My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 333: Four big beauties

"How? Dissatisfied?" The cheongsam woman waved her hands, and the ladies behind them rushed out, lined up in front of Xu Qingmo, twisted her waist, shook her shoulders, and showed herself.

Xu Qingmo shook his head.

The cheongsam woman and the bald head looked at each other, and then the bald head said something to the people around him, and the man quickly trot away.

Soon, the second group of ladies came in. This time, instead of wearing long skirts and tights like this, it was a variety of uniforms, nurses, stewardess, school uniforms, white-collar uniforms, and even Ancient ladies 'clothes, queen's phoenix crowns, and generals' services.

But Xu Qingmo still shook her head.

The cheongsam woman was a little angry, went out in person, and led a few beautiful women in.

This time there were only four people, but they were all first-rate beauties.

Xu Qingmo also saw his eyes brightened, and couldn't help looking at them a few more times.

The cheongsam woman laughed: "These are the four beauties in our clubhouse, each of them is a pillar."

"Oh?" Xu Qingmo looked at the four with interest.

The woman in the cheongsam walked to the first beauty, reached out and raised her chin and said, "This is called Chen Chen, but she is a senior student at Jinkai University and the department of art."

Chen Chen smiled at Xu Qingmo gracefully, full of charm.

"This one." The cheongsam woman held up the second beauty's hand again. "Sister Bai, she has a close relationship with Chen Chen."

The corner of Xu Qingmo's mouth was raised.

"Bai Jie is Chen Chen's mentor, university mentor. The key is that she is a young woman."

After the introduction, the white sister revealed the unique shyness that was unique to the lightly mature young woman. The gesture application was not the kind of young girl that Chenchen could show, and had a unique charm.

The cheongsam woman moved one step further, came to the third beauty, reached out and touched her hair, and said to Xu Qingmo: "This one, honey, you should know it. The show industry is called a little jade girl, but she was Selected as a strong successor to the next Four Little Flowers. "

Xu Qing stunned, he did n’t know what little jade girl, but this honey, he had watched a few times on TV, all played the role of female three female four in various TV series, not female one, nor Great fire, but can be familiar in various TV dramas, can be considered a little star, I did not expect to actually do this kind of thing. "

"By the way, WeChat, which was hot at the time, 'wait a minute'." The cheongsam woman laughed again. "The heroine is her, and that video was made by us."

When Xu Qingmo heard this, he couldn't help but hesitated in his heart. So it seems that this gang has a lot of power.

The last beauty, a look of cold beauty, stood there, and the posture of the strong woman was unobstructed.

"This is Ya Ting, but the general manager of Jinfeng Group." Cheongsam smiled. "But a real business woman, of course, she is not just strong in the mall."

Xu Qingmo laughed, leaned on the back of the sofa, and looked at the four women.

Cheongsam woman raised her eyebrows and exhaled: "How? This grandpa? Not satisfied yet?"

Xu Qingmo shook her head.

The cheongsam woman's face changed: "This is the top four beautiful women here. You are not satisfied ... a good vision is good, but don't deliberately find fault ..."

Xu Qingmo waved his hand: "Excited? I ask you, how many times have they received customers?"

The cheongsam woman heard a word stagnation and thought about it quickly: "Please rest assured, all our girls here are absolutely clean and will have a full body check every month. If you don't believe it, you can always see their health card.

Xu Qingmo said: "The health certificate can be compared to that layer of film? I came here to find a girl to play with, but not to wear someone's broken shoes."

The cheongsam woman is stuck, I really don't know how to deal with Xu Qingmo.

"Oh? Are you here, right?" Xu Qingmo raised his leg and added it to the table in front of him, a look of disdain.

As soon as the cheongsam woman waved her hand, the four beauties retreated, and then she looked at her bald head and went out.

"This guy is here to find the difference, I will teach someone to teach him!" As soon as I went out, my bald head was impatient.

The cheongsam woman gave him a white look: "How many people do you want?"

With a bald head, he was able to speak here, and his vision was not low. Naturally, he could see that Xu Qingmo was a master, not an ordinary cat and dog. Otherwise, they could not have left Xu Qingmo to pick and choose.

"This guy is not simple, the breath on him, I have only seen it on that adult." Qipao female said, "And you have not seen the handbag next to him, maybe I came from where to wait for Wang Yang Thieves, before he can understand his origins, using force is the most unwise choice. "

"What to do? You didn't see him so difficult, didn't you want to come here?" Bald airway.

"Do we have a virgin here?" The cheongsam woman asked.

Shaved his head and shook his head: "How again? You asked me to **** it. We have already passed the initial **** stage. Which lady is not the one who signed the contract now, where to look for white lotus."

"Why not? It wasn't just one that came in just now." The cheongsam woman turned her eyes and said.

"You mean the second dog egg brought it?" Bald said. "But she just came in. We don't know anything."

"Do you know the two dogs?" The cheongsam woman said.

The bald head shook his head: "That was the hometown of Asan's hometown, one sister-in-law. Last time I brought a woman over, but the woman was beaten away."

"That said, there should be no problem with the people he brought," the cheongsam woman said. "At best, it's just the poor people who want to squeeze into this circle."


"No, but let her come over."

"I finally ask a question, how do you know that woman is a virgin?" Bald said.

"If I don't have any eyesight, I'll pick up the guests in person." Cheongsam said, "The woman and this man are a bit suspicious, so it's better for them to get together, and you should tell the adult to come over."

The bald head nodded, then turned away.

Xu Qingmo was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and staring at the slightly rippling red wine, but in his mind was connecting with what he had just seen from the outside, and then calculated the layout of the whole club.

He was so fussy before, I don't know if he would let Xie Hongli be pushed out here, but this is only his plan. If it doesn't work, he will break in, just don't know where Xie Hongli will be?

In fact, Xu Qingmo could use Qiang from the beginning, but she was afraid that she would delay Xie Hongli's plan. She pretended to come in. It must be the police's plan. He didn't want to destroy it.

Moreover, from the beginning to the present, he can see that this club is not as simple as an ordinary club, or even an underground club opened by an upstart, as if it has greater power to control it.

This can be seen from the four big beauties.

The first two teachers and students can still use money and ** to explain, but a little star, a female white-collar worker, is willing to come here, I am afraid it is not that simple, even if they are in a strange hobby to engage in this industry, it is not Any club can accept it.

Thinking of it this way, Xu Qingmo was even more curious about the clubhouse.

When did Jinling actually have such a place, interesting!

After waiting for a while, when Xu Qingmo was almost impatient, the cheongsam girl finally came in again, and she was still carrying a person.

Xu Qingmo looked and smiled.

Xie Hongli was shocked, but his pupils narrowed slightly, and his face was not flawed.

"Yes." Xu Qingmo smiled and nodded, searching unscathedly on Xie Hongli's body.

"You are satisfied." The cheongsam woman smiled, then turned to Xie Hongli said, "Not yet, if you want to stay, just look at this man's evaluation of you."

Xie Hongli nodded slightly, and then walked towards Xu Qingmo step by step. At this moment, she turned her back to the cheongsam woman, and was suddenly full of anger, staring at Xu Qingmo, as if asking Xu Qingmo what he was doing.

Xu Qingmo smiled, stretched out his hand and grabbed Xie Hongli's legs, and then pulled it hard to pull Xie Hongli forward and flung him in his arms.

Then, Xu Qingmo grabbed Xie Hongli's waist with both hands, pushed it to her knees, and let her sit on her knees, facing her.

The anger in Xie Hongli's eyes almost sprayed out and burned Xu Qingmo into a pair of ashes, but the cheongsam woman was behind. She could not say that she had to cooperate with Xu Qingmo, pretending to be a skilled look, and stretched her hands over Xu Qingmo's shoulders.

Regardless of Xie Hongli's almost murderous eyes, Xu Qingmo moved his hands for a while, making Xie Hongli tremble.

In the end, Xu Qingmo picked up Xie Hongli and put it on the sofa. He reached out and grabbed his trousers to take the lead. Then he turned to the cheongsam woman and said, "Are you still watching? Are you going to have a double play?"

"I wish you a lot of fun, I'm just outside, if you have any needs, you can call me." The cheongsam woman laughed and then backed out.


The door closed, and a loud slap blew on Xu Qingmo's face.

Xie Hongli straddled Xu Qingmo's chest, kicked him, and sat up to arrange his clothes.

Xu Qingmo innocently touched his face and sat on the side.

"What the **** are you doing?" Xie Hongli lowered his voice, but his anger couldn't be suppressed.

"What do I do? I do you!" Xu Qingmo said.

"You!" Xie Hongli's eyes glared, and Xu Qingmo was about to be stunned.

Xu Qingmo smiled: "You can't stand this? Then you dare to come? If it weren't for me, who might point you!"

"I will pay attention." Xie Hongli said.

"How do you pay attention, your elder sister who came in alone!" Xu Qing Mo Qi said in a desperate way. Xie Hongli was too risky for a woman who dared to disguise herself.

"I have my plan." Xie Hongli insisted.

"What plan? Find out the staffing here, and then call the headquarters to come and die?" Xu Qingmo asked,

Xie Hongli paused for a while, but the police's plan was not dismissed by Xu Qingmo.

"There are weird things here, you have to touch the bottom before you start." Xie Hongli picked up the red wine in front of him and drank it.

Xu Qingmo said: "What about the police's second hand? I don't see any of them outside."

"Of course you can't follow me, otherwise you will be exposed and you have to wait for a while."

"Wait a while, wait for a while for your innocence!" Xu Qingmo said angrily.

"It's because you're lost!" Xie Hongli cried.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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