The yellow cheongsam is very straight and shapely, curvaceous figure, outlines a perfect s-shaped, splits, full white fair legs appear indistinctly, extremely seductive.

Coupled with Ling Chuchu’s exquisite and elegant face, it is just a Fairy on earth.

“So beautiful!” Lin Hai couldn’t help but swallowed.

“Are you okay?” Ling Chuchu took two steps and asked moved towards Lin Hai.

“It’s more than that? It’s perfect! It’s just as tailor-made for you,” Lin Hai praised heartily.

Ling Chuchu smiled lightly, didn’t speak, and entered the fitting room and took off the cheongsam.

“I’d rather give you one,” Lin Hai said suddenly.

He didn’t mean anything else, he just felt that it would be a pity if Ling Chuchu didn’t wear this cheongsam.

“No, I still have something to do, let’s go first.” Ling Chuchu shook the head and left.

“Thanks.” Lin Hai shouted out of the way.

Ling Chuchu didn’t stop, but turned to give Lin Hai a smile.

“Young Lady, help me wrap it up.”

Lin Hai suddenly felt that this cheongsam is simply the best dress to set off a woman’s beauty.

Xian’er’s girl is also a beauty in the bud, and wearing this cheongsam will not be worse than Ling Chuchu.

She will love it.

Lin Hai clutching his clothes, he was about to leave and stopped again.

How can you buy such beautiful clothes for Xinyue?

Didn’t Ling Chuchu just say? Xinyue and her body are almost the same.

“Young Lady, same number, get me another green one.”

Liu Xinyue’s innocent girl is more youthful and beautiful in green, and she is pure and immaculate.

Grass, can you buy that good at home?

Lin Hai suddenly thought of Chu Liner again.

Although he feels that Chu Liner is very fucking, that girl is also a peerless beauty.

The most important thing is that this guy stays in his house every day and doesn’t walk away.

Just buy it together.

“Young Lady, wrap the red one too.”

Chu Liner is hot and charming, and red is the best fit.

Lin Hai walked back with his clothes in his arms, thinking to himself, if Liu Xinyue, Xian’er and Chu Liner were to put on three women, put on a cheongsam and act coquettishly in front of them together, it seemed very good.

Thinking about beauty, Lin Hai smiled wryly.

Huh? wrong!

Liu Xinyue green, Chu Liner red, Xian’er yellow!

Fuck, Lin Hai suddenly turned black!

Red, green, and yellow, if these 3 people really stand together, why don’t they become traffic lights?

Back at the villa, Lin Hai threw red cheongsam directly on Chu Liner.

“What?” Chu Liner asked.

“My clothes are so beautiful!”

Chu Liner gave Lin Hai a nasty look.

“You give it to me like this, how can I wear it?” Chu Liner moved towards The clothes stretched out, and passed directly from the clothes.

What is the situation?

Lin Hai was dumbfounded.

“Why can’t you touch your clothes?”

“Everything in the world, we can’t touch it.”

“Then how can you touch my bed? Lying on my bed all day?”

“I can’t touch it. I’m just floating by force.”

Rely, is this OK?

“Then why can you meet me?” Lin Hai asked.

“Ghosts know it.” Chu Liner rolled his eyes.

“Aren’t you just a ghost?”

“Get out, don’t want to talk to you.”

“What the hell is that for you? Burning to you is impossible!”

“Burning your sister, can’t it burn out?” Chu Liner suddenly felt that Lin Hai was idiot.

“Um … I don’t think they all burned the graves?” Lin Hai asked in amazement.

“It’s all feudal superstitions. People who live are looking for comfort, do you believe it? You are still a college student!” Chu Liner looked scornful.


Your sister, what is this world?

Actually, a ghost satirized himself for feudal superstition. God, what’s wrong with this World?

“Then, how do you give it to you?” Lin Hai said angrily.

“You’re a pig. WeChat can’t come without a sweep, this IQ …” Chu Liner shook the head with contempt.

Your uncle!

Lin Hai’s face turned green.

How dare he despise his IQ, why shouldn’t he buy it for her?

Open the chat box with Chu Liner and it really has a scan function.

Lin Hai swept at the clothes.

Ding dong!

You sent Chu Liner a cheongsam.

As soon as Chu Liner extracted it, his face changed!

“Oh my god, so pretty! I like it so much! I’m going to wear it, I’ll wear it right away!”

Chu Liner ran straight into the back room.

Lin Hai’s eyes were raised and lying down, this cheongsam really had a killing power on women, even the other female ghosts were so crazy!

Lin Hai picked up the yellow one again, single thought his head, and entered the sanctuary.

“Slave greets the master.” Xian’er hurriedly saluted when Lin Hai came in.

“Haha, get up, Xian’er, see what gifts I brought to you?” Lin Hai took out the cheongsam.

“Oh my god, so beautiful!” Xian’er’s eyes straightened.

“Master, here, is this really for Xian’er?” Xian’er asked incredulously.

“Of course it’s for you, take it.” Lin Hai stretched his hand forward.

“Thank you Master reward!” Xian’er took the cheongsam and rejoiced.

“Don’t look at me,” Lin Hai said.

“Um.” Xian’er promised.

Later, Xian’er started to piece by piece, undressing in front of Lin Hai.

Uh … Lin Hai’s eyes are straight.

Fuck, why doesn’t this girl avoid herself?

He’s a man!

Seeing Xian’er pull off like a little lamb in front of him, Lin Hai suddenly stared.

“Master, don’t you look good?” Xian’er changed his clothes and made two laps.

“Um, master, are you okay? Why is your face so red?” Xian’er frowned.

“Ah, it’s okay, it’s a bit hot.” When Lin’er spoke, Lin Hai reacted, and fiercely swallowed a few saliva, and replied.

Lin Hai took a look. Xian’er put on the cheongsam, the kind of classic and dignified beauty, it was more vivid and thorough.

Although it is two different styles from Ling Chuchu, but in terms of beauty, it is no worse than Ling Chuchu.

If Xian’er goes out, it is also a school flower level, Lin Hai thought.

“Well, Xian’er, in the future, you can’t just take off your clothes in front of a man, understand?” Lin Hai said like teaching a little girl.

Xian’er blushed.

“This is only true in front of the host.”

Uh … okay.

Lin Hai suddenly realized that he didn’t seem to object.

Mad, sure enough men are perverts.

Lin Hai shook his head and sighed.

“Okay, Xian’er, you go first, I’ll go to the painting king.”

“Oh.” Seeing Lin Hai leaving, Xian’er’s original mood suddenly became somewhat depressed.

“Draw Senior Wang.” Da Laoyuan, Lin Hai saw the painting king painting.

“Well, the master is here!” The painting king hurried to meet him.

“You are … pu!” Lin Hai smiled and sprayed.

“Ha ha ha ha, painting Senior Wang, are you painting yourself?” Lin Hai pointed to a painting that the painting king was painting.

“Ah, yeah, yeah, the master laughed.” The old painter Wang blushed.

“I’ll teach you how to paint another day.” Lin Hai shook the head.

The painter draws himself with a sketch. In addition to the beard, he can see that it is him, how do other people see it, how shit!

“Really? That’s very good. Although this sketch looks simple, it’s still very difficult to figure it out by myself. It’s been several days, and I can’t find a clue.

Lin Hai shook the head. It is impossible to say that it is impossible to get a clue on the basis of the king of painting. In fact, the main reason is the problem of tools.

Fuck, holding a brush to draw a sketch.

“Less gossip, drawing Senior Wang, I came here today and I have something to ask for.”

The painter’s face turned positive.

“Master, please!”

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