Chapter 1098 Worshiping Sun Wukong

“Subordinates are here!” Feng Zhiyuan and Di Shengjie hurried forward, cup one fist in the other hand saluted.

“Now, order you 2 people to enter the city immediately and take down all the Great Clans patriarchs in the city. The action should be based on Feng Zhiyuan and supplemented by Di Shengjie. The others will cooperate fully and obey the instructions of the two people. “Understand!”

Feng Zhiyuan heard that with so many Golden Core masters, Lin Hai actually let him take the lead and listen to his command. There was a sudden ecstasy in his heart. He knew this was a very good signal. It seems that Lin Hai wants to reuse him !!

“Sect Master, rest assured, the subordinates will never disappoint the expectations of Sect Master, otherwise they will come up to see you!” Feng Zhiyuan was full of ambition, full of energy, and full of energy, patted his chest to assure Lin Hai.

Sima Jianru and the others had a dull look, and sighed in their hearts, knowing that this first round had given the wind a little wisdom, and prevailed.

In the future, if you want to get more benefits at Lin Hai, you can only perform better!

“Brothers, let’s go!” Feng Zhiyuan cup one fist in the other hand to bid farewell to Lin Hai, then waved his hand, took a dozen Golden Core masters, and hurriedly ran towards the Great Clans in the city.

Di Shengjie, the City Lord, led the way, and dozens of Golden Core masters helped. In such a lineup, Lin Hai was not worried about any accidents, so let go of Feng Zhiyuan and let go.

After all, there will be many such things in the future. He can’t always do it himself every time. It is enough to have these hands to do it.

After Di Shengjie left, Lin Hai went straight into City Lord Mansion and walked casually.

“Senior, do you have any instructions?” Immediately, there was a servant from Di Shengjie’s house, trembling with fear came together, and asked indifferently.

They had witnessed the previous battle and knew that their City Lord had already taken refuge in the youngster in front of them, the master’s master, how dare they carelessly serve?

“Get me an empty room, I want to take a break!” Lin Hai indifferently said.

“Yes, Senior is with me!” The servant quickly promised, bowed, and took Lin Hai to a spacious room.

“If Senior has any instructions, despite being called Xiao, Xiao will always wait outside the door.” The next man finished, carefully closed the door, and backed out.

Rarely for a while, Lin Hai lay in bed and pulled out his phone.

The previous battle with Mrs. Zhao Xiong, Lin Hai once again realized the terrifying of Daoxing, and the desire for Daoxing became stronger and stronger.

However, although he had a sense of Daoxing, he couldn’t see it, couldn’t touch it, he couldn’t cultivate at all. It was really eye-catching. Lin Hai couldn’t help but want to try other methods.

In cultivation, Lin Hai naturally immediately thought of Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong’s high magic power, but the general existence of Heavenly Court War God, and the strongest relationship with Lin Hai, Lin Hai has regarded him as a good teacher and friend during the cultivation process. presence.

I thought I hadn’t contacted Sun Wukong for a long time. Before speaking, Lin Hai directly opened the Universe Bag and sent a bunch of things in the past.

Ding dong!

You sent a box of Chinese cigarettes to Sun Wukong!

Ding dong!

You sent Sun Wukong a box of spicy bars!

Ding dong!

You sent a box of Coke to Sun Wukong!

Ding dong!

You sent Sun Wukong 50 bags of Qiaqia Seeds!

Ding dong!

You sent Sun Wukong 50 bags of alcoholic peanuts!


Before Lin Hai’s stuff was sent, Sun Wukong’s message was sent.

Sun Wukong: ah ha ha ha, virtuous brother, why did you suddenly send so many new and wonderful things to your grandson, did you not get rich recently? (Behind is a surprise expression)

Little confused: It’s not enough to get rich, but with good things, naturally you have to share it with Great Saint. Who makes Great Saint my hardest buddy! (Behind is a raised eyebrow expression)

Sun Wukong: The hardest dude? The words of virtuous brother make the old grandson feel a little unpleasant, and do not hide the virtuous brother. When the old grandson had just settled in Flower Fruit Mountain, he had 6 brothers, and we 7 people called 7 Great Saint. After being crushed by Five Elements Mountain, no one came to visit, and there is no contact today. (Behind is a sad expression)

After reading Hai Wukong’s reply, Lin Hai sank. Sun Wukong, a monkey, has always been frivolous. When he saw him so sad, he even used a sad expression.

It seems that although Sun Wukong has no contact with the other 6 Great Saints, he still cherishes the original friendship and is a real disposition!

Such a person, for friends, can definitely cut two ribs, go through water and tread on fire, and be a decent person!

Thinking of this, Lin Hai’s emotions were also infected, and a sudden surge of urge came to me, and he quickly edited a message and posted it.

Little confused: Great Saint, 6 of them do this because they are cold and ruthless. They are no longer worthy of being a brother of Great Saint. The younger brother has always respected and worshiped Great Saint and has long admired it. He has always been regarded as an idol. Abandon, the younger brother is willing to worship with the Great Saint for the life and death of the brother, sharing life and death, sharing the same blessings and blessings, I wonder what is the meaning of Great Saint?

After Lin Hai finished sending her hair, the heart begged quickly, and the palm of the phone was shaking nervously, all shaking slightly.

This is because I worshiped my childhood idol Sun Wukong. I don’t know if Sun Wukong will agree. If I reject myself, I will be sad.

Soon, Sun Wukong’s information came back, Lin Hai hurriedly checked!

Sun Wukong: ha ha ha ha ha, virtuous brother In this case, he is loving the old grandson! From now on, you are the oldest brother of the same sex. If you dare to bully the Second Brother, and your old grandson goes down to Yellow Spring, you will beat a stick!

Little confused: haha, really! great! !! !!

Lin Hai almost jumped up with joy, her mouth closed.

I ca n鈥檛 think of it!

The childhood idol of countless people in China, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, actually promised to worship himself and became a brother!

If you say this, you have to envy how many people die!

Sun Wukong: Of course it is true. After Second Brother leaves Secret Realm and returns to Heavenly Court, you and my brother will put down the incense case and invite Celestial Immortal Buddha, and ask Heaven and Earth to witness!

Little confused: haha, everything is arranged by Brother Hou!

Lin Hai’s sincere feelings for Sun Wukong when she was a child when she saw Journey to the West, without any thoughts. Now that two people are brothers of the opposite sex, Lin Hai is really happy.

After worshiping, Lin Hai remembered that there was still business and hurried to ask Sun Wukong.

Little confused: Brother Hou, Second Brother has something, and I want to ask!

Sun Wukong: Second Brother, they are all their own family members. You do n鈥檛 need to be polite. Whatever it is, even if it is to let grandson Sun to help you pull the jade emperor off the horse, grandson Sun is absolutely unambiguous!

Little confused: haha, Brother Hou will spare the poor old man. I guess the jade emperor heard your name and could n鈥檛 sleep well! (Behind is a laughing expression)

Sun Wukong: Hehe, Second Brother should not underestimate the old Jade Emperor. The old way of doing things is unfathomable. He is one of the very best masters at Heavenly Court. Not to mention him, what is wrong with Second Brother?

“Oh?” Lin Hai saw Sun Wukong’s reply, and couldn’t help but start to realize it!

“No wonder, it turned out that Jade Emperor was so weak, all pretended?”

When Lin Hai was watching Journey to the West, he had doubts. Brother Jade Emperor dignified Heaven Realm was actually scared by Sun Wukong and got directly under the table. There is no battle strength at all. What is Commander like this person? Heavenly Court?

You know, the group of Divine Immortal in the sky are all aloof. Oh, the Jade Emperor must be so weak that he would be killed before he was waved. How can he be allowed to sit firmly in the Golden Temple?

Until this moment, Lin Hai understood that Jade Emperor was playing a pig game, but he didn’t know what purpose he was doing this?

However, this is not what Lin Hai cares about. Lin Hai is now most concerned about Daoxing.

Little confused: Brother Hou, I heard you said that you can use Dao points to exchange Daoxing at Heavenly Dao?

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