Chapter 1049

“Brother Old Lin, what should I do?” Dongfang Youlong looked desperate, and moved towards Lin Hai asked urgently.

“Run!” Lin Hai took out a medicine pill, stuffed it into his mouth, quickly recovered Zhen Qi, and at the same time a light shout, turned around and ran!

The Oriental Dragon is also unambiguous, the silhouette flashes, disappears from the place, and immediately retreats behind Lin Hai moved towards, the two of them ran out of the distance of nearly 100 meters in the blink of an eye!

But at this time, the space in front of them suddenly flashed a ripple, like a curtain of water, appeared in front of two people, Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong, one could not catch up, and immediately ran into it.


This water curtain, like the real one, was shaken by the impact. However, Lin Hai and Dongfang Youlong, as if hitting a soft spring, their bodies were directly bounced back.

After landing, the hearts of the two people suddenly sank, their faces were ashamed!

“Brother Old Lin, we are confined in this space!” Oriental Yulong experienced and knowledgeable, immediately understood that this space has been blocked, it is impossible to go out.

Lin Hai’s eyes suddenly flickered, a stubborn flash of stubbornness.

“Then break it!” As he said, Lin Hai leaped forward, raised the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand, and moved towards the water curtain in front of him, and chopped it down!


This overbearing sword was chopped on the water curtain, and there was a sudden tremor, just like the waves rolling, the waves were rough, the luster of the water pattern reflected Heaven and Earth, it was brilliant!

However, after a few breaths, the calmness returned, but the water curtain remained unchanged. It still hangs intact like a transparent wall. Lin Hai did not affect it!

Lin Hai pupil suddenly shrunk, a sense of weakness surged up!

“Fuck, this water curtain is not at all vulnerable!” In this way, let alone Lin Hai’s flat sword, even if a big move like Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace is used, the imprisonment of this water curtain may not be broken. !!

“Ha ha ha ha!” At this time, Ge Lao’s arrogant laughter resounded through the whole space, echoing above the heads of Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong.

“Don’t waste your energy, useless!”

“My Ge Family’s defense team is an Earth Immortal from the Earth Immortal world and my Ge Family. Even Nascent Soul Realm masters, don’t want to get out of trouble!”

“I advise you two, and immediately self-defeated your skills, obliviously surrender, this Ge may still leave you a way to live, otherwise, you must make the food of rare beast!”

“Well, delusion!” After listening to the anger of the Oriental Dragon, he couldn’t help furiously shouted, but his mood became more heavy.

If it is true that Ge Lao said that this guarding team is laid by Earth Immortal, then today he and Lin Hai are really hard to avoid calamity.

You know, Earth Immortal is much more powerful than Nascent Soul Realm. It ’s a super level existence. The large array of Earth Immortal ’s hands is how he and Lin Hai, such as the small Golden Core Human Immortal, can crack. Is it?

“Brother Old Lin, what should I do?” Although Oriental Yulong is experienced and knowledgeable and has rich experience, he has great respect in the cultivation world. At this moment, he can only look forward to Lin Hai’s leader!

“Don’t panic, let me think about it!” Lin Hai brows tightly knit, without any panic, thinking quickly about the solution.

This imprisoned water curtain is soft and fragile, without any force. It is impossible to break it with force. Ge Lao keep on saying that this is the guardian formation, but the accomplishments on Lin Hai Formation can be concluded. This is by no means the effect of Formation!

Only in this way, Lin Hai is a little bit embarrassed. He can neither solve the problem by breaking the formation, nor rely on brute force, and there is a powerful rare beast in front of him. Simply is a solution!

If Lin Hai himself is pretty good at saying that it is not a big deal to enter the sacred realm, no one can take himself for granted, but the key is to follow an Oriental dragon, Lin Hai is so serious that he can’t leave the Oriental dragon anyway, and hide himself?

What’s more, it was not Lin Hai’s style to face difficulties and dangers. Lin Hai didn’t want to lose his motivation and courage because of this life-saving certificate.

At a time when he was in a dilemma and didn’t know what to do, Ge Laoyin’s cold voice sounded again.

“It seems that you two, will not give up until the Yellow River!”

“Okay, so, let this blood mist rare beast be with you and have fun!”


Ge Lao’s tone was barely felled, the rare beast resurrected again, and a long roar on the sky, the huge body suddenly moved towards Lin Hai and the Oriental Yulong, and the huge soles of the feet stepped on the ground in a trembling and shaking!

“Fast speed!” Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong flashed a look of horror at the same time!

This rare beast has such a huge body, but there is no clumsy appearance, and the speed of movement is actually not under them. In the blink of an eye, it came close, and suddenly a mouth, a tumultuous blood mist, moved towards Lin Hai and Oriental Dragon , Squirted it down.

“Flick off!” Lin Hai loudly shouted, casting the strange steps of the gale step and the shadow trace technique, disappeared in an instant, and the Oriental Dragon also suddenly cast a wonderful figure, moved towards the other side and quickly avoided!


The red blood mist fell on the place where Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong stood before. A large amount of blood-colored blisters floated on the ground immediately. The sound of gu gu, like boiling water, quickly corroded everything around, and it smelled so much that people looked at the scalp. Hemp!

Lin Hai and Dong Fang Yu Long had a chill in their hearts. If it was sprayed by red blood mist, maybe the two of them had become a thick bloody mud at this moment, which is really chilling!

“President Dongfang, can you launch another formidable power attack before?” Lin Hai shouted anxiously!

“This rare beast has at least the strength of the Golden Core Late Stage. The old man can launch another attack. If he drags on, I’m afraid the old man will lose his strength!”

Dongfang Yulong laughed bitterly, although from start to finish, he only made one move, but the Panlong staff, the level is very high, the formidable power is not weaker than Lin Hai’s Air-Severing Slash, if you want to urge, you need Consume a lot of Zhen Qi!

Dongfang Yulong has always used it as a trick for trump card, and it is not easy to use. Today, it was forced and helpless, and it had to be used. The entire body of Zhen Qi was directly drawn away.

If it is performed again, Zhen Qi will directly hit the bottom. If rare beast is resurrected, it is estimated that if you want to activate your body to avoid the fierce and swift attack of rare beast, the Oriental Dragon can’t do it.

“Okay!” Lin Hai loudly shouted. “That being the case, let’s kill it first!”

“Haha, then the old man was out!” Dongfang Youlong laughed loudly, and until now, there is no other way. He took the Panlong staff out again, and moved towards rare beast with a sudden wave!


“Ao!” The golden dragon flew out again and rushed to the rare beast. At the same time, the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in the hands of Lin Hai also slashed and fell!

“Air-Severing Slash!”

“Oh!” Blade glow cut through the space, like a flash of light, and landed on the top of rare beast!


Under the attack of Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong together, rare beast didn’t even have time to scream. The huge body collapsed and died!

“Hu ~ finally dead!” Lin Hai and Dongfang Yulong, exhales one breath saying full length, with a pale face, this time’s attack, the Zhen Qi of the two were almost consumed, but both of them Dare not to have a hint of care, hurriedly moved towards rare beast’s corpse looked.

But with this look, the two men suddenly turned mad and wanted to cry without tears!

“You’re paralyzed, not finished!”

I saw the rare beast that was killed, wobbly, and lived again!

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