Chapter 1006: The Power of Daoxing

“Xian’er greets the host!” Lin Hai appeared as soon as Lin Hai appeared.

“Don’t be so polite every time!” Lin Hai was a little speechless, and said to Xian’er many times, but every time Xian’er smiled, the next time he came, he still saluted himself respectfully.

“Where’s Yueru Girl?”

“By Moon Lake!”

Lin Hai nodded, went out of the wood house, and surely found Leng Yueru beside Moon Lake.

“What’s wrong with me?” Leng Yueru looked cold again.

Lin Hai is already used to it, and doesn’t care, moved towards Leng Yueru indifferently smiled.

“One thing, I would like to ask Yueru girl!”

“You said!”

“I have a foe who wants to come to you. He was a master of the Golden Core Late Stage 100 years ago. Now the cultivation base is unknown. I heard that the Golden Core Late Stage and the Golden Core Early-Stage, Middle- The strength of Stage is very different, so I would like to ask Yueru girl. “

“How powerful is this Golden Core Late Stage?”

“You got into the enemy of the Golden Core Late Stage?” Leng Yueru frowned suddenly, frowning suddenly.

Lin Hai’s heart sank suddenly.

“Why, is it difficult to deal with?”

“It’s more difficult to deal with!” Leng Yueru gave Lin Hai a strange look. “With your current strength, simply has no chance!”

“Fuck, isn’t it?” Lin Hai’s eyes narrowed suddenly.

“My Air-Severing Slash, and Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace, can’t deal with a Golden Core Late Stage?”

“It’s hard to say!” Leng Yueru shook the head, with a dignity on his face.

Lin Hai is really terrifying. This is his strongest move. If he still can’t deal with that road, is he really going to hide?

“Girl Yueru, I don’t understand. What is the strength of this Golden Core Late Stage? Are my two tricks, not formidable power, comparable to Nascent Soul?” Lin Hai asked puzzledly.

Leng Yueru was silent for a while, then spoke lightly.

“The strength of repairing Daoist is not entirely determined by realm and moves!”

“My fleshhy body has been damaged, and some strengths cannot be played. Let Xian’er show you, and you will understand!”


Lin Hai froze, and Xian’er had appeared 30 feet in front of Lin Hai, and moved towards Lin Hai smiled.

“The host can do his best to attack Xian’er!”

“Okay, then I’m welcome, Xian’er, be careful yourself!” Lin Hai knows that Xian’er is Nascent Soul Early-Stage strength at the moment, and in the holy realm, he is immortal, and Lin Hai is not Say more.

With both hands stretched out, the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade was held in the palm, and Lin Hai suddenly exuded an overwhelming momentum.

“Xian’er, eat me a Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace!”

Since you want to test the strength of the Golden Core Late Stage, Lin Hai doesn’t need Air-Severing Slash at all, it is the strongest Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace!

“Despite the attack of the master, Xian’er controlled his power at the Golden Core Late Stage!”

“Look at the trick!” Lin Hai sighed sharply, his body suddenly jumped into the air, and in the hands of Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, he crossed a long rainbow thread, and the blade glow came out of his body and went straight down to Xian’er’s head.

Xian’er looked up, a flash of fineness flashed in the beautiful eyes, and suddenly his hands were stroked on the chest, a light shout in his mouth.


Suddenly, a huge rainbow bridge appeared in mid-air. Lin Hai, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering stab, slammed on the rainbow bridge, splitting the bridge in half instantly!

However, just then, a weird scene happened!

I saw the broken bridge, but suddenly it turned into a rainbow. From 4 sides and 8 sides, the blade glow issued by the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade of Lin Hai was wrapped in a rigorous package, and the blade glow left and right channeled, But could n’t break free!

“This!” Lin Hai was suddenly surprised, his eyes straightened!

One of the tricks of Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World that I learned from Sun Wukong, the largest formidable power, is on that blade glow, but how can it also didn’t expect that the blade glow turned out to be unfathomable mystery and was kidnapped? !!


After a full 3 seconds of cultivation technique, the rainbow burst suddenly, but the blade glow has disappeared.

“What the hell is going on here?” Lin Hai’s face was aggressive, did the rainbow bridge issued by Xian’er have the energy comparable to Nascent Soul?

“Master is anxious, listen to Xian’er!” Xian’er smiled Yingying, revealing two small dimples, especially beautiful.

“Have you heard of it, do it!”

“Way!” Lin Hai was shocked, of course he had heard it, and he also heard Sun Wukong talk about it in detail, knowing that it was extremely awesome stuff. Tathagata Buddha relied on the profound way to subdue Sun Wukong easily!

As soon as the light in his head moved, Lin Hai came to his senses and couldn’t help showing a hint of shock!

“Xian’er, are you saying that what you did just now is the power of Daoxing?”

“Yes, master!” Xian’er always smiled and told Lin Hai impatiently.

“Daoxing is a very mysterious thing. Although Nascent Soul is generally regarded as a cultivation practice, the Golden Core Late Stage generally needs to be tried and explored.”

“Once you have mastered the application of Daoxing, you can increase your battle strength ten or even a hundred times. It is not simply a matter of Taoism or force!”

“So, with the Golden Core Late Stage of Daxing, you can easily hit the master of the same cultivation base!”

Lin Hai looked wrong, slowly nodded.

Although it’s a long time ago from Sun Wukong’s understood, this is the first time for real experience.

I couldn’t think of such a great move, Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace, so with no difficulty, it was broken by Xian’er, and it made Lin Hai lose for a while.

I thought I learned Erlang Shen and Sun Wukong’s tricks, and I was peerless in the whole world. I can’t think of a good person, and I can easily crack it. Then I can learn this stuff by myself.

Looking at Lin Hai’s dejection, Xian’er immediately understood what Lin Hai thought.

“The master doesn’t have to be discouraged. Your previous moves are really powerful!”

“Xian’er, don’t comfort me, it hasn’t been broken by you, or use the cultivation base of the Golden Core Late Stage!” Lin Hai scratched his head with a hoe, disappointed!

“My master knows, how many years did Xian’er do?”

“How many years?” Lin Hai asked casually.

“Hundred thousand 8000 years!”


“How much?” Lin Hai almost fell and even Leng Yueru cast a shocking look at Xian’er.

“Hundred thousand 8000 years!” Xian’er repeated with a smile.

“Xian’er, how old are you, how can there be so many things?” Lin Hai asked in shock.

“I don’t know Xian’er!”

“So you don’t have to be disappointed with the master. Xian’er made a rough estimate of the move just now. The master of Golden Core Late Stage, if there is no more than two hundred years of doing things, he can’t catch the master’s first blow!”

“Two hundred years?” Lin Hai seemed to understand nodded. “That’s it!”

Lin Hai’s previous loss was swept away, but replaced by a deep surprise!

I can’t think of a trick to throw Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace by myself, but it is directly worthy of two hundred years of doing things. If you reach the realm of Sun Wukong by yourself, you can hang Heavenly Court celestial beings even if you don’t have doing things.

“Fuck, the monkey’s moves are really powerful!” Lin Hai finally understood why Sun Wukong was still a rude player, and he was able to make a big noise in the Tiangong Temple, and he lost 100,000 Celestial Soldiers!

“Xian’er, Yueru girl, many thanks for your pointers!”

Lin Hai understood what was going on, moved her mind, and returned to reality from the holy realm.

“In this case, a battle with Lu Qian will depend on whether he has been doing it for XNUMX years!”

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