Chapter 1067

Lin Hai was taken aback, wondering what the black mist suddenly got into his own body.

Hurry up and run Zhen Qi and search for within the body, only to find nothing!

“It’s numb, what’s the matter?” Lin Hai suddenly felt a little nervous.

At this time, a sudden reminder sounded in my mind.

Ding dong!

“Eight-Branched Giant Snake is in your within the body, leaving a trailing lifeline buckle!”

Tracking slinger: Mysterious magic, after the target slinger is cast, if the target dies, the slinger automatically enters within the body of the target killer and cannot be removed. The caster can track the killer by this!

“I’m going!” Lin Hai stared at the reminder in his head, speechless.

Fuck, the black mist turned out to be a secret technique!

Unexpectedly, after learning the mystery Undead Wraith at the Ge Family Manor, I saw a mystery magic again so soon.

It’s just that the tracking slinger looks a bit abnormal, it’s just a super invincible tracker!

After killing 3 maggots on his own, this slam dunk immediately penetrated into his within the body, which could not be removed. In this way, the practitioner could find himself no matter where he hid.

“Yes, who is the caster? Eight-Branched Giant Snake?” Lin Hai rolled his eyes, thinking for a while.

“How does the name Eight-Branched Giant Snake feel so familiar?”

Lin Hai always seemed to have heard of Eight-Branched Giant Snake, but all of a sudden I couldn’t remember it.

“Fuck, there is a problem, find Du Niang!” Lin Hai patted his head and quickly took out the phone.

“Fortunately, my buddy is a Divine Item, and I am not afraid of water!” Lin Hai found that after soaking in the sea for so long, nothing happened to his mobile phone. It seems that domestic products are not so bad!

Open the browser, Lin Hai typed the words Eight-Branched Giant Snake, and searched. All the information about Eight-Branched Giant Snake was displayed.

“I trust, finally remembered!”

Lin Hai glanced at it and suddenly felt that this Eight-Branched Giant Snake is the demonic beast in the myth of the island nation, with 8 heads and 8 tails, extremely fierce!

Lin Hai can’t help but think of the previous 3 heads, Eight-Branched Giant Snake has 8 heads, it has 3 heads, and all of them are little devils. It seems that the relationship between the two is not ordinary!

“Is this three-headed pheasant a descendant of Eight-Branched Giant Snake, not fully developed yet?”

Lin Hai thinks more and more that this is possible. This tracking rigging, maybe Eight-Branched Giant Snake, was specially reserved to avenge the killing offspring!

“His grandma’s got the Demonic beast in Myths and Legends!” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, and couldn’t think of these three heads, and there was such a powerful backstage.

I just do n’t know, where is this Eight-Branched Giant Snake right now, is it also in the sea, or is it somewhere on the island, or is it already hung up?

Lin Hai didn’t have any information about the Eight-Branched Giant Snake, so he frowned at the head.

Even the 3-headed Demonic Beast, which only has 3 heads, is already so powerful. If you really come to the door for a Legendary Demonic Beast such as Eight-Branched Giant Snake, it is really a big trouble for yourself.

“What the hell, these three heads are really abominable. They are dead and overcast by the big brother!”

This Eight-Branched Giant Snake is dead or alive now. I do n’t know where it is. Lin Hai is too lazy to think about it. One day, I have to come to the door. The soldiers will come to block Water Appears Earth Shuts.

In the previous battle, although it was far away from the two ships on the shore, the huge waves set off during the battle still charged the ship far away, far from the coast.

At the foot of Lin Hai, Zhen Qi mentioned that he set foot on the water and went straight to the two boats drifting in the sea, then leapt forward and jumped over the ship.

After searching on the two ships, they found that there were no pirates missing the net, so they were relieved.

After jumping out of the boat, Lin Hai volleyed into the sea, his palm suddenly pressed against the boat, his mouth shouting loudly!

“Go away!”


Zhen Qi swallowed from the palm of his hand and instantly pushed the heavy ship back to the shore in the wind and waves.

Then Lin Hai jumped ashore, and after a few landings, he returned to the grove.

As soon as he came, all the asylum seekers in the grove stood up and looked towards Lin Hai with extremely complicated eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, the pirates are all wiped out, it’s all right!” Lin Hai faintly smiled, said kindly.

“Coo dong!” As soon as Lin Hai thought, several voices of swallowing swallowed in the crowd, watching Lin Hai nervously.

“Uh … what’s wrong?” Lin Hai hesitated, a little aggressive.

At this time, a child who looked only 6 or 7 years old suddenly looked at Lin Hai and said weakly.

“Big Brother, are you Divine Immortal?”

The children’s words, while listening to being extremely naive, made this group of adults tremble violently, all of them moved towards Lin Hai, with a frantic look.

Obviously, their hearts had the same questions as the children, and they were both nervous and curious, waiting for Lin Hai’s answer.

After all, everything that happened before was too incredible, especially the appearance of the three heads, which made many of them’s beliefs and world views subverted.

“Is it Divine Immortal?” Lin Hai suddenly had a weird smile on his face.

Once upon a time, the term appeared only in TV novels and folklore. In Lin Hai’s perception, Divine Immortal is just like a ghost, completely fictional from ancient times.

If in the past, anyone who solemnly vowed and a 21st-century college student such as Lin Hai talked about whether the Divine Immortal ghost really exists, Lin Hai will tell him rightly, it ’s all feudal superstition, do n’t In ignorance.

But after only a few months of work, Lin Hai not only saw the ghosts, but also the demon, even Divine Immortal of Heavenly Court. He even became Human Immortal himself, out of the scope of mortal.

If you think about it, Lin Hai’s heart feels extremely unreal, just like dreaming!

Extend the hand, Lin Hai gently touched the child’s head and smiled intimately.

“Yes, the big brother is Divine Immortal!”

Lin Hai not at all concealed. After all, before fighting with the three heads of war, all these people saw in their eyes, that is completely beyond the scope of the current human cognition, even if they do not recognize it, how would they believe it?

Moreover, although Human Immortal is the lowest level of Divine Immortal, it is also regarded as Divine Immortal!

“In this world, there is really Divine Immortal!” Lin Hai said in an instant, in everyone’s heart, it caused a stir!

Although they saw this means before Lin Hai, they already had this mental preparation, but after speaking from Lin Hai’s mouth, it was completely another feeling!

After a brief shock and silence, a man suddenly rushed over to kneel in front of Lin Hai.

“Shangxian, please take me as a disciple!”

The man’s behavior immediately made everyone react, and the eyes of each and everyone immediately burst into ecstasy rays of light.

“Shangxian, collect me too!”

“Shangxian, accept me, I can bear hardships!”

“I begged Shangxian to accept me as a discipline. I’ve been quick since elementary school, and I won’t embarrass Shangxian!”

“Shangxian, I’m in good shape, I will warm the bed, accept me, you can let me do anything!”

“Shangxian, I am yours, and I am willing to have monkeys for you!”


For a moment, the crowd was suddenly crazy, the tide moved toward Lin Hai came over, crash-bang kneeled down, and his eyes were full of fanatical rays of light!

After all, the Chinese people still adore Divine Immortal very much, and now there is a living Divine Immortal, this is the immortal fate in front of him!

If Lin Hai really accepts himself, he will one day become Divine Immortal!

Such an opportunity, even if they were killed, would never give up!

“I’m going!” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, so why did they worship the master, did the big brother really look like a master?

Looking at a large piece of black kneeling in front of him, Lin Hai reluctantly, gently shook the head.

“Everyone, please get up!”

“I don’t know a word, have you heard of it?”

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