Chapter 1052 Undead Wraith

Lin Hai looked at the bodies of the three Ge Lao who had fallen to the ground, and his heart jumped suddenly, turning back in shock, but seeing Leng Yueru face frosty, standing on one side, with a strong murderous intention in his eyes.

“Girl Yueru, I have let them go. Why did you kill them?” Lin Hai frowned, questioning dissatisfied.

Leng Yueru lifts the head, gave Lin Hai a slight glance, and then spit out two words gently.


“I …” Lin Hai rolled his eyes, why was he naive? Just thinking about arguing with Leng Yueru, Leng Yueru spoke again.

“Send me back!”

“No, you just killed …”

“Send me back !!!” Leng Yuru’s eyes were cold and she emphasized again.

“Your sister!” Lin Hai was speechless for a while. Leng Yueru’s character was really weird. After a while, he changed like a schizophrenia. He couldn’t communicate at all.

With a thought, Lin Hai took Leng Yuru into the sanctuary with anger.

“Cough cough!” Dongfang Youlong coughed twice behind Lin Hai. “Brother Old Lin, Yueru girl, there is nothing wrong with it.”

“You know, letting the tigers return to the mountains will cause serious trouble!”

“I understand the truth!” Lin Hai sighed, “I just feel that they are hurt, disabled, and they can’t bear to kill them again!”

“Brother Old Lin, you are really too kind!” After listening to Dongfang Youlong, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“Don’t forget what I told you before, your character really needs to be sharpened, otherwise you will easily lose money in the Earth Immortal world in the future!”

Dong Fang Yu Long this time, it really started to care about Lin Hai, not only because the two people faced the crisis of life and death together, there was a affliction, but also because Ge Lao and the others were dead, a few leading messengers, He was left alone.

In this way, Lin Hai entered the Earth Immortal world, and he was bound to choose to introduce it himself. There was no longer a competitor. As long as Late Stage did not fall out with Lin Hai, he had succeeded.

With the strength and potential demonstrated by Lin Hai, once he is introduced into the family, he will be highly valued and fully cultivated, and as a referee, he will certainly be as the tide rises, the boat floats and become a family Great contribution, fame and fortune!

“Many thanks President Dongfang reminded me.” Lin Hai nodded, it seems that he still needs some time to adapt!

As soon as he bowed his head, Lin Hai moved again towards the stone that had previously emitted a beam of light. The size of the football, black in gray, was no different from ordinary stones.

But before, it was just a few of the same stones that trapped themselves and the others. If it hadn’t been for the last time, the magical powers of Barrier Breaking were found, and I am probably here today.

Bending down and reaching out, Lin Hai was going to pick up the stone and take a look.

“En?” But Lin Hai found out that this stone was so heavy that he grabbed it by himself and didn’t move it!

“Interesting!” Lin Hai moved Zhen Qi and increased his strength, so he lifted the stone from the ground and felt that it weighed 4 pounds.

Ding dong!

The moment Lin Hai took the stone into his hand, a reminder sounded in his head.

Congratulations, you have obtained Crystal Source Stone x1. (Sealed blood mist Demonic beast)

Crystal Source Stone: A special stone that can seal the soul.

“Originally, this thing is called Jingyuan Stone, and the soul of blood mist Demonic beast is sealed inside!” Lin Hai nodded, and finally understood why there was the illusion of blood mist Demonic beast.

Lin Hai found the other 9 crystal source stones according to the position of the previous 8 beams of light, all of them were put away and put into the sanctuary!

Ding dong!

Congratulations, you have obtained Crystal Source Stone x1. (Sealed blood mist Demonic beast)

Ding dong!

Congratulations, you have obtained Crystal Source Stone x1. (Sealed blood mist Demonic beast)


One reminder sounded one after another, and after all the crystal source stones were collected into the sanctuary, another reminder sounded.

Ding dong!

Congratulations, learn Undead Wraith!

