Chapter 1088 Hu Sang City Lord!


This time it was Lin Hai’s turn. She was shocked. In a word, Leng Yueru made Lin Hai slap a foot and almost fell.

Glancing at Leng Yueru silently, Lin Hai shook the head with a funny look.

“Girl Yueru, I’m a real human from the inside out!”

“However, you are a human. Why can you inherit the Innate Ability of Demonic Beast? This is simply impossible!” Leng Yueru looked at Lin Hai with amazement, still shocked.

“Then I won’t understood!” Lin Hai spread his hands. “Maybe I’m special!”

“Strange, really weird!” Leng Yueru stared at Lin Hai with confusion, always wondering whether Lin Hai was a human or a demonic beast.

Lin Hai was embarrassed and helpless by Leng Yueru’s two horrified eyes.

“I said girl Yueru, I’m human, I’m really human!” Lin Hai was almost crying.

“You say you are a human, how can you prove?” Leng Yueru’s eyes, like watching an animal, lingered around Lin Hai and said casually.

“Proof? I … fuck!” Lin Hai covered her head and didn’t know what to say!

“Sister, is it okay to call your sister?” Lin Hai couldn’t stand Leng Yueru’s surprised little eyes, and complained to Leng Yueru again and again.

“I tell you, do n’t believe me, I ’m really human, but this proof, I have nowhere to go, and now Huaxia does not allow such wonderful proofs as proof that I am me and my dad is my dad You can’t make it difficult for me, let me prove that I am human, this proof is even more amazing! “

Leng Yueru looked at Lin Hai’s didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and his doubtful big eyes turned again on Lin Hai.

“Do you really?”

“Exactly, if I lie to you, I am the sound of a beast!” Lin Hai swears.

When Leng Yueru heard it, he suddenly froze and looked scornful.

“You’re really cunning. Doesn’t that mean you didn’t say it? If you lied to me, it means that you are still Demonic Beast. Demonic Beast is not a beast, what is it?”


Lin Hai didn’t expect Leng Yueru. We could all find the weak spot, but the sad ones didn’t know what to do.

“Sect Master Lin!”

“Sect Master Lin!”

At this time, Lu Kun Peng 4 people came together and appeared in front of Lin Hai.

“Oops, it’s finally time to rescue the driver!” Lin Hai put out a long breath, and Lin Hai would have to go crazy if he was pursued by Leng Yueru as a monster.

“You four, what’s the matter?” Lin Hai coughed twice, his face full, majestic.

The four people glanced at each other, and then Lu Kun Peng as a representative, stepped forward and stood up.

“Sect Master Lin, this is it! Before you came to Husang City, Husang City was occupied by Zhao Xiong. Now the Zhaoxiong couple is dead and there is no owner in the city. I and 4 people have discussed and would like to recommend you as the new City Lord. Don’t know Sect Master Lin, what’s your intention? “

“When City Lord?” Lin Hai hesitated, and then he was really a little tempted. City Lord is not a small official. That is equivalent to the head of a city in the world!

Not to mention, if you can really become this City Lord, or even Husang City, you all have to listen to yourself, will not all be your own helpers then?

“You City Lord, can you choose by yourself? Isn’t it appointed?” Lin Hai was a little confused. It should be said that City Lord’s identity should be more official. How could it be Lu Kun Peng and the others, saying that he should be Can you be your own?

“Haha, Sect Master Lin is thinking too much!” Lu Kun Peng stroked his beard and smiled.

“If it is the 2 main cities on the island, the City Lord naturally needs to be appointed by the Island Lord, but Husang City is a remote town, which belongs to Fenglan City, one of the 2 main cities, and is ten thousand li away from Fenglan City. Far away, where can I get into the eyes of Island Lord? Even Fenglan City Lord is disinclined to pay attention to. “

“The City Lord here has always been independent by the powerhouse. The last City Lord was killed by the Zhao Xiong couple who did not know where they came from, and then the city Lord was made by Zhao Xiong!”

“That’s it.” Lin Hai listened, nodded silently, and in Lu Kun Peng’s words, he got some information he didn’t know before.

“Xiaolu, let’s set aside when it comes to City Lord. I have to ask you if there is a situation.” Lin Hai frowned, a feeling of awkwardness came into my heart.

“Uh … Xiaolu?” Lu Kun Peng looked expressionless, and then he was speechless. He couldn’t think of his age, but he became Xiaolu in front of Lin Hai?

“Sect Master has something, but it ’s okay to speak. Lu must know everything and talk endlessly!” Although there is some discomfort with the title of Xiao Lu, Lu Kun Peng dare not show it at all, after all, it ’s better to control Divine Pill He didn’t want to try it in his life.

“You said just now that this city of Husang is a remote small town on the island, which means that the island is very large and consists of countless such small towns?”

“Yes, there are no less than a hundred cities like Husang. There are more than 1000 in the entire island!” Lu Kun Peng nodded replied.

Lin Hai’s heart sank even more, and still asked with a hint of hope.

“I heard Lu Mingxian said that there are 108 border islands in Penglai Immortal Island alone, and the inner and outer islands are unknown. The island where Hussan City is located is one of the border islands. Is that so? “

“Yes, as Lu Mingxuan said, we are now on a border island on Penglai Immortal Island!”


After getting a positive answer from Lu Kun Peng, Lin Hai almost spit out old blood, and there was no luck in his heart.

“You’re paralyzed, pit father!” Lin Hai suddenly felt a deep despair in his heart!

I used to think that this so-called Penglai Immortal Island is just an island, but now he doesn’t know that it is a collective name for countless islands!

Moreover, just a border island, there are more than 1000 cities in it, and the Earth Grade City in Huaxia is only over 300. In this way, is it not a border island, just like the top 3 Huaxia? Big?

What is even more frightening is that there are actually 108 such border islands. Not only that, in addition to the border islands, there are other inner islands and outer islands!

“What a dog day!” Lin Hai was speechless. This Fucking Dog Penglai Immortal Island is almost as big as the entire Earth in all realms!

Thanks to myself, I also thought that after entering Penglai Immortal Island, I will try to find a mineral deposit within a week, then take it away with the Holy Land, and then return to the realm to develop my Sea Moon Sect as soon as possible.

It seems that he is a joke at all!

Not to mention finding a mineral deposit, even if it doesn’t do anything, it’s just a simple walk around the entire Penglai Immortal Island. I don’t know if it will time that will never come!

“Sect Master Lin, do you have any other questions?” Seeing Lin Hai’s face look different, Lu Kun Peng asked with courage.

“No problem!” Lin Hai smiled wryly, this Penglai Immortal Island was too different from his previous imagination.

Fortunately, Lin Hai’s sanctuary has flying magic flying through the clouds, and the speed of ten thousand li is extremely fast, which gives Lin Hai a little comfort.

I ca n’t go home empty-handed when I enter Baoshan. I ’m here when I come, and I ’m going to control the shuttle shuttle to circle the whole Penglai Immortal Island. Apart from this, there ’s no other way!

After figuring it out, Lin Hai looked towards Lu Kun Peng, and said with a smile.

“Being a City Lord, I don’t know what the benefits will be?”

“Sect Master Lin, it’s a lot better to be a City Lord!” Lu Kun Peng also laughed.

“If you become the City Lord, the entire city of Hu Sang will be in your pocket, spar, beauty, treasure, what do you want, and all the people in the city must listen to your command, It is a force that is not weak! “

“Well, that makes sense!” Lin Hai blinked, nodded.

“Since you said so well, that’s fine, from now on, I’m Husang City Lord!”

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