Chapter 1093 The Next City!

At the critical moment, Xue Hong couldn’t care less. As long as he could save his life, it was better than anything!

They Golden Core masters, all the way to achieve today’s achievements, I do not know how many people stepped on the bodies of the people, and the more so, the more they cherish their lives, but there is a vitality, and never give up.

The patriarch of Four Great Clans has exactly the same idea as Xue Hong. They have a transcendent approach, a prominent position, and a lot of enjoyment in life. How can they die? Seeing that Xue Hong had succumbed, they also yelled immediately.

“I’ll also be willing to acknowledge allegiance! Call this Demonic beast and stop!”


blood mist Demonic beast opened a huge mouth and stopped at a distance less than one meter from Xue Hong and the others. The intense blood-reeking qi made Xue Hong and the others sicken for a while, watching blood mist Demonic Beast is close at hand, peng peng can’t help but jump, his eyes flash with panic.

“Lin City Lord, I’m willing to acknowledge allegiance!” For fear of blood mist Demonic beast getting out of control, moved towards them swallowed, Xue Hong hurried and roared again.


Xue Hong tone barely fell, blood mist Demonic beast huge silhouette, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Xue Hong and the others jumped in my heart, hurriedly looked around, and the whole space was without the shadow of blood mist Demonic beast. It never seemed to have appeared in general, so I took a sigh of relief and let my hanging heart go. Go on.

At the same time, my heart finally understood why Lin Hai could capture the humorous city of Zhao Xiong and his wife. There is such a horrible demonic beast. Even if Mrs. Zhao Xiong is more powerful, it will be overwhelming for a long time!

At this time, Lin Hai’s voice suddenly sounded in the air.

“You guys say submit to me, can you take it seriously?”

Xue Hong and the others glanced at each other, and could not help but dim a sigh in his heart.

To this day, in addition to the acknowledgement allegiance, what else is the strength of the blood mist Demonic beast, they just learned, if not acknowledgement allegiance, waiting for them is the dead end one!

“Also, it is better to drop Lin Hai first, and then make another plan!” Thinking of this, the five people were nodded to each other, Xue Hong took a step forward, and moved towards the sky a cup one fist in the other hand.

“Lin City Lord, I am not as good as others, willing to acknowledge allegiance!”

“Okay!” Lin Hai agreed, and then five green lights suddenly appeared in the sky. “Catch!”

Xue Hong and the others didn’t know what to do, hurriedly reached out his hand, the green light fell into the palm of each person’s palm, and looked intently, but it was a green medicine pill.

“Lin City Lord, what is this?” At the sight of the color of medicine pill, Xue Hong and the others were suddenly surprised, and gave a hint of bad feeling.

“Control Divine Pill, if you acknowledge allegiance, eat it!”

“What!” After Lin Hai finished speaking, Xue Hong and the others’ faces suddenly became extremely ugly. Apparently, they had also heard of terrifying that controlled Divine Pill, and they could not help shaking the palm of medicine pill, and they were shaking.

And Lin Hai’s voice sounded in the air again, cold and abnormal!

“Eat the medicine pill, or die!”

Xue Hong and the others, suddenly complexion pale, desperate, showing an expression of pain and struggle.

“City Lord, what should I do?” Four Great Clans patriarch asked in a panic.

Xue Hong’s eyelids kept jumping, his expression was uncertain, and he was helpless but helpless. In the end, he could only clenched the teeth and determined!

“What can I do!”

After speaking, Xue Hong took a mouthful and swallowed Divine Pill into his stomach. Four Great Clans patriarch ate at the sight of Xue Hong. Although he did not want to do it, he had no choice compared to life-saving. Gritting his teeth, he took the medicine pill.

Soon, Tao Dao hummed, then turned into a very painful roar, Xue Hong 5 people all fell to the ground, plunged into the torment and torture of death.

I don’t know when, the silhouette of Lin Hai and the others appeared again, and Xue Hong’s eyes were red, and they struggled in front of Lin Hai.

“Lin City Lord, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance, please give me antidote!”

