My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 304: Moon Lingsu confused

This camouflage cloth piece is still very new, not like a long time ago, and the recent camouflage cloth piece ...

Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu looked at each other, their hearts were together: "The missing person in the blonde beauty gang!"

But wasn't he on a cliff when he disappeared? How did the pieces of clothes appear here, so that he stumbled and fell off the cliff? Or was it pushed down by some beast?

That fierce beast is that huge red flame blue snake?

At this moment, the Chiyan Blue Snake had heard the voice of Sosso on the other side of the boulder.

Xu Qingmo no longer stayed, picked up Moon Lingsu, jumped directly onto the tree branch, stepped on the treetop and flew away, leaving only Chiyan Blue Snake screaming wildly below.

"Find a safe place, I want to take this snake spirit flower." Yue Lingsu said in the arms of Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo thought for a while, and immediately had a good idea, pretending to walk around a few laps, and then ran towards a cliff.

When he came to the cliff, Yue Lingsu saw the cave and was very happy. This is a good place to be easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if it is a Chiyan blue snake, he can't climb up for a while.

"Beware, there may be something in it," Yue Lingsu reminded.

Xu Qingmo smiled. If the great ape was still inside, it would be called true security.

Xu Qingmo staggered a few steps on the cliff, came to the cave entrance, and looked inside, empty and without the breath of the giant ape. It seems that the giant ape should still be in the underground base and not live in the cave.

Yue Lingsu's face was reddish, she jumped down from Xu Qingmo's arms and found a clean place to sit down. She kept pinching the snake spirit flower in her hands, and it was not the pinching method of ordinary people. It was the orchid finger and the snake spirit. What is the root of the flower? No wonder she said that Xu Qingmo would not pick it.

Xu Qingmo stood by and looked at Yue Lingsu, but Yue Lingsu glared at him and said, "You go out."

"Ah?" Xu Qingmo was puzzled.

"I take this snake spirit flower, I will sweat and need to ... undress." Yue Lingsu's voice was very low.

Xu Qingmo's heart swayed, and her eyes could not help but glance over the curvy body under Yue Lingsu's tight sportswear, which was so attractive across the sportswear. What would it look like after taking off?

However, Xu Qingmo just thought about it. In the scorching eyes of Yue Lingsu, he came to the cave step by step and sat down with his back to the cave.

"I'm sitting here, I can't see you, but I can also alert you to any danger outside." Xu Qingmo said.

"Well." Yue Lingsu also knew that this was the best choice. He whispered a little and then started taking Snake Linghua.

Xu Qingmo was sitting, as if there were a hundred mice scratching in his heart. He wanted to turn his head to see the beautiful scenery, but he couldn't let Yue Lingsu find it.

After thinking about it, Xu Qingmo used common methods, took off his coat and put it on his arm, then followed the reflection of the metal buttons and peeked at the scenery behind him.

All she saw was that Yue Lingsu took off her coat, exposing the white small vest wrapped around her chest.

Although it is beautiful, it is not completely disengaged in Xu Qingmo's imagination.

At this point, the snake spirit flower in Yue Lingsu's hand was gone. I wanted to take it and it would be completed in a short time.

Xu Qing Mo slaps his tongue, this is what Yue Lingsu wants to undress, no wonder he will leave himself at the door ...

Just when Xu Qingmo was about to look away, Yue Lingsu in the cave suddenly stood up, then twisted his waist and walked towards Xu Qingmo step by step!

Xu Qingmo froze, Yue Lingsu wasn't wearing her coat at this time, and with her personality, it was impossible to find herself.

Does she ...

Just when Xu Qingmo wanted to enter, Fei Lingsu had come behind him, bent lightly, put his face to his ears, and gently blew a heater, scratching Xu Qingmo's ears.

The next moment, Yue Lingsu's hand also rested on Xu Qingmo's shoulder, slowly slipping down.

Xu Qingmo was startled, turned his head, and saw that Yue Lingsu was flushed, his eyes were confused, and the whole body was exuding heat.

Is this ... a drug?

Xu Qingmo saw Yue Lingsu's expression startled. At this time, Yue Lingsu was obviously in the wrong state, she must have taken the wrong medicine.

Take the wrong medicine ... wait!

Xu Qingmo suddenly understood that Yue Lingsu just took the snake spirit flower, but the snake spirit flower in this dense forest is different from the snake spirit flower outside. I do n’t know what happened, the snake spirit flower in the dense forest. It has hallucinogenic effects, but the effects are very weak, and it does not work for ordinary people. Instead, the Chiyan Blue Snake, which guards the snake spirit flower, has hallucinogenic venom. It has been treated, so it completely stimulates the hallucinatory effect in the snake spirit flower, which is what it is now.

Yue Lingsu should also not know that the snake spirit flower here is different from the snake spirit flower she knows, so she came to the road.

Yue Lingsu's jade hand began to be dishonest, Xu Qingmo grabbed his hands. Although Yue Lingsu is a beautiful woman, he is not a villain in danger. What to do at this time should be to wake up Ling Lingsu.

By the way, water!

Xu Qingmo remembered the method that once made Song Qingyin awake from the confusion. As long as he used water, he could wake up the moon spirit.

Xu Qingmo hugged Yueling Su to find water, but the distant treetops shook Xu Qingmo.

It is the trace of someone jumping among the leaves. Looking at the route, it is to come to this cave!

Who is coming?

Xu Qingmo couldn't know, but it would never be a good person to be able to come down here. At this time Yue Lingsu looked like this, but it was better to hide first.

Xu Qingmo grabbed his coat, returned to the cave, picked up Yue Lingsu's coat, and then came to the innermost.

Inside, there is a small cave that can only be drilled into by two people. This was the last time Xu Qingmo dug for Song Yinzhang's mother and daughter. This time came in handy.

Xu Qingmo first spread his coat on the ground of the cave, then stepped back into the moon Lingsu who kept twisting and twisted, and finally dragged a stone over to block the mouth of the cave. This is the innermost part of the cave, and the light is dim. As long as the visitor does not search carefully, it is difficult to find.

Xu Qingmo looked through the gap in the stone and looked at the door of the cave. He wanted someone who looked like it, but Yue Lingsu in his arms kept hugging him, his hands kept on, and he was touching around.

Xu Qingmo is also a man and enjoys it very much, but not this time, she had to grab Yue Lingsu's hands and let her stop for a while.

But Yue Lingsu was bound with her hands, her body twisted again, she kept her face together, kissed Xu Qingmo's neck and face, and made a kiss.

Xu Qingmo was helpless, but at this moment a figure appeared again at the entrance of the cave.

There is no way, the sound of Yue Lingsu will definitely expose them. Xu Qingmo had to bow her head and kiss Yue Lingsu's lips, making her unable to make a sound.

Yue Lingsu was kissed, her whole body was in high spirits, and she fought desperately to get it together. She and Xu Qingmo kissed tightly, and could hardly be separated, and her tongue moved.

Xu Qingmo held Yue Lingsu's head tightly to prevent her from making a sound separately from herself, and then looked outside to see who was coming.

The figure finally appeared, hat man, Xiao Jianming!

It was him!

That ’s right, he disappeared with that of the blondie. The fragments of the clothes of the blondie appear below, and it is normal for him to come here.

However, what is Xiao Jianming doing now?

I saw Xiao Jianming came to the cave and looked left and right, as if looking for something more.

Xu Qingmo's heart was so tight. Did he see it when he was sitting at the cave entrance before?

Thinking of this, Xu Qingmo was more careful.

Yue Lingsu kept kissing, because Xu Qingmo held her back of her head with her hands, her hands were freed, and she fumbled around Xu Qingmo's body. At this time, she had reached into Xu Qingmo's clothes.

Xu Qingmo quickly pulled away Yue Lingsu's hand, but Yue Lingsu struggled, and her lips left Xu Qingmo.

In order to prevent Yue Lingsu from making a sound, Xu Qingmo had to hold her back again and let Yue Lingsu's hands go wild.

Xiao Jianming outside seemed to hear something, and slowly walked towards the cave.

Xu Qingmo couldn't help holding his breath. Judging from his name, Yue Lingsu was Xiao Jianming's fiancee. He was so entangled with his fiancee that he could not explode when he saw it?

Slowly approached, Xiao Jianming approached step by step.

Xu Qingmo was ready. Once Xiao Jianming approached, he shot directly, knocking him out before talking.

But at this time, a shout came from outside the cave.

"Arrived on the ground, safe!"

This is the voice of the blondes. They didn't find their way and they came down.

The shouts outside really caught Xiao Jianming's attention. He went back to the cave entrance to take a look, then stayed there to observe, and didn't come in again.

Xu Qing Mo relieved, and then found that Yue Lingsu in her arms was struggling again, and she wanted to take her mouth away.

Xu Qingmo was naturally intolerable, holding her head firmly to prevent her from leaving.

Yue Lingsu struggled even more violently, but couldn't get rid of Xu Qingmo's big hand, and finally squeezed the meat on Xu Qingmo's waist.

Xu Qingmo was finally awake, and it was impossible for Moon Lingsu in confusion to do so. At this time, Moon Lingsu was awake!

Xu Qingmo quickly released her mouth, Yue Lingsu quickly took it away, and glared at Xu Qingmo with a blush.

Xu Qingmo opened her mouth and pointed outside, indicating her innocence.

Yue Lingsu looked at Xiao Jianming outside and was still angry, but at least he would not find Xu Qingmo on the spot to settle the account, but she blushed, and then tried to distance himself from Xu Qingmo's body.

However, the cave was so large, how she backed up, rubbing against Xu Qingmo's body, and now she discovered that one of her hands was still reaching into Xu Qingmo's pants.

Yue Lingsu blushed, and quickly pulled out her hand.

Xu Qingmo's face twisted and looked very painful, staring at Yue Lingsu's hand.

Yue Lingsu looked at her hand, a crooked hair in her fingers was shaking slightly ...

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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