My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 312: Dialogues spanning decades


Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu looked at each other, all the places were checked, no switches, no authentic ...

"No." Xu Qingmo shook his head. "There must be an organization, but the way we searched was wrong."

Speaking, Xu Qingmo went to the wall again and looked at the luminous stone inlaid on the wall.

"Since there are no secret passages on all walls, the secret should be on this most prominent luminous stone." Xu Qingmo pinched his chin and guessed, "perhaps only by understanding the secrets of these luminous stones, can you find the secret passage."

"The secret of these luminous stones?" Yue Lingsu also looked up. "Is it what characters they make up?"

"Try it!"

The two backed away and looked at the luminous stone from a distance, but the luminous stone was scattered. Looking left to right, looking up and down, looking upside down, they couldn't see anything.

"Is it the order of arrangement? What are the rules?"

The two men counted the luminous stones one by one, but unfortunately they still failed.

Next, every possibility, two people verified one by one, what is the order of brightness of the highlands, what is the order in which the luminous stones are set up according to the cracks ...

In the end, nothing was found.

Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

No, still nothing.

Xu Qingmo sat on the ground, looking at the cave, frowning.

"Will ... there is no secret road, the people who built it, finally came from the river ..." Yue Lingsu looked at the rolling water beside him, "... or found a way out of the river, or died in Into the river, so we didn't see the bones. "

Xu Qingmo shook his head: "It is not easy to build such a place here, so much luminous stone is inlaid, planting snake spirit flowers and withered grass, he must have been in and out several times, there must be a secret.

Xu Qingmo said, and said to Yue Lingsu: "If you were the person who built this cave, where would you build the secret path?" Yue Lingsu thought for a while, pointing to the wall and saying: "If it is me, I Will open the secret passage behind the wall. "

Xu Qingmo smiled and reached out and pressed the ground under his feet: "Then should be here?"

"Why?" Yue Lingsu didn't understand.

"The person who built this did not directly disclose the secret passage, indicating that he did not want to give the secret passage to future generations, so he would definitely not put the secret passage behind the most likely wall ..."

"So, may it be under or above your feet?" Yue Lingsu looked up at her head.

"It's all possible, but I prefer to go underground." Xu Qingmo raised his fist. "Don't ask me why, I'm just intuitive!"

Then, Xu Qingmo punched the ground with his fist.

"Ga La La ..."

The ground suddenly cracked, like a spider web.

Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu were overjoyed and there was a drama.

"Retreat first." Yue Lingsu said, and then slowly moved back.

"It's too late." Xu Qingmo hugged Yueling Su.

At the same time, the ground cracked open at the feet of the two, revealing a large hole, and they fell together.

The intended hard ground didn't come, but the one catching the two was soft.

Xu Qingmo held Yueling Su in her arms, with her back facing down. Yueling Su lay on his face at this time, her face buried in his chest.

"Ah!" Yue Lingsu agitated, sat up from Xu Qingmo's body, looked around, her mouth opened wide.

The space here is twice as large as the cave above, and there are a lot more things. Under the two of them is a bed, no wonder it is so soft.

Beside the bed was a large table with some papers on it.

Over there is a cabinet, a kitchen, a bathroom ...

It's like a single apartment here! Except ... in the direction of the cave river above ... there is a huge glass on one side, and the black river is outside the glass ...

Here is a room built on a rock wall on the side below the river!

Yue Lingsu was amazed, then felt that she was moving next to her most private place, her legs were tightened, and then Xu Qingmo's body was pinched. Then she realized that she was sitting on Xu Qingmo's waist !!

Yue Lingsu quickly got up, her face crimson.

Xu Qingmo coughed twice, and Yue Lingsu's position just now was so tempting that she didn't control for a while.

To alleviate the embarrassment, Xu Qingmo said: "It seems we have come to someone's residence, and it has been some years."

"Um." Yue Lingsu whispered.

"The style of these furniture ..." Xu Qingmo touched the table, recalling those that he had seen in the secret base before. The furniture style here is the same as that inside, and even this table is exactly the same as the table in the laboratory!

This is another base for the Shenlong project.

Xu Qingmo was puzzled, reached out and opened a folder on the desktop, and saw the writing on it, and suddenly hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Yue Lingsu overcame her shyness, came over, looked at it carefully, and froze.

"This ... this is the missing part of the Medicine Tendon ..."