Sima Jianru, three people, looked at Xue Hong and the others who were rolling in pain. The neck could not help but let off the cold air, the eyes were terrified, and the unexplainable uncomfortable, remembered that they had just experienced the same torture not long ago , Even a kind of empathy, could not help but sweat.

“This is the antidote, eat it!” Lin Hai flicked his finger and gave the antidote to Xue Hong and the others.

Xue Hong 5’s eyes were all blind, and he was crazy when he held the antidote in his hands. He even couldn’t even thank him and swallowed it directly.

Soon, the efficacy of medicine broke out, and the pain that was not as good as life died away. All of Xue Hong’s five were lying on the ground, breathing heavily, his body trembling slightly, and his eyes full of fear.

That kind of taste, too terrifying, terrifying, they would rather die, rather than try again.

Lin Hai looked at them, brows slightly wrinkle, and couldn’t help sighing.

He and Xue Hong and the others, the lacking hatred and enmity, but had no choice but to let them suffer a little.

“Xue Hong, can’t get up yet, pay respects to Master!” At this time, Feng Zhiyuan suddenly stepped forward, and moved towards Xue Hong and the others with a yell.

Xue Hong and the others were all shivered, and then they looked up in fear, and moved towards Lin Hai to scratch their heads!

“I wait, pay respects to Master!”

“Let’s all get up!” Lin Hai raised his arms vacantly, and Zhen Qi held up five people.

“Don’t call yourself a master, I have a Hai Hai Sect of my own, named Sea Moon Sect. If you like, just call me a Sect Master for my Sea Moon Sect outer disciple!”

When Xue Hong and the others heard it, they could not help but brighten, calling Sect Master and calling the master, it was completely different!

If Lin Hai is referred to as a master, then their status is no different from a domestic slave, but the name Sect Master is sect disciple, and the status will be greatly enhanced!

As for the outer disciple mentioned by Lin Hai, they can’t ignore it too, it is better than being a slave to Lin Hai!

With this in mind, five people moved towards Lin Hai and saluted at the same time, speaking in unison.

“Disciple, meet Sect Master!”

“En!” Lin Hai nodded, not wanting to delay time, moved towards Xue Hong glanced.

“Without delay, I’m taking over your City Lord Mansion!”

Xue Hongwen heard that when his heart was dark, many years of business would make people embarrassed, and his heart was inevitably a little unwilling, but his life was in the hands of others.

“Sect Master, please!” Xue Hong waved his hand and made a pleased gesture, and then led the way, bringing Lin Hai into the Golden Elephant City!

When he arrived at the City Lord Mansion, Lin Hai’s first thing was to directly accept Xue Hong’s savings for many years, which made Xue Hong hurt for a while and almost burst into tears.

Xue Hong’s savings were on par with Zhao Xiong’s. Lin Hai took all the money according to the order, and all his arms were swept into the holy realm.

Fortunately, Lin Hai quickly issued another order to let Xue Hong continue to act as City Lord, and gave him the same task as Hu Sangcheng Dong Shuo, and then took Four Great Clans patriarch and left with flying magic weapons.

This allowed Xue Hong to breathe a sigh of relief. Lin Hai was not staying at the Golden Elephant City. He nominally represented the City Lord, but actually exercised the rights of the City Lord by himself. Finally, Xue Hong gave a good consolation!

Lin Hai controlled the shuttle shuttle and flew in the sky. The number of people behind him has changed from the initial 3 to 7 people.

After a few breaths, the shuttle shuttle stopped in the air, and a huge city below was clearly visible!

“Sect Master, this is the Flowing Cloud City from 30 to 80000 away from Golden Elephant City!” A patriarch just conquered, came forward respectfully!

“En!” Lin Hai nodded, “Everyone knows what to do?”

“Subordinates understand!” The seven men answered, all bowing together.

“Okay!” Lin Hai raised an eyebrow and landed in a deserted area 30 miles outside Flowing Cloud City.

Then he moved his thoughts, put away the shuttle shuttle, and spoke lightly.

“Take action!”

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