Chapter 1012: Kill You!

Lu Qian heard absolutely, could not help but coldly smiled, and then beckoned. One of the disciples behind the group of Sword Sect in Qingcheng suddenly stood out and came to Lu Qianju.

“Disciple Luboyan, met Sect Master!”

“Luboyan, you asshole !!!”

Lin Hai recognized it at a glance. This person was the culprit who killed Mu Yingying. Lu Boyang, who was seriously injured and fled!

At this moment, it was really enemies to meet, with extra jealousy, Lin Hai hair stands up in anger, can’t wait to rush over immediately, and smash Lu Boyang to death, in order to report Mu Yingying’s hatred.

Lu Boyang turned around, looked at Lin Hai, and then sneered, standing beside Lu Qianjue without saying a word, standing upright and arrogant.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Sword Demon Path Qian Jue looked at Lin Hai’s angry look and gave a proud smile.

“Lin Hai, you first killed me Qingcheng Sword Sect outer disciple, and then seriously injured Inner Disciples Lu Boyang, and now you force my child Xiaoyun to take poison, it is act recklessly!”

“Today, I have told the heroes of the world that Yu Cuifeng will take your fate, just to let the world know what kind of fate will be offended by my Qingcheng Sword Sect!”

“Oh!” Lin Hai yelled, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at the road coldly.

“You only know I killed you outer disciple, but why not ask, why did Lin kill him?”

“You only know that I seriously injured Lu Boyang, but why not ask, how did my good friend Mu Yingying die in Lu Boyang’s hand!”

“You only know that I forced Lu Xiaoyun to take poison, but why didn’t he ask, what did he do to bully the male and female!”

“There is no trace of justice in your heart!”

“Justice? Ha ha ha ha!” Lu Qianjue looked at Lin Hai hair stands up in anger, questioning with indignation, as if hearing such a ridiculous thing, he couldn’t help laughing.

After laughing, Lu Qianjue’s face suddenly became cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

“Shit justice! In the face of absolute strength, what you call justice is worthless!”

“This World, originally weak are prey to the strong, is born with nobleness and inferiority. In the hands of me and other powerhouses, to kill a humble ant, is there anything else that needs justice?”

Listening to Lu Qianjue’s words, Lin Hai felt a chill in his heart.

“According to what you said, your Sword Sect in Qingcheng was born to be an expert, and the lives of others should be as cheap as ants?”

Lu Qianjue was coldly smiled, his chin slightly raised, showing his arrogant arrogance.

“Yes, even if you don’t admit it, it’s an indisputable fact!”

After speaking, Lu Qianjue moved towards Lu Boyang with a finger on his side, with an ironic smile on his face.

“It’s a simple truth, don’t you say that Lu Boyang killed your friend? Lu Boyang is standing here now, but what can you do? You want to kill him? But can you do it?”

Lin Hai coldly smiled, there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

“You’re so sure, I can’t kill Lu Boyang?”

Lu Qianze reached out his goatee, raised his chin, and looked arrogantly coldly snorted.

“Yes, this is the self-confidence from absolute strength! In front of the husband, how can you allow you to be arrogant impudent? Don’t say that you are just a Fake Core Late Stage, even if you are Golden Core Human Immortal, then how, as strong as a poisoned scholar, still Not at the finger of my husband, destroy both body and soul! “

“So today, not only will you not be able to kill Lu Boyang for revenge, but even your own life will be buried here, including those who came with you, and one of them will never come down alive!”

“Really?” Lin Hai nodded, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Since you say I can’t kill Lu Boyang, I’ll kill you for him!”

Lin Hai finished, spread out both hands, and suddenly the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade was held in his hand, and suddenly said blue rays of light, reflecting the earth, Xiaguang ten thousand li, and it hurt everyone’s eyes.

Before waiting for the response, I suddenly drank it all, ringing all around, and it rang in everyone’s ears!

“Air-Severing Slash !!!”

Lin Hai’s body suddenly jumped into the air, and the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade was lifted high, and the volley moved towards Lu Boyang, chopping fiercely.


A huge blue blade glow, coming out of the body, is blooming with gorgeous rays of light, as if the space is split, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, splitting from the sky, straight towards the top of Lu Boyang’s head fall.

A sharp howling in the air didn’t come out suddenly until this moment. The thunderbolt strike of Lin Hai broke through the sound barrier directly, and it was so horrifying that everyone startedled!

“Is this the sword that killed the one-armed man? Really horrible!” Everyone couldn’t help but remember, the story of Lin Hai, previously described by the poisoned scholar, could not help but fiercely swallowed, and widened his eyes moved towards Luboyan looked over.

Lu Boyang was standing still at the moment, and suddenly felt in the sky, a huge breath that almost crushed him, coming from hiding the sky and covering the earth. He was completely locked by a sharp murderous intention and lost his ability to act!

“Sect Master, save me!” Under the shock, Lu Boyang scared the soul almost flew out, with a look of horror, and Lu Qian, next to moved towards, called out for help.

“What a panic!” Lu Qian heard absolutely, yelled.

“With my sword Demon Path is here forever, who can kill you!”

With that said, Lu Qianjue sneered, looked up, and saw the blue blade glow, which had already reached the top of Luboyang, a domineering momentum, driving the space to tremble with the blade glow as the center The air flow is violent, wind erupted, and terrifying!

“Get off!” Lu Qianjue suddenly coldly shouted, and then the robe fluttered, and suddenly an earthen-colored spirit like the waves rose, rising like a stone wall barrier, blocking Lu Boyang’s head, and blue The blade glow stopped it.

“Hmph, such insignificant ability, dare to …”


Before Lu Qianjue’s words were finished, a sharp sound suddenly made his heart jump suddenly, looked up, and then the complexion changed greatly!

I saw blade glow splitting on the air wave barrier, and it gave out a crisp sound like a metal impact. Within a short time, the air wave barrier suddenly shook violently, and then the pieces cracked, like a glass shattering, banging. Blast it!

“Not good!” Lu Qian shouted. He never expected that a blow from a Fake Core environment in Lin Hai District would break the defense he set so easily, and immediately put Lu Boyang to the extreme. Dangerous!

“Sect Master, save me !!!” Lu Boyang gave out a heart-shattering roar, followed by a thunder, which was directly passed through the body by blade glow. There was no residue left in the whole body, so the body dies and Dao disappears!

“Asshole!” Lubo screamed in rage, his eyelids leaping wildly, his chest almost exploding!

He had previously discovered that Lin Hai was different. It seemed that formidable power was far greater than the blow of Fake Core Late Stage. He had doubts in his mind. For the sake of security, he used 50% of his power to defend Luboyan.

In his opinion, with 50% of the power of his Golden Core Late Stage, even the full power attack of the Golden Core Early-Stage can’t be defeated by the defenses laid out. How can Lin Hai be weird?

But how didn’t I expect that the defense laid by 50% of his power not only did not stop Lin Hai, or even failed to stop it for a moment, making him want to take the opportunity to save Lu Boyang, it was impossible. both shocked and angry!

“This sword is really strong, even the sword demon can’t resist it!” The crowd of onlookers were also stunned by Lin Hai’s slashing sword, and all their hearts were out of breath.

If it was said that the poisoned scholars said that Lin Hai was a one-armed man, they may still not believe it, but after seeing this Prestige of a Single Blade, there is no doubt in the hearts of everyone!

Lin Hai, definitely has the strength to cut Human Immortal!

Seeing that Lu Boyang was killed by his own sword, even the body was not left, Lin Hai gently spit out a mouthful of impure air, and a sorrow inexplicably erupted in his heart.

“Yingying, your revenge, I’ll pay you!”

“Just, I don’t know when I will be able to resurrect you!”

“Lin Hai!” Just at this time, an extremely angry voice, like the same thunder, blew in everyone’s ears!

Lin Hai looked up and saw Lu Qianjue, suddenly exuding a powerful and terrifying breath, his eyes filled with a thick murderous intention, staring fiercely at himself.

“Dare to kill me Sect disciple in front of this Majesty’s, it’s really cowardly!”

Lin Hai slipped his lips and looked at him dismissively, sneer.

“You just said, did n’t you keep on saying,” I can’t kill Lu Boyang? Who was I killing just now, is it a dog? “

“Why, now I’m being beaten in public, my face can’t get through, and I want to fly into a rage out of humiliation?”

“Stop!” Lu Qianjue was furiously shouted, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold!

“This seat is too lazy to talk to you. Since you killed Lu Boyang, this seat will kill you now!”

With that said, Lu Qianjue suddenly moved towards Lin Hai, stretched out a finger, a light shout in his mouth!


Lin Hai was suddenly shocked, and immediately recognized that Lu Qianjue was playing the strange spell that killed the poisoned scholar before!

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