My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 354: Beauty nest

"No, no, you misunderstood." Xu Qingmo solemnly said.

The girl was ready to get angry, but remembered that if Xu Qingmo didn't make a shot just now, she was going to be injured, so think about it and hold back, watching how Xu Qingmo explained.

"I mean, you are really sick."

The girl turned her face and turned away, ignoring Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo patted his forehead, really, this is the truth, why not believe it?

"Um, I don't mean that, I mean you are sick." Xu Qingmo also wanted to explain, but the more he explained, the more chaotic he was, the explanation was not clear at all.

The girl couldn't stand it, took out her ears and brought it up.

Xu Qingmo still did not give up. Ischemic disease is a very serious disease. The sooner the treatment is, the better Xia Xiaotong's level is. He only needs to take a bath with chrysanthemum grass.

The girl was so tiresome that she reached out and waved.

Xu Qingmo was wondering what she was going to do, so she saw the flight attendant's money coming.

When the stewardess reminded the girl to shut down, she noticed her and Xu Qingmo, and took Xu Qingmo's "harassment" behavior all in her eyes, but still kept a sweet smile, and said to Xu Qingmo: "Hello this gentleman, please don't disturb others Thank you for your cooperation. "

Xu Qingmo had no choice but to sit back and touch his nose, as if to wipe off the dust he had just touched.

As a donkey liver and lungs, I really thought about this girl, but I was treated as a satyr!

The girl was finally quiet, watching the clouds passing by the window, her heart was extremely distressed.

She is from Gusu City. She is studying in Jinling. Recently, her mother became ill, but she hasn't seen any good doctors everywhere, which makes her worry.

This time, her mother fell ill directly on the bed and couldn't get up. The doctor even hinted that her family should be prepared. The girl never had any intention to study. She flew back by plane. Even if there was no first class, she would go back in economy class!

I have never been in economy class before. This is the first time I have encountered such a hooligan. I always said that I was ill for the sake of talking, which was unbearable.

Thinking of this, the girl glanced at Xu Qingmo again, and Xu Qingmo was staring at the stewardess, a satyr, which made her even more disgusted.

Maybe help yourself before, but also have a bad mind to eat their own tofu!

Xu Qingmo was staring at the stewardess, and still staring at her ass.

The stewardess was bending over to serve the guests of Xu Qingmo's various passages. Her hips were tilted towards Xu Qingmo's side. The stewardess's one-step skirts were pulled up, and even the top edge of transparent stockings was exposed. Already.

Xu Qing Moguang was staring at dissatisfaction, and actually wanted to bend over and look under the stewardess skirt.

The girl looked in her eyes, filled with indignation, and spoke to stop the satyr.

But Xu Qingmo was one step ahead of him. He actually reached out and touched the stewardess's hips.

The stewardess was attacked by the salty pig's hand, and was suddenly shocked. She turned quickly and looked at Xu Qingmo nervously and vigilantly.

This stewardess's face is not particularly good-looking. Although she is also a big beauty compared to ordinary people, if she is slightly inferior to the beauty of this class of girls around Xu Qingmo, but her figure is very good, plump and soft. It is tender and tender, the convexity is convex, the upwards and downwards are flat, and there is no fat on the flat place. It gives people a very comfortable feeling. If you are on the bed, it is even more ...

If a questionnaire is given to a hundred men, it is estimated that the number of people who choose this stewardess will not be less than that of the girl beside Xu Qingmo.

"Excuse me, excuse me, are you uncomfortable?" Xu Qingmo told the stewardess.

The girl next to me heard Xu Qingmo's words, and almost laughed out loud. This hooligan didn't even change the conversation!

The stewardess froze, and then saw Xu Qingmo's eyes staring at her lower abdomen, and suddenly realized what, her face was slightly red.

Xu Qingmo said with a smile: "The stewardess is very fortunate in the industry, because of various jet lags and irregular schedules, so at this time you should pay more attention to your body maintenance. Eat a lot of brown sugar and red dates. The effect is good, but do not take it every day. Many, in addition, it's okay to press and rub the Batu Acupoint, just a bit inside the lower part of your beauty nest. "

Xu Qingmo said skillfully, just like a magic stick.

The girl couldn't laugh. This hooligan really thought he was a divine doctor, and he just started messing around.

She continued to look at Xu Qingmo's joke.

However, to her surprise, the flight attendant was not angry and did not leave. Instead, she was like she was said to have been hit.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Xu Qingmo stood up and passed by the stewardess, smiling slightly.

The stewardess looked at the back of Xu Qingmo's departure, her face flushed.

How did he know that when I came to my auntie these days, I ate a lot of brown sugar to make up for blood, and it turned out that my blood was flowing like that. I had to change my aunt ’s towel several times a day, and it was always uncomfortable.

Also, how does he know that I have a beauty nest!

The two beauties like dimples behind the waist have always been the little pride of the stewardess, which is only for women who are plump and well-formed and have beautiful lines.

Baba Point? What point is that? Where is the beauty nest?

As the flight attendant thought about it, she quietly moved her hands behind her waist, groped to the place where Xu Qingmo said, the inner part of the lower part of the beauty nest, and then lightly pressed.


The stewardess actually couldn't control herself, and hummed comfortably. Fortunately, the voice was low and no one was around, otherwise she would be ashamed.

Moreover, her body was also soft, and she was in a state of stalemate. She suddenly sat in the position where Xu Qingmo was just now.

How is this going?

The stewardess was so ashamed that she screamed, but ... it was really comfortable, and it felt more comfortable below, as if the aunt had left.

That passenger, is it so amazing? Is he Chinese medicine?

"What's wrong with you? Need help?" The girl couldn't help asking.

The stewardess quickly stood up, first bent over to apologize, and then said to the girl, "No, thank you."

Seeing the stewardess going away, the girl grabbed her hand: "What are he saying true? Are you uncomfortable?"

The stewardess thought for a while and saw that both were women, and then whispered: "Well, my aunt has been here recently, and has been a little uncomfortable. He actually saw it, and made me press there ... It really works . "

The girl was startled, and the stewardess had walked away, just passing Xu Qingmo who was out of the bathroom.

Xu Qingmo said a few words in the stewardess's ears. The stewardess couldn't be ashamed. She put her hands behind her **** and ran away in a small step.

Xu Qingmo sat on the seat with a smile, his clothes contentedly.

The girl looked at him several times, and finally couldn't help but said to him, "How do you know she's here?"

"You want to know?" Xu Qingmo asked.

The girl nodded.

"Why should I tell you." Xu Qingmo smiled.

"You ..." The girl froze, then realized that her previous attitude towards Xu Qingmo irritated him, and she was a bit ashamed, but she did not apologize, because Xu Qingmo did not explain how to know that the stewardess had come to the aunt and could not Prove his innocence, maybe he just happened to be this time, and when he told himself before, he still wanted to talk.

After the girl turned her head, she heard Xu Qingmo's faint voice.

"I see it."

The girl did not turn back, but her ears were raised.

"There is a little blood on the back of her skirt." Xu Qingmo smiled, "I just told her."

Before Xu Qingmo stared at the stewardess's butt, just to see her blood, there was blood on the back of the woman, and she knew with her knee that it was the aunt.

"Then how do you know what beauty nest?" The girl turned her head and asked Xu Qingmo. She wanted to make sure Xu Qingmo was a doctor. Because of her mother's illness, she was already insane. A glimmer of hope cannot be missed.

"Haha, that's what I can figure out." Xu Qingmo shook her finger that had just touched the stewardess' hips.

The girl's face changed, remembering the insignificant look when Xu Qingmo touched the stewardess's **** before.

It turned out to be really a satyr!

The girl felt she was being deceived, and she was so angry that she turned her head and plugged in her headphones.

Xu Qingmo scratched her head, alas, why not ask? Don't ask Batu Point? So how can you pretend to be a force!

Xu Qingmo has only recently learned about the method by which kneading Batu points can effectively curb the blood flow of the aunt.

When Xu Qingmo was looking for various Chinese medicine for Lao Xia, he found a lot of Chinese medicine, but he could n’t even see the ischemia. Only the last old Chinese medicine was reliable. Xu Qingmo also knew him, and he was still in his medicine. The museum witnessed Yue Lingsu's feat of picking up many doctors. At that time, Xu Qingmo learned this knowledge.

Of course, this knowledge was not given to him by the old Chinese medicine, but he saw several medical books dedicated to this knowledge in the medical museum of the old Chinese medicine. Among them is the knowledge of rubbing octave. In fact, this is a large section, not only the method to curb the aunt's turbulence, but also the method to urge the aunt to flow.

Combining various kneading techniques, how can you condition a woman's body?

The medical book is rumored to be a solitary copy, which came out from the Qing palace, but it was Cixi's technique of keeping in good health. According to rumors, the more sophisticated the eunuchs around her were, the more power the court had.

Cixi even created a method of rewarding eunuchs based on this, called "Drinking Zhuxianlu", whose specific content was too disgusting, horrifying and vomiting, but the **** at that time regarded a drink of Zhuxianlu as the greatest glory of being flat.

Because, Cixi can only reward a few people Zhu Xianlu a month.

Xu Qingmo originally wanted to rely on this knowledge to show it, arouse the girl's interest, and point out her illness in a euphemistic way, but when she didn't expect it, the girl completely ignored him.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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