Chapter 1038: Free Labor

“You said, you want to go back to the island with me?” Lu Mingxian couldn’t believe his ears.

I thought I was caught by Lin Hai, but I was dead, but I didn’t expect Lin Hai to say such a sentence.

Lin Hai sneered indifferently.

“Don’t you want to catch me back to Penglai Immortal Island, why, you don’t want to?”

“Yes, yes!” Lu Mingxian was nodded again and again. With such good things, the fool was unwilling.

At the same time, there was a flash of cold light in Lu Mingxian’s eyes, and he kept sneering.

“It’s the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear, to Penglai Immortal Island, to see if I don’t clean you up!”

“You can give me a brief introduction of the situation on Penglai Immortal Island.” Lin Hai is going to go naturally, but he will not rush in. Now Lu Mingxian is here, just to explore the situation on the island.

“Penglai Immortal Island is divided into inner islands, outer islands, and border islands. I do n’t know the situation of the inner and outer islands. I only know that there are 108 border islands, and my Lu Family is one of them!”

“So complicated?” Lin Hai frowned suddenly. I thought that Penglai Immortal Island was just an island. According to Lu Mingxian, there are 108 border islands, and there are two islands inside and outside. I do n’t know how many. It seems that it is not easy to find ore.

“Okay, I’m understood!” Lin Hai nodded, then suddenly stretched out a finger, and suddenly Zhen Qi came out sharply, hitting Lu Mingxian’s dantian.

“Ah!” Lu Mingxian screamed in shock, and suddenly found that Zhen Qi in her entire body suddenly disappeared, suddenly her face turned wild, showing an extremely terrified expression.

“what did you do to me?”

“Your shout!” Lin Hai frowned suddenly, scolded, “It just closed your qihai, and saved you by chance, wishing to escape!”

“Only, just the sea of ​​air is sealed?” Lu Mingxian breathed out, her heart beating, only to find that cold sweat was scared out.

“As long as the cultivation base is not abolished!” Lu Mingxian was lucky.

“Chief Lin, do you need to send him to the Public Security Bureau?” Chen Yan interjected.

“No need!” Lin Hai shook the head, “I have my own plans!”

Lin Hai asked Chen Yan to arrange a car, then tossed Lu Mingxian to the car and left the company.

The car drove all the way to the bottom of the mountain selected by Sea Moon Sect. A large mountain top suddenly fell, which naturally shocked the official and media of Jiangnan City. Fortunately, Lin Hai had already greeted Chen Chen just now. As for how to deal with it, That’s Chen Yan.

After getting out of the car, Lin Hai limped to the bottom of the string, swiftly like an ape, and several vertical jumps to the top of the mountain.

“Sect Master, you’re here.” Yunsheng rushed to meet him, I don’t know why Lin Hai was so long, and went back again!

Lin Hai threw Lu Mingxian directly and threw it at Yun Sheng’s feet.

“I’m afraid you don’t have enough workers here, so I found you a free labor!”

Lu Mingxian was stupid when she heard it, and looked at Lin Hai in shock.

“Don’t you say, come back to the island with me?”

“That’s right!” Lin Hai nodded, “But I will return immediately without saying!”

“Well, let’s wait for 8 years and XNUMX years before talking!” Lin Hai pinched his chin, seriously nodded.


Lin Hai said that Lu Mingxian almost vomited blood.

“Ten years and eight years? Fuck, wouldn’t you want to be here and be a coolie for ten years and eight years!”

“Papa!” Lu Mingxian wailed in her heart, almost crying.

Lin Hai didn’t bother to look at him, but turned his head away towards Yun Sheng.

“Yun Old Brother, don’t look at this boy who has lost weight, but the master of Condensing Reality Early-Stage, he has the strength and the dirty work, you all arrange it for him, don’t give me face ! “

“Okay, I’m understood!” Yun Sheng grinned, and nodded agreed, glancing sympathetically at Lu Mingxian.

