Chapter 1019: Thunderstorm Orb


Huge thunderstorm orbs, with the thunderous sound of thunder, go straight to Lin Hai!

“Not good!” Lin Hai held the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hands, and a sudden flash of astonishment appeared in his eyes!

This thunderstorm orb, before approaching him, made Lin Hai feel an unmatchable mighty power. The hegemonic strength of Thunder contained in it was even several times stronger than the sword sword of Lu Qianjue. !!

“Master Nascent Soul, so scary!”

Lin Hai didn’t even have to think about it, and knew that this blow could not be hard-wired. Even if he cast Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace again, he would not know if he could resist the attack of this thunderstorm orb!

For the sake of this, only by hiding in the holy realm can you escape alive under this terrible thunderstorm!

Lin Hai thought about it, just about to enter the holy realm, but suddenly his heart jumped and stopped!

“No, what if the Sea Moon Sect disciple behind me!”

“Mad!” Lin Hai was anxious, and there was a sudden flash of grimace in his eyes!

These disciples, no matter which one, have a very strong relationship with Lin Hai both teacher and friend. Lin Hai is not a selfish person. Let him leave this group of disciples and escape by himself. He cannot do it at all!

“Let me back!” Lin Hai suddenly sang, and the disciples of Sea Moon Sect quit more than ten zhang away, each and everyone looked towards Lin Hai, and his eyes were full of worries!

After all, they all felt the terrible horror of this thunderstorm orb. I do n’t know if Lin Hai can handle it!

And Lin Hai can’t take care of that many at this moment. The thunderstorm orb has flew closer. Lin Hai has even felt it. The violent strength of Thunder contained in it seems that the entire Heaven and Earth will be destroyed!

“Give me open!!!”

Lin Hai loudly shouted, again overdrawing Zhen Qi, and leapt forward, moving Three Pointed Double Edged Blade from top to bottom, moved towards the thunderstorm orb, fiercely split!

Suddenly, a wild and enchanting atmosphere enveloped the whole sky, and the huge illusory shadow of the golden stick appeared again, with crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood smashing down!

“Look, Lin Hai is doing this terrible move again!”

“I don’t know if this move is effective in the face of Nascent Soul Realm’s powerful attack?”

Everyone saw Lin Hai once again use the sword to kill the Demon Path once again. He could not help but refresh his spirits and watched curiously. I wanted to see that this horrible move would be a blow to Nascent Soul Realm. What a result!


A huge roar rang, Lin Hai this move Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace, and it instantly collided with the thunderstorm orb, and the sparks filled the sky, the arcs flew, and the sky was gorgeous!

Under the sword of Lin Hai, the thunderstorm ball was blocked instantly and stopped!

“What!” Qin Heavenly Eye raised her eyebrows, her face incredible!

His blow, however, was carried out through ethical methods. Although it only used 30% of the skill, it was better than direct casting and full force!

To deal with Lin Hai ’s small Fake Core Realm, Qin Tian already feels a bit like killing chickens with a dagger, but how can he also did n’t expect that Lin Hai cut it off with a knife and forcibly took it!

What’s more terrifying is that Qin Tian felt a horrible breath that could threaten his life from Lin Hai’s Prestige of a Single Blade!

“This child must be eradicated!”

Qin Tian’s eyesight must be much higher than the sword Demon Path. At a glance, it can be seen that besides the magic weapon, Lin Hai has a great relationship with the moves performed by Lin Hai!

A Fake Core Late Stage can catch a magic weapon and exhibit a terrifying move that threatens Nascent Soul. It is simply against the sky. Qin Tian will never let Lin Hai, a super pervert, live!

“die for me !!!”

Qin Tian once again gave a sharp drink, two fingers moved close together and suddenly moved towards the thunderstorm orb, and suddenly thunderbolt rolled and roared, a great terror came out and moved towards Lin Hai!

Lin Hai’s eyelids leaped wildly. Although he had taken medicine pill before, Zhen Qi had not fully recovered. Forcibly performing the Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace this move, he had overdrawn Zhen Qi, and even standing was barely supported!

Although Lin Hai this move Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace, the formidable power is comparable to the Nascent Soul Late Stage. However, Qin Tianzhi ’s spell was issued through Daoxing. I do n’t know how many times the formidable power has been amplified!

Today, Qin Tian is urged again by Daoxing, and the formidable power of the thunderstorm orb suddenly soars again instantly, Lin Hai can’t support it immediately!


The illusory shadow of the gold stick in the sky was instantly destroyed, and turned into a bit of golden light and disappeared into the air!

Clang! ! !

A harsh metallic impact sounded through the sky, and the body of Lin Hai Three Pointed Double Edged Blade finally hit the thunderstorm orb, fiercely colliding!


As soon as the thunderstorm ball contacted the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, a crack was cut in an instant, and the blade directly entered the interior of the ball. There were numerous arcs, and along the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, it penetrated into Lin Hai’s body.

“Hmph hmph! Dead end!”

Qin Tian coldly snorted, Lin Hai, this Three Pointed Double Edged Blade magic weapon, greatly unexpected, he even split his thunderstorm orb directly, it is a strong metamorphosis!

However, when Qin Tian saw this situation, he changed his attention!

I was thinking that through the thunderstorm orb, the slag of Lin Hai strikes would not be left directly, but now it seems that it is cheaper for Lin Hai, and it is better to let the arc all enter Lin Hai within the body, so that Lin Hai internal organs are affected. Do the pain of lightning strikes, split him into an empty shell, and better resolve the hatred in my heart!

When thinking of this, a cruel smirk appeared in the corner of Qin Tian’s mouth, and he controlled the thunderstorm orb and stopped attacking!


As the arc entered, Lin Hai’s body shuddered, and he was trembled with a strong strength of Thunder, instantly losing his ability to move.

Lin Hai was frightened, but he hadn’t waited to figure out how to deal with it. Suddenly, his right arm suddenly trembled, and then, like a magnet, he went crazy into the arc of the inside and sucked in!

“Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm!” Lin Hai eyes shined, unexpectedly this Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm has the ability to automatically absorb thunder and lightning, it is a pleasant surprise!

Moreover, with the thunder and lightning being sucked into the Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm, Lin Hai was even surprised to find that the power of his own arm was rapidly increasing!

“Haha, unexpectedly this thunderbolt turned out to be a nutrient!”

“En?” Qin Tian frowned, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes!

It stands to reason that such a strong and overbearing strength of Thunder entered Lin Hai’s within the body. Lin Hai could not have the power to resist at all. He should be smashed by the internal organs in an instant and die by death!

But now it seems that Lin Hai is not only okay, how can it still look like a joy, as if he got a baby?

“Weird here!”

Qin Tian immediately found out that something was wrong, and then immediately decided, moved towards the thunderstorm orb!

Instantly, the arc condensed on the surface of the thunderstorm sphere, jumping at 4 places, and the rays of light glittered!

“Fuck, why did you stop?” Lin Hai was disappointed for a moment, with pity in his eyes!

“Hmph! It’s weird!” Seeing Lin Hai was really okay, Qin Tian groaned, knowing that he was wrong!

No wonder this Lin Hai in front of him can destroy his Tiandang Mountain by his own strength. There is really some ability. There is a way to not be afraid of his thunder and lightning. It is really weird!

“The lion beats the rabbit, especially with all his strength! Kill him first, so as to avoid night long dreams!” Qin Tian’s weird tricks on Lin Hai are endless. He suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart and decided to kill Lin Hai with absolute strength!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian suddenly slammed secret art and moved towards the thunderstorm orb sharply!



The thunderstorm orb suddenly burst into an extremely violent strength of Thunder, which suddenly bounced the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in the hands of Lin Hai. The huge violent road almost made Lin Hai unable to grasp, and the entire body was caught. Three Pointed Double Edged Blade flying, moved towards the rear and flying down!

However, when people were in mid-air, the thunderstorm orb had followed, and flew to his chest like lightning, a powerful strength of Thunder that could not be resisted at all, moved towards Lin Hai fiercely split!

“Broken!” Lin Hai turn pale with fright, even Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace can’t stop this thunderstorm orb. If he is hit by his flesh and blood, he will surely die!

But if you hide in the sanctuary, the Sea Moon Sect disciple behind you will be directly exposed to the attack of the thunderstorm orb, die without a burial site!

“Fuck, how is this good?” Lin Hai was suddenly in a dilemma!

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