Chapter 1025 2 Female Healing Injury

“But what?” Everyone asked.

Leng Yueru turned his head and looked towards little Ying.

“I have a method that can help Lin Hai recover. Not only can he protect his cultivation base, but he also has a great opportunity to take him one step further. It ’s just that my fleshy body has been destroyed. It is impossible to do it with Nascent Soul’s body. Need your help, can you? “

“I do, I do!” Upon hearing Little Ying, she immediately agreed with nodded.

Leng Yueru is a group of Daimei.

“This method is because the sword goes sideways. There is great risk. If you are not careful, you and I will even have mortal danger. Would you like it?”

After listening to Little Ying, she was faintly smiled, and her eyes were extremely determined.

“Lin Hai big brother is a nobleman of Little Ying. Without him, there is no Little Ying today. For Lin Hai big brother, even if he is dead, Little Ying has no complaints!”

“Good!” Leng Yueru raised her eyebrows, and moved towards Little Ying cast a little praise, nodded.

“In this case, we cast immediately!” After that, Leng Yueru moved towards the others with a wave.

“You all go outside, no one is allowed to enter without my order!”

“Yes!” Guangtou Qiang and the others hurriedly agreed, and went out together.

“You, and you, wait!”

Yun Huier and Wang Junyi stopped for a moment and looked surprised towards Leng Yueru.

“You two, stay, too. If you are not careful later, might need your help!”

“Yes!” Yun Huier agreed, and gave Lin Hai a faint glance.

“Lin Hai big brother, you must be good, as long as you come here, Hui’er is willing to do anything!”

Wang Junyi hesitated a bit, and moved towards her Master Jingyun Fairy.

“Hmph!” Jingyun Fairy was coldly snorted. “So many people here, why do you need Junyi to help?”

“I’m a master and disciple 2 people, with low skill, so don’t shame people here!”

“Junyi, let’s go!” After that, Jingyun Fairy went straight without looking at the crowd.

“Master, Lin Hai, he …” Wang Junyi suddenly looked anxious, wondering!

“I’ll let you go!” Jingyun Fairy immediately stared, majesticly.

“Yes ~” Wang Junyi looked at Lin Hai with a look of grievance and reluctance, and worried.

“Everyone, you must rescue Lin Hai!” After that, Wang Junyi lame and reluctantly left Jingyun Fairy.

“Well, what’s the thing with no conscience?” Guangtou Qiang yelled suddenly, and everyone else shook his head, showing contempt.

Anyway, Lin Hai also went up the mountain to save their master and disciple. Now that is the case, it is just Wang Junyi’s help that actually refuses, it is really not a thing!

“No need to scold them!” Leng Yueru frowned and said, “Dao Aunt’s eyes were full of worries about Lin Hai, maybe his personality was lonely.”

“Well, you all go out! Remember, no one can disturb me without my order!”

“Otherwise, Lin Hai would be worried about his life!”

“Senior, rest assured that I am here with Guangtou Qiang and will not let anyone bother you!” Guangtou Qiang patted his chest and promised, then waved and left with everyone.

After everyone went out, Leng Yueru suddenly stood up and grabbed Little Ying’s hand!

“Let your body block the outside world!”

After finishing speaking, Leng Yueru frowned suddenly, and then a Zhen Qi passed into Little Ying’s within the body.

“Don’t resist, follow my heart!”

After speaking, Leng Yueru closed her eyes suddenly, then Little Ying’s eyes suddenly flashed, her arms suddenly extended, and she drew a picture in the air!

Suddenly, a circular aperture flashing silver rays of light appeared in the air, covering the whole room!

Leng Yueru then let go of Little Ying’s hand, secretly nodded.

“That’s it!”

Little Ying was surprised, looking up at the flashing aperture of Guanghua Guanghua, her heart full of curiosity.

“Elder sister, what is this?”

“This is to use your body to show the barrier boundary laid by the road. With it, no matter what happens in the room, you can’t notice it outside!” Leng Yueru explained, and then his eyes fell on Lin Hai.

“Okay, let’s start now!”

Speaking of Leng Yueru’s volley call, Lin Hai’s body rose gently into the sky and came to Yun Huier.

“You’re called Yun Huier?”

“Yes!” Yun Huier nodded.

“Okay!” Leng Yueru suddenly moved towards Lin Hai, “take off his clothes!”

“Ah?” Yun Huier froze, then flushed, and a complex emotion came up in his heart.

Leng Yueru frowned suddenly, and was dissatisfied.

“What are you doing!”

“Oh!” Yun Huier promised, his small heart beating, and he walked in front of Lin Hai.

“Lin Hai big brother …” Yun Huier clenched her lips, extended the hand, and her slender ten fingers were shaking, taking off Lin Hai’s clothes, leaving only one pair of pants.

“All off!” Leng Yueru said again.

“Ah?” Yun Huier was dumbfounded.

“It’s really troublesome!” Leng Yueru waved it away, and Lin Hai met in an instant.


Little Ying and Yun Huier were all ashamed to cover their faces, turned around, and the small heart peng peng was beating, not even raising his head.

Leng Yueru was also pretty face flushed, and she turned her head to the side, dissatisfied.

“What’s so shy, if you want to save him, there will be something more ashamed!” Leng Yueru said to others, but he couldn’t even lift his head, and sighed in his heart.

“This enemy really owed you the last life!”

Clenched the teeth, Leng Yueru turned his head suddenly, his face flushed with a finger moved towards Lin Hai!

Lin Hai landed on the ground instantly, Leng Yueru was full of shyness, bit his lips forward, raised Lin Hai up, sit in the lotus position, then he sat behind Lin Hai, stretched his hands, and printed his palms on Lin Hai’s back.

“Little Ying, you come in front of Lin Hai!”

“Oh!” Even though Little Ying was flushed and flushed, her heart was about to come out, but it was Lin Hai’s safety, and she didn’t care about anything else. According to Leng Yueru’s instructions, she came to Lin Hai in front of her, and sat down cross-legged, He pressed his hands on Lin Hai’s chest. When jade hand touched Lin Hai’s skin, he shuddered and closed his eyes.

“What do I need to do?” Yun Huier saw his Lin Hai big brother, sandwiched by Leng Yueru and Little Ying, one after the other, and suddenly he was not feeling, and asked.

Leng Yueru glanced at Yun Huier, a red glow suddenly appeared on his face.

“Your mission, after Lin Hai is hurt!”

After that, Leng Yueru no longer paid attention to Yun Huier, but looked solemnly towards Little Ying.

“Little Ying, you will slowly cross Zhen Qi through the acupuncture point to the within the body of Lin Hai, merge with my Zhen Qi and be guided by me, remember that there must not be any deviation, otherwise Lin Hai will not be cured, you and me There is a mortal danger! “

“Um.” Little Ying was heavily nodded, “elder sister, rest assured, Little Ying knows!”

“All right, let’s start now!”

After speaking, Leng Yueru’s eyes flashed suddenly, a powerful breath burst into the sky, and then the whole body of Zhen Qi suddenly burst out, converging into two thin streams, entering Lin Hai’s within the body through the palm of your hand!

At the same time, Leng Yueru has a light shout in his mouth!

“Little Ying, quickly get into Zhen Qi!”

“Yes!” Little Ying agreed, and her eyes flickered, and Zhen Qi was crossed into Lin Hai within the body in an instant.

Just at the moment of the two people’s Zhen Qi, at the moment where Lin Hai within the body converged, Lin Hai’s body suddenly stood up, and then a buzz, a powerful breath suddenly burst from Lin Hai’s body!

“Ah!” 3 women in the house, cry out in surprise at the same time!

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