“I really don’t know how this product offends Sect Master. It’s your bad luck!”

“Okay, Yun Old Brother, then I’ll go, you can just arbitrarily, as long as you don’t die!” Lin Hai rushed to Yun Sheng’s ear before he left, whispered.

It’s just that the muttering sound can be heard ten steps away, and Lu Mingxuan’s eyes rolled, and he almost lost his breath.

“Fuck, it’s over!” With Lin Hai’s words, Lu Mingxian didn’t need to know or know that his miserable fate was about to begin.

Lin Hai didn’t care what he thought, and talked with Yunsheng for another two, and went down the mountain.

He said that going back to Penglai Immortal Island in ten or eight years would naturally scare Lu Mingxian, but if he really wanted to go, he wouldn’t be in a hurry for these two days. After all, this time he returned to Jiangnan to accompany Liu Xinyue, Penglai Immortal Island There is no difference between going a few days early and going a few days late.

Going down the mountain, and looking for lunch, Lin Hai called Liu Xinyue to ask their mother and daughter for dinner.

Liu Xinyue and mother Zhao Fang, who just happened to be tired of shopping, listened to Lin Hai’s words and agreed.

After making an appointment, Lin Hai asked the driver to take him directly to the place.

“Spicy hot pot?” Lin Hai looked at the shop on the street. Although it was not large, it looked clean and tidy, and the decoration style was very high-grade.

Before changing to a restaurant of this specification, Lin Hai would never come. A meal costs at least one or two hundred yuan, which is enough for his living expenses for half a month.

But nowadays, Lin Hai comes in and out of luxury hotels like gold and jade in glorious splendor. This kind of restaurant can’t catch the eye. Today, I suddenly chose such a place, but don’t have a taste.

“Here!” As soon as Lin Hai went in, he saw a woman wearing a hat and a mask, and moved towards him.

Lin Hai faintly smiled, naturally knowing that it was Liu Xinyue who was heavily armed.

Walked over and sat next to Liu Xinyue, Lin Hai moved towards Zhao Fang greeted warmly.

“Hello aunt!”

“Xiaohai, you’re back today, Xinyue doesn’t say, I don’t know.”

“Uh, yeah, yeah!” Lin Hai smiled amusedly, while moving towards Liu Xinyue cast an ambiguous look, and said to her that she had let your daughter go on for several days last night, don’t you know?

When Liu Xinyue saw Lin Hai’s eyes, and he was vaguely vague, he knew what he was thinking. Lin Hai suddenly glanced angrily. The look of sexy bearing and charming temperament made Lin Hai’s heart tremble, if not Zhao Fang is still there, Lin Hai can’t wait to hug Liu Xinyue immediately, to be intimate.

Zhao Fang was also here, seeing Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue, where he flirted with a smile, and then slightly coughed twice.

Lin Hai hurriedly turned his face, but couldn’t help but laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” Liu Xinyue was surprised.

“I’m thinking, how do you look like this when you look like this?”

“Take off the mask and eat it, I picked this corner specifically, shouldn’t it be recognized?” Liu Xinyue said in his mouth, or somewhat guilty 4 looked down.

Lin Hai watched Liu Xinyue as a thief, so cute that she couldn’t say, and suddenly her heart moved.

“Look back, I’ll help you find a way to make sure no one can recognize you!”

“Really, what’s the way?” Liu Xinyue asked in a hurry, excited, and since a song sang, she pushed her to the position after the new song. Annoying.

“Confidential, tell you back!”

“Well, it’s time to sell.” Liu Xinyue gave Lin Hai a dizzy eye.

After having dinner, Zhao Fang was tired and took a taxi to return home, leaving only Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue.

“Next, where do you want to go?” Lin Hai asked, pinching Liu Xinyue’s little nose.

Liu Xinyue’s face suddenly flashed a strange color, and then Zhu Lip opened slightly.

“Go to a place without people, preferably in the wilderness!”

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