Chapter 1058 Little Construction Worker!

After Liu Xinyue listened, he could not help but hesitantly, and then hugged Lin Hai’s neck.

“Where to?”

Lin Hai put out a breath gently, “Penglai Immortal Island!”

“After the Earth Immortal world opens, we will definitely leave the world. I must build Sea Moon Sect and improve the cultivation base of disciplines as soon as possible so that after we leave, they will be able to protect our family.”

“On Penglai Immortal Island, there is a kind of ore that can be equipped with Gathering Spirit Formation, and I want to mine it, so that our Sea Moon Sect’s discipline can continuously absorb the rich Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, and the cultivation base speed can Greatly improved! “

After Liu Xinyue listened, there was a slight injury on his face, but he recovered quickly.

“You go, you are the person who majors the event, don’t care about me, I will take care of myself, but people are so reluctant to you!” Liu Xinyue said as he moved his tender little hand toward the bottom.

Lin Hai’s body was shivered. Seeing Liu Xinyue being so active, the fire in his heart was ignited instantly, and Liu Xinyue was put under her body by turning over.

“Then let’s go crazy all night!”


The two did not sleep all night, fighting directly to Tianming. Fortunately, Liu Xinyue was also a cultivation person and did not feel tired. Dark circles and so on did not appear. Instead, the delicate faces were radiant and lustrous red light. Cheeky.

After entangled with Lin Hai for a long time, they left with reluctance and drove Li Jian to the crew.

After Liu Xinyue left, Lin Hai gathered many Sea Moon Sect disciples, all of them. The 7 killers were also notified in advance. Under the leadership of Ye Wan, they gathered together. There were more than 100 men, women and children. .

Lin Hai glanced at the crowd, and then moved his mind, and Chuan Shuo appeared in front of them.

“set off!”

Everyone jumped up and crossed the cloud shuttle, and under the control of Lin Hai, it disappeared instantly and appeared in the sky. In the blink of an eye, they had left Yanjing and arrived at Jiangnan City.


Chuanshuo fell on the top of the mountain, Yunsheng and the others were shocked. They had never seen Chuanshuo, all of them were alert and nervous, and they didn’t know what was this behemoth that suddenly dropped from the sky!

After Lin Hai took more than 100 people and jumped off from the shuttle shuttle, Yunsheng and the others were relaxed and welcomed with a look of surprise.

“Sect Master, this, what is this baby?”

Rao is Yunsheng always calm. When he saw Yunshuo, he was a little excited. He jumped up with curiosity. He touched it and looked fresh.

“This is a magic weapon for flying through clouds, and it is infinitely faster than an airplane,” Lin Hai faintly smiled said.

“Much faster than an airplane?” Yun Sheng heard it, more excited, “haha, I can’t think of me Sea Moon Sect, and such a magical treasure, really good!”

“Grandfather!” Yun Zhou and Yun Huier hurried over after Yun Sheng jumped from the shuttle shuttle, with joy on their faces after a long absence.

“Haha, you two are by the side of the Sect Master, haven’t you bothered the Sect Master?” Yun Sheng liked the two grandchildren of Yun Zhou and Yun Huier, and he was very pleased to meet again, and asked with a smile.

“Relax, grandfather, my brother and I are very obedient!” Yun Huier smiled playfully, holding Yunsheng’s arm, and tilted his head.

“Haha, that’s good!” Yun Sheng saw that there were so many people who came with Lin Hai, and most of them didn’t know it, and knew that at this moment it wasn’t the usual time, so quickly moved towards Lin Hai a cup one fist in the other hand.

“Sect Master, are these friends?”

“It’s all my disciple of Sea Moon Sect!” Lin Hai said proudly.

Yun wins a moment, then laughed up.

“It’s very good. My Sea Moon Sect took shape overnight!”

Lin Hai also laughed, and then introduced Yun Sheng solemnly to everyone.

“Yun Shengyun Old Brother, I specially invited from Xiliang Yun Family to help form my Sea Moon Sect. It is my first Elder of Sea Moon Sect, and all disciples under Sea Moon Sect. I must obey Yun Old. Brother sent, do you understand? “

“Strictly abide by the Sect Master!” All disciples of Sea Moon Sect immediately agreed in unison, and subsequently moved towards Yun Sheng and worshiped.

“Meet the first Elder!”

“Haha, you don’t have to be polite, please get up and please!” Yun Sheng laughed heartily, his hands held up, and everyone stood up.

“Since all of you are my Sea Moon Sect disciple, then the old man would say a few words!” Yun Sheng took a step forward, and the smile of the former gentleman immediately disappeared, replaced by a serious face, his eyes burning, and he was powerful.

“Sea Moon Sect has just been established and everything is still in preparation. Since being Sea Moon Sect disciple, each of us has an obligation to contribute our strength to the development and growth of sect. Everyone said, right?”


“First Elder is right!”

“The thing about sect is our thing!”


The more than 100 Sea Moon Sect disciple immediately shook their arms and roused emotions.

“Okay! Everyone is really good. It is indeed my first pioneers of Sea Moon Sect. In this case, sect now has a task that requires everyone to work together to complete. I wonder if everyone, is there this role?”

Everyone heard, and their eyes lighted up. Didn’t expect to have a task so quickly. Sect has just started. Who wants to make more contributions in order to get better training of sect in the future?

The thought of this, everyone began to express their anger.

“First Elder, you can just say, what do we need to do?”

“Yeah, we don’t have any kind, even mountain of blades and a sea of ​​fire, dare to break into him!”

“We must do something for sect!”


“Haha, okay, okay, so I can rest assured!” Yun Sheng heard even nodded, his laughing eyes almost narrowed into a seam.

Lin Hai was also curious. I didn’t know what kind of tasks Yunsheng was going to give these newly arrived disciples, and he couldn’t help turning his head towards Yunsheng.

But when he saw Yunsheng’s wily old fox smile, Lin Hai couldn’t help but hesitated, and his heart suddenly felt a hint of premonition. This group of disciplines is probably going to be bad luck.

Sure enough, Yun Sheng turned around suddenly, moved towards the flat mountain top, the building materials piled up like a finger, hehe smiled.

“The task is very simple. We haven’t built sect yet. We wanted to hire workers. But now that everyone is here and willing to contribute to sect, the workers will not ask.”

“From now on, everyone will live and live on the mountain. Let ’s start together and build our sect. Be a little construction worker who has no money for a few months. In this way, you can save a lot of money for sect, hahaha! “


As soon as Yun Sheng finished speaking, the more than 100 people almost fell collectively, each and everyone looked towards Yun Sheng, who wanted to cry without tears, his eyes changed!

Fuck, so generous and enthusiastic as I said before, everyone is full of enthusiasm, ready to show their talents, and establish immortal feats. In the end, why is he a small worker?

So first Elder, how can he really hurt!

Just as everyone was crying, suddenly a man in a ragged clothes, with dirt on his face, his beard, and his hair turned into a henhouse, looked dull and carried a log in his eyes, walking like a corpse in front of everyone Passing.

“Damn, savage!” The crowd jumped back, staring at the man, their faces shocked!

“Haha, here is a grand introduction. This is our volunteer at the Sea Moon Sect site, a volunteer helper, called Lu Mingxian, who came a few days earlier than you. Lamor model, it’s moving, everyone will learn from him in the future, just do what he is like now, everyone applaud! “


Everyone heard it, and the blood spurted all at once, and all fell on their backs!

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