My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 258: Try to break

No one except Lin Youxi and Xia Xiaotong expected that Xu Qingmo could bring down Duan Jijun so easily, especially Qin Hongye. At the moment, she thought Xu Qingmo was timid and incompetent, but now, Xu Qingmo will play with her before Duan Jijun, who was acting like a monkey, knocked him to the ground.

Xu Qingmo shrugged and turned to Lin Youxi, but he had nothing to say to Qin Hongye.

Lin Youxi always walked over to say something to the three people of Qin Hongye. They used to be at the gate of the movie theater and had better feelings than Xu Qingmo, but at this time the three people of Qin Hongye were in shock and had not returned to God. What did Lin Youxi say They will only respond instinctively.

Xu Qingmo took two women out of the alley.

"I watched it. I didn't expect there was such a powerful wild road." The middle-aged man smiled. "Will you participate in the martial arts meeting, right?"

Xu Qingmo shrugged: "Not interested."

"No, there is a place worth going to, you must go!" Middle-aged humane.

"Look at the mood." Xu Qingmo said, in fact, he had no intention of attending numerous conferences, and he was not particularly interested.

"No!" The middle-aged man said again, and then stretched out his hand to rest on Xu Qingmo's shoulder.

When Xu Qingmo moved his shoulder, he popped the middle-aged's hand away: "I hate people putting their hands on my shoulders, although you are an old man."

The middle-aged man held the shaking hand with the other hand and grinned in his mouth, "I am old."

Xu Qingmo ignored him and left with two daughters.

Budigaweilong roared on the road and quickly sent Xia Xiaotong home.

Lin Youxi also wanted to give the car to Xu Qingmo, but Xu Qingmo refused again, and Lin Youxi didn't insist anymore. She knew Xu Qingmo's character and said no.

Back home, Xu Qingmo's cell phone rang and it came from Fei Huiyin.

Xu Qingmo hasn't seen Fei Huiyin for several days. When she saw her phone, her beautiful figure appeared in her mind instantly.

"Remember the Mercy Pavilion thing I told you?" Fei Huiyin said on the phone.

"I know." Xu Qingmo nodded.

Fei Huiyin said that Xu Qingmo should be her bodyguard in Jinling City, but her husband would not agree. He would definitely come from some kind of compassionate faction. Xu Qingmo must defeat them and prove that Fei Huiyin does not need them. protection of.

"They're here?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"Well, come with me tomorrow and go to a conference." Fei Huiyin said.

Xu Qingmo's heart moved: "Are there martial arts exchange meetings?"

"Looks like you know." Fei Huiyin said.

"see you then."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Qingmo didn't pay much attention. Judging from the skills of the Jiu-Jitsu woman at the time, the Compassionate Pavilion was not particularly powerful, but he had a seal on his body, which was uncomfortable after all.

Xu Qingmo thought about it, took a shower, then returned to the bedroom, sat on the bed, and began to exercise, to see if he could break the seal of his lower abdomen.

Xu Qingmo tried to make a breakthrough, but it was very difficult. The seal was like a firm film, which was close to the bottleneck that he had broken through. Every time Xu Qingmo exerted force, he could only say that the top of this film was raised. , But ca n’t break through.

At the same time, on Mount Emei, a few hundred kilometers away from Xu Qingmo, Meng Qinglou was sitting on an antique bed, looking crimson, leaving sweat on his pretty face, and his eyes were as silky as silk.

"Come again!" Meng Qinglou whispered, then the whole body began to tremble, and her legs were tightly clamped, but how could it be clamped, the feeling couldn't be blocked. She had to insert her left hand between her legs, hoping this would Relax.

But she was trembling, apparently without any change, and breathing was heavy.

Meng Qinglou had to put his right hand in, and fasten with his left fingers.

"Ah ... ahh ... hmmh ..."

Without any improvement, a strange feeling of tide came, almost swallowing her.

"Damn, there is no record in this book that this seal will have such sequelae, that stink guy is trying to break through again?" Meng Qinglou said pantingly.

"Teacher ..." Leng Qiutong's voice sounded outside the room, apparently hearing the movement of Mengqing Building inside.

"I'm fine, don't come in." Meng Qinglou hurriedly.


"Nothing, but you're out of customs?" Meng Qinglou asked.

"Well." Leng Qiutong said, "I have broken through."

"What do you want?" Meng Qinglou said.

"I ... I want to go down the mountain again." Leng Qiutong said nervously.

"No, you are not allowed to go down."


"It's so fixed, don't say it anymore. After the breakthrough, you still need to stabilize yourself ... Ah ..." Before Meng Qinglou's words were finished, I couldn't help crying again, and then the whole person Fell on the bed.

Xu Qingmo broke through again. Although I tried several times with no success, the feeling of pushing up the seal was still very cool. It was like reaching into a warm and humid space, and the space was still alive and able to resist. Tightening.

Breakthrough attempts are like enjoyment for Xu Qingmo, you can try everything.

Anyway, Xu Qingmo feels that if he keeps trying to break through, although he can't really break through the seal, it is still very useful for his own exercise. As long as he keeps doing this often and then starts, the feeling of stagnation will be greatly reduced.

Think of it this way, Xu Qingmo's pajamas are gone, and she has definitely broken through and practiced all night.

This was a pain for the Mengqing Tower on the top of Mount Emei. Her entire body was slumped on the bed. The fragrant sweat from her body not only soaked her clothes, but also the leaflets under her body soaked. It's the same as fished out in the water.

The next day, Xu Qingmo was refreshed, relaxed, spit out a spit, and felt that his blood was running more smoothly. He felt that as long as he persisted and tried to break through, it would not take long for him to recover his strength. To the level before the breakthrough, coupled with the enhancement of its own resilience, the overall strength is much stronger than before.

Thinking in this way, Xu Qingmo broke through again, lifted the seal, and then tried to rotate it a bit, feeling the comfort of the warm space, and then satisfactorily received the power and went to the next place, Fei Yin.

"Big brother!"

As soon as he reached the door of the downstairs, Tingting ran out and rushed into Xu Qingmo's arms.

Xu Qingmo picked up Tingting, and then saw that Fei Huiyin stepped out of it. Could she be in a sportswear and outline her graceful figure.

Xu Qingmo almost watched.

Tingting stretched out her little palm to stand in front of Xu Qingmo's eyes: "Don't watch, big brother can't see his mother, just look at Tingting."

Xu Qingmo was told by Tingting that it was embarrassing. She quickly pinched Tingting's face and said, "Tingting is the most beautiful?"

"Really? In your eyes, who is the most beautiful brother, Tingting and mother?" Tingting asked seriously.

Xu Qingmo froze for a moment because he saw that Fei Huiyin stopped and looked at him.

Xu Qingmo paused, Tingting suddenly raised her mouth and said, "Big brother must think that his mother is more beautiful than Tingting, right? Big brother is necrotic."

"How come, Tingting is the most beautiful and the most beautiful child in my heart." Xu Qingmo said, then went to see Fei Huiyin, but Fei Huiyin got on the car.

Xu Qingmo was a little hesitant, took Tingting to the car, and then sat in the driver's seat, drove to eat in Chaoyang District.

"What happened to the martial arts convention?" Xu Qingmo asked in the car.

Fei Huiyin said: "The exchange meeting held by Chinese martial arts enthusiasts every three years has been in Kyoto in the past, but this time moved to Jinling City."

"Oh, so, all martial arts masters from Huaxia will come here?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"No, it's just the majority, some people don't want to show up, and the martial arts conference is also divided into two layers, inside and outside."

"Two floors?" Xu Qing said.

"The outer layer is for the media. All real martial artists care about the inner layer. At that time, each martial art will send a new generation of disciples to the stage to discuss, and sometimes even the older generation will Come on stage. "Fei Hui is quite familiar.

"So that compassionate court can be considered a party?" Xu Qingmo said.

"Well, most martial artists are divided by martial arts, but Mercy Pavilion is an organization, but it is not very popular with those martial arts, but to participate in the conference still has to participate." Fei Huiyin said, