chance.

Seeing Lin Hai’s awkward look, Leng Yueru’s pretty face full of expectations, suddenly showing disappointment, her expression bleak.

“It seems that it can’t be refined, but it’s normal. It’s Pill King in the Earth Immortal world. It’s not easy to make Grade 7 medicine pill.”

Leng Yueru laughed twice, shook the head with a bitter face, and turned to leave.

“Girl Yueru, wait a minute!” Lin Hai suddenly said, stopping Leng Yueru.

Leng Yueru step one stopped, stopped, turned his back to Lin Hai, and remained silent. Lin Hai obviously felt that her mood suddenly became a little depressed.

“I don’t know Yueru girl, want to refine Grade 7 medicine pill, what’s the use?” Lin Hai had previously sent Leng Yueru a Grade 7 medicine pill, and after Lang Yueru ate it, his strength recovered a lot.

At this moment, Lin Hai had two more in his hand. If Leng Yueru needed it, the big deal would be to send it to her. Anyway, her current strength would not be necessary at all.

Leng Yueru heard it, suddenly turned his head, staring at Lin Hai with a burning look, saying it word by word!

“I want to reshape the fleshhy body!”

“What!” Lin Hai heard it, startled suddenly. “And this medicine pill?”

Lin Hai in Pill King’s inheritance, but did not get information in this regard, never knew that the destroyed Nascent Soul of the fleshhy body could even rely on the medicine pill to reunite the fleshhy body.

Leng Yueru is heavily nodded.

“After my fleshhy body was destroyed, I was unwilling to be survived in the world in the form of Nascent Soul. I have inquired from many parties and finally got a message that there is a medicine pill. After taking Nascent Soul, I can give birth to a fleshhy body. This kind of medicine pill is called Shengdan. , But Grade 7 medicine pill! “

“Shengjidan?” Lin Hai heard it for a moment, and the name sounded so familiar.

“Wait!” Suddenly, Lin Hai’s eyes suddenly flashed, and he suddenly remembered!

Fuck, it’s no wonder that the name Shengji Dan seems to have been heard before, and he has taken it himself!

My arm was destroyed before, and the Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm needed 4 things. One of them was this muscle dan, or I got it from the red child by relying on the baby haha!

I just do n’t know if the raw muscle Dan that I used is the same as the raw Dan muscle in Leng Yueru ’s mouth, but this time, I want to grow new meat on my arm. Similar, I think it should be right!

“Girl Yueru, can you reshape the fleshhy body with this hydration?” Lin Hai asked.

“It should be possible!” Leng Yueru nodded, but in terms of tone, he was not quite sure.

After all, she didn’t understand the technique of medicine pill, it was only probed from his population.

“If it’s just my muscles, then it’s covered me!” Lin Hai slaps his breast, solemnly vowed.

“what did you say!”

As soon as Lin Hai said something, Leng Yueru’s eyebrows rose instantly, the silhouette flashed, and she had reached Lin Hai. She grabbed Lin Hai with her arms and asked excitedly.

“You are really able to make my muscles !!!”

Leng Yueru’s voice was trembling. In her two beautiful eyes, the rays of light flashed with excitement. Since Lin Hai had known her, she had never seen her so lost self-control. Body such major events, Leng Yueru must not be excited!

“I don’t even have Pill Recipe, how can I make it?” Lin Hai shook the head with a grin.

“Then you said just now …” Leng Yueru was suddenly splashed with cold water, his body fluttered, his face was disappointed, he looked at Lin Hai in confusion, and asked puzzledly.

“I can’t make it, but I can do it!” Lin Hai said confidently.

“Really ?!” Leng Yueru was so excited that he was mobilized again and asked nervously.

“Relax!” Lin Hai faintly smiled, “It’s up to me!”

“So, when will you get it?” Leng Yueru couldn’t wait to ask.

“I’ll do it as soon as possible!” Lin Hai estimated the time. Feng Zhiyuan should be back. He must show up. “Girl Yueru, wait for me!”

With that said, Lin Hai returned to reality from the sanctuary with a thought.

As soon as I appeared, I saw Feng Zhiyuan and the others. It was less than 500 meters away from Lin Hai. Such a short distance is enough for a master of Golden Core Realm to blink.

“Subordinates, see the Sect Master. Fortunately, everyone is here!” Feng Zhiyuan moved towards Lin Hai, respectful cup one fist in the other hand, and waved, “Bring them up!”

Suddenly, five middle-aged men with horrified faces were shoved in front of Lin Hai.

“Meet the Sect Master!” Needless to say, the five of them fell to their knees in front of Lin Hai. The trembling with fear was a gift, apparently had been adjusted by Feng Zhiyuan.

“Let’s get up!” Lin Hai glanced lightly at five people, knowing that this must be the patriarch of the City Lord and Great Clans in the city, all of them are all Golden Core Early-Stage, nothing is worthy of Lin Hai’s attention.

“Sect Master, everything is brought to you!”

Feng Zhiyuan suddenly moved towards Lin Hai with a finger behind him, Lin Hai looked back, but saw dozens of big cars parked there, each full of huge boxes.

“Oh?” Lin Hai smiled, nodded.

I chose this Feng Zhiyuan to be the leader of this group of Golden Core masters. It seems that he really chose the right one. Although this guy usually doesn’t speak very much, he has a careful mind.

“All these are City Lord Mansion’s savings?” Lin Hai ordered people to open these boxes, and he couldn’t help but flash a surprise in his eyes. I didn’t expect this City Lord’s savings, so rich, than the previous City Lords add up a lot. !!

“Back to the Sect Master, in addition to the City Lord’s savings, there is also the house of the Four Great Clans in the city, which belongs to you and brought it to you!” Feng Zhiyuan hurried forward and bowed humbly to please.

“Eh …” Lin Hai laughed for a while, no wonder so much. Fuck is so fierce!

Before myself, I always put the City Lord Mansion on the side. The treasure of the Great Clans in the city was not moving at all. I was thinking that we couldn’t let the Great Clans lose the foundation for development. The character of Lin Hai decided that he couldn’t bear to do it. .

But this style of wisdom is far better, regardless of that many, it is completely in accordance with the rules of the cultivation world, the powerhouse dominates everything, and it is all for itself!

In this case, Lin Hai is not polite. Who thinks he has too many babies? Moreover, Feng Zhiyuan is also loyal. If he does not accept it, Feng Zhiyuan’s initiative will also be hit?

“Good job!” Lin Hai complimented, and then with a wave of his arm, the treasures disappeared into the holy realm.

Feng Zhiyuan and the others, this is not the first time to see Lin Hai. Instead, it was the 5 people who were newly recruited. When they saw that many things, they suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and their mouths were closed. The Sect Master became even more awed.

As usual, Lin Hai let the original City Lord stay and continue to manage the city. At the same time, he searched for minerals in the area of ​​several hundred thousand li, and accepted Di Shengjie’s management.

After proper arrangements, Lin Hai took out the shuttle shuttle again, and the entire group moved towards the next city!

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