Undead Wraith: Use the crystal source stone, imprisoned space, summon to seal the demon soul to fight, the imprisoned space cannot be broken, and the demon soul can be resurrected infinitely in battle!

Later, Lin Hai’s mind suddenly appeared countless information, including how to use the crystal source stone to seal the demon soul, how to layout the imprisoned space, how to command the demonic beast battle, and so on, just like the instinct innate, and instantly realized!

“Too powerful!” Lin Hai’s heart was excited, this mystery is a powerful metamorphosis. Once imprisoned inside, Demonic beast can’t really kill, and more terrifying, the imprisoned space can’t be broken.

Thinking about the previous situation, Lin Hai couldn’t help but feel a little afraid. If he did n’t break the layout of Jingyuan Stone by virtue of Barrier Breaking, he would still be within the confinement space even if he hid in the holy realm. Can’t go out.

“Fuck, even if I encounter the Nascent Soul power of Qin Tian in the future, the big brother is not afraid, as long as the restraint space is laid in advance, and then introduced into it, the big brother will have to lie on his face!”

Adding another superb method, Lin Hai was very surprised. I really want to thank the dead Ge Lao. This is a gift for myself!

“En?” Lin Hai was happy, suddenly turned back suddenly, but saw one silhouette, panic moved towards fleeing away!

“Come back for me!” Lin Hai screamed, grabbed it in the air, and suddenly the silhouette flew back up. People yelled in midair, scaring the soul.

A thump fell to the ground, Lin Hai looked intently, it was the steward of the manor!

“Senior Lin, forgive me, President Oriental, forgive me!”

Lao Zhang got up and knelt in front of Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong. He kept hoeing for mercy, shaking his body like a sieve, especially when he saw the corpse of Ge Lao and the others not far away. Pants.

Oriental Yulong’s eyes were cold, and he was about to start, but was stopped by Lin Hai, and gently shook the head.

“Let’s go!” After that, Lin Hai silhouette flickered, disappeared from the place, and several ups and downs had left Ge Family Manor.

“Alas.” Oriental Yulong sighed, but reluctantly left Lin Hai.

Lao Zhang touched the ground with his head, trembling and begging for mercy. After a long time, when he saw no movement, he boldly lifted the head, only to find that Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong did not know when they had already left. It’s been a long time.

“Oh my mother!” Lao Zhang collapsed for a while, exhaling, and suddenly sat on the ground paralyzed, unable to get up.

After leaving the Ge Family, Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong talked a few words, and the two broke up. Lin Hai returned home directly.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Lin Hai froze.

“The boys, don’t hurry up and practice, what are all gathered at the door?”

Lin Hai frowned, walked quickly, and heard Li Lingtao’s proud voice far away.

“Beauty, it ’s not that I ’m carrying my Master saying bad things about him. Look at him. He does n’t look handsome and does n’t know humor. EQ and IQ have been out of service for a long time and have not been recharged. “

“You look at me again, young man is very romantic, a talented person, is more handsome than my Master? Is it high EQ and high IQ, the key is that I am still dedicated to my feelings. Move, smart women know how to choose! “

“That, beauties, if you choose, me and my Master, you should know how to choose … Whoops, who stabbed me … beauties, you have to think carefully!”

Lin Hai kicked Li Lingtao with a kick, and his nose was almost crooked. What kind of disciple, fuck, can you say that you can tolerate other people, but dare to say that the big brother is not handsome and blind?

“Giggle!” The beautiful girl next to me laughed for a while, and suddenly the flowers were trembling with sexy bearing and charming temperament, which made Yun Zhou Yu Hong Kangshi Fu and other young disciples fiercely swallow saliva, and heartbeat accelerated.

Obviously, these young men of the full of vigor are fascinated by the beauty in front of them.

“Fuck, who is such a charm, so that these disciples are like lost souls?” Lin Hai turned her head and looked towards the woman.

“Is it you?” Lin Hai raised his eyes, a look of surprise on his face.

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