"What? This is the missing part of your exercises?" Xu Qingmo was also surprised. There are only a few sheets of paper in this folder, or the kind of document paper. The words on it are hand-written, not torn from a book. Come down.

In other words, this is only part of the medical tendon that was copied by a person decades ago!

But Yijinjing is a book of exercises, at least there are dozens of pages. Why are the missing pages here, just the ones that Yue Lingsu needs most!

Could it be said that the person who copied these papers only got those few pages and then copied them here.

This can be explained, but ...

Xu Qingmo remembered the reason why he had just choked.


"With these few pages, I can make up for the shortcomings of my exercises, and I won't sacrifice any more in the future!" Yue Lingsu rejoiced, finally her biggest loophole could be plugged.

"Be careful, check whether there are any problems with these exercises before practicing." Xu Qingmo said.

"Uh-huh." Yue Lingsu nodded. "I will, but I feel no problem."

"Well, now let's see what's in this folder?" Xu Qingmo took a deep breath and reached out to grab another folder.

Yue Lingsu also came to see, and then if two people were struck by lightning, they were shocked on the spot, as if their souls were out of control and couldn't turn around.

"Hi, Xu Qingmo, Yue Lingsu, hello, nothing wrong, don't be surprised, there are no ghosts, this document is written for you,"

The handwriting on the first page of the document is so sharp, penetrating directly into the hearts of the two.

"The general communication is normal!" Xu Qingmo and Yueling Su turned around, looked around, and checked to see if anyone was hiding in the dark, or there was a monitor or something.

"Don't watch, except for you two, there is no one else, and there is no monitor. Oh, the monitor is expensive, and you can't buy it if you want to buy it."

The second page of the document shocked the two again.

This document was left decades ago. Actually knowing the names of Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu, they can also know their actions and reactions, just like a person talking to them in real time.

Facing this kind of thrilling and spooky event, Yue Lingsu was a woman who was a little scared after all, unconsciously reached out her hand and grabbed Xu Qingmo's hand.

Xu Qingmo held Yue Lingsu's hand and smiled, "Let's continue to see, what's the mystery here?"

The file turned back, no longer those weird conversations, but another neat note.

Xu Qingmo blinked his eyes for a moment, and there was nothing wrong with it. These handwritings were exactly the handwritings on the notebook that was originally planned by Shenlong in the secret base!

This paper is not the paper of your notebook, but it should be from a person's handwriting. Does the person who took the note lived here later, and then continues the essay habit on these papers.

"... I was trapped here by that demon. He is too strong, and I have no hope of escaping ..."

"... I didn't expect it to be him. Although I thought he was bad before, but I didn't expect to play, he was so scary ..."

"He moved a lot of things in the laboratory ... but there was only one bed!"

"... If he ... me at night ... I will die even if I die ..."

"... I can't die because I see Xiao Honglan! But why is Xiao Honglan on him and looks familiar to him, why is that? Xiao Honglan is only familiar with me, anyone in the laboratory Can't approach, but he, a person who has never been close to Xiao Honglan, how can he be so close to Xiao Honglan! "

"Xiao Honglan still knows me, holding my face with his head, and I'm very happy, but the devil said hello, and Xiao Honglan ran to him, and I wondered."

"... the cave is more and more complete with that demon. Is he going to imprison me here for a lifetime?"

"The devil has left, and hasn't returned for several days. This is my chance to come to the door, but I can't push it. Only the devil can open the door!"

"Finally the demon is back, Xiao Honglan is injured!"

"My little red and blue! What did the devil do to you?"

"... I have been taking good care of these days. The devil is often absent, but only occasionally comes in to rest, and his body is soaked."

"God, I saw that demon in the river behind the glass! What he was doing in the water seemed to be carrying something! I lay on the glass and he smiled at me, it was just the devil's smile, and I shuddered. "

"The devil is back, clapping his hands and saying that he wo n’t need to enter the river in the future. He asked me if Xiao Honglan is well-cultivated. I quickly hugged Xiao Honglan ... Xiao Honglan slipped away from my arms and ran to him ... Little Red and Blue! Come back! He is a demon! "

"The devil returned little red and blue to me and told me to do my last goodbye, no!"

"I hugged Xiao Honglan tightly. Xiao Honglan held me by his head, and it couldn't bear me, but in the end, it was gone."

"... I feel it, Xiao Honglan left voluntarily, but why?"

"What is the devil going to do with Red and Blue? I have a bad hunch ..."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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