Gang crime!

Xu Qingmo's first reaction was this. Dress girls and youths did exactly the same thing, except that one targeted women, one targeted men, one succeeded, and one failed.

At this moment, the elevator door opened and reached the lobby on the first floor. Some passengers rushed out to find security. Some passengers called the police. Most of the rest was to envelop the youth and make him difficult to fly.

Seeing this, the girl in the dress suddenly changed her face and wanted to run away, but was caught by Xu Qingmo's wrist.

"Please, let me go!" The girl begged Xu Qingmo in a panic.

Xu Qingmo is naturally not deceived by him, and is still unfriendly.

"Indecent! Come on!" The dress girl suddenly yelled, "he and the guy belong to the same group, but also a satyr!"

At this moment, everyone turned to look at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo quickly waved her hand to explain, but the dress girl took the opportunity to break free and ran away.

The faces of everyone surrounded Xu Qingmo with a bad look.

"I'm not, she is." Xu Qingmo said, but looking at everyone's eyes, and knowing that they couldn't say clearly, people instinctively believed that they looked at a weak dress girl.

"Don't you post it, is she gone?"

Xu Qingmo's sentence was finally suspicious, but Xu Qingmo was not released.

"Surround him until the police come."

Xu Qingmo poked his lips, but fortunately the police came quickly, and when he saw Xu Qingmo, his face turned cold.

Xie Hongli was actually her again.

Xie Hongli led the team to hand over the hotel staff, caught the youth, and then looked at Xu Qingmo.

"Why are you again?" Xie Hongli said uneasily.

"Haha, we met again, what a coincidence." Xu Qingmo smiled.

"Come here!" Xie Hongli looked cold and took Xu Qingmo aside.

"To be honest, why are you at the hotel again?" Xie Hongli scolded.

Xu Qingmo touched his nose: "I said I lived alone, would you believe it?"

Xie Hongli's eyebrows frowned, obviously not convinced.

"Don't talk about this first, I'm curious, why are you, you really become the leader of the Sweep Squad?" Xu Qingmo asked curiously.

Xie Hongli said: "Recently, major hotels in Jinling City have frequent prostitution gangs. It's very rampant. We are cracking down on this one, and I'll be here.

Xu Qingmo said: "gang? This one caught today?"

Xie Hongli shook his head.

Xu Qingmo said: "In fact, they have two people. The crimes are exactly the same. I don't know if it is a gang."

"Two people?" Xie Hongli hurriedly, "Really? There is one more, where is it now?"

"Escaped." Xu Qingmo shrugged. "I was caught as a satyr."

"But." Xu Qingmo smiled and pulled out a note.

737, there is only one room number on the note.


The two looked at each other and ran to the elevator.

At the 737, the two calmed down, Xie Hongli looked at Xu Qingmo, and Xu Qingmo went up alone and rang the bell.

The sound insulation of the room was good, and no sound from inside to inside was heard, but Xu Qingmo and Xie Hongli knew that the people inside would surely look at themselves through cat eyes.

Xu Qingmo changed her face immediately, and the monkey looked anxious, looking very wretched.

Xie Hongli was surprised to see Xu Qingmo's expression beside him. Although Xu Qingmo usually showed some bad things to him, he never showed this expression.

Finally, Xu Qingmo's expression won the trust of the people in the room, and the door opened.

The girl in the dress pulled the door open a gap and looked out.

"You haven't run yet?" Xu Qing Mohou anxiously.

The girl pinched her lips: "If you don't say, who would doubt me, sorry, I was anxious before."

"Uh-huh, the note you gave me?" Xu Qingmo said, his eyes swept over the girl.

The girl was anxious, "You still want to do it."

"Did you not let me come?" Xu Qingmo said, "You gave me a note."

"But my boyfriend was taken away, and there was still mood."

"Your boyfriend?" Xu Qingmo said in surprise.

"Just a title, do you think he is a real boyfriend?" The girl dismissed.

"What is your relationship and why?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"Why? I don't know what I'm doing. Why are you here?" The girl didn't feel good. "But I'm not in the mood today, let's go."

After that, the girl would close the door.

Xu Qingmo reached out and held the door: "No, the police below haven't left yet, believe it or not, I'll go to the police now."

The girl gritted her teeth angrily, and then gave Xu Qingmo a glance: "You are so bad, that can only be a while."

"It's enough for a while," Xu Qingmo said.

"Huh." The girl looked at Xu Qingmo's body. "I'll let you do it for a few minutes."

After that, the girl opened the door and let Xu Qingmo go in.

After entering the room, Xu Qingmo looked at it, but it was just an ordinary double standard room. It seems that she and the youth also opened the house as customers.

Xu Qingmo sat on the bed and looked at the girl. Instead, she was at a loss, and stood there, a little flustered in her eyes.

"Well, aren't you saying it just won't work for a few minutes?" Xu Qingmo said.

"What's the matter, let me see it first," said the girl, and then pulled out a notebook from her backpack and turned it back to see Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo laughed and couldn't help but said, "Are you ... for the first time?"

"What is the first time, I have practiced many times." The girl immediately said, as if she was questioned, "Although it is facing the doll."

"Why do you do this?" Xu Qingmo said.

"I want you to control." The girl did not answer.

"What about the arrested man, your boyfriend?"

"All said, just a title, it's more convenient to go out and talk like this," said the girl. "He's an sb, so despondent that he's been out for so long. He didn't succeed at all once, and he made it. They are cheap. "

Xu Qingmo hesitated: "Don't you do that? What else is the advantage?"

The girl's face changed, and she hurriedly said: "Ah ... do any party have to pay attention to the Basic Law, and our party is no exception. Without the permission of the guests, wanton disturbance will make the guests angry."

"Is that so?" Xu Qingmo's uprising puzzled in his heart, he shot suddenly and grabbed the girl's notebook.

"Hey, give it back to me!" The girl hurried.

Xu Qingmo held the notebook in his hands high.

The girl jumped to grab it, but only flung on Xu Qingmo's body.

"What are you doing?" Xu Qingmo asked when the girl fluttered at Xu Qingmo.

The girl blushed and hurried back.

Seeing the girl blushing, Xu Qing Modao's doubts were even firmer. This girl was not doing what the industry knew.

Looking at the notebook carefully, it says that it was indeed the means in the elevator before, then it was to trick people into the guest room, and then when the other party was half off, another person jumped out, saying that it was the other party's girlfriend or man My friend, there is the blackmail link behind the fairy jump.

Xu Qingmo understood that for a long time, the girl and the youth were not prostitution gangs at all, but fairies, but the young man did.

Fairy jumping usually only involves men. Even if women do, it may not be a good-looking female white-collar worker before. It is purely his sperm that hits the brain to start a female white-collar worker. It is more reasonable for the girl to choose Xu Qingmo.

But now, the young people have been arrested. The girl has no choice but to be approached by Xu Qingmo. She also threatens to call the police. She can only pretend to be in that industry, and it turns out to be like this.

"I didn't really want to lie to you." The girl saw that Xu Qingmo finished reading the notes, and immediately felt wronged.

Xu Qingmo laughed, sat down, and shouted to the door: "Come in, you're wrong."

In a police uniform, Xie Hongli came in, the girl was surprised, and then she looked at Xu Qingmodao and her eyes changed: "You lied to me!"

"You lied to me, too" Xu Qingmo said.

The girl turned her head and ignored him.

"Tell me what's going on." Xie Hongli said coldly.

Faced with the police, the girl finally stopped insisting, saying the beginning and the end.

It turned out that neither girls nor young people were from Jinling City, but rural people from the next province. Her sister graduated from elementary school, and she took her sister to Jinling City to play. As a result, she lost her sister and was so anxious that she dared to turn around. Back home, you can only continue to look for in Jinling City.

However, I did n’t have much money, and I ran out of money quickly. Fortunately, I met young people who came to work in the same village.

When the young man saw that the girl had no money, he took her to find the way. He was also idle, so he finally started the journey of fairy jumping. Unfortunately, so far, the girl has been shy and dare not to shoot. Every day, she looks at the notes and practises the doll. Speed ​​unzipping a man ’s pants. This is the first action today, but the young man succeeded once. That was the previous shot against a fat woman. He finally blackmailed 2,000 yuan, so he was so obsessed with it. And also looking for beautiful women, now being arrested is also retribution.

"Wait." Xie Hongli said, "Where did you get this notebook?"

When the girl talked about this, she immediately became angry, saying that the young man was unwilling at first, and wanted to take her to be a lady, but she was beaten by her. Then she stopped, but the person the young man went to gave them this notebook. If you ca n’t keep going, you can go to her again.

Xie Hongli clapped her hands and asked, "Where is that person? Do you feel their stall is big?"

"Large, big, that person looks like a gas field, I can't tell the place, but I know the way to go," the girl said.

Xie Hongli was shocked. The organization she had been destroying was probably the girl's mouth.

Xu Qingmo also said, "Do you have a picture of your sister?"

The girl took out a carefully saved photo.

Xu Qingmo glanced, and raised his eyebrows, "I have seen your sister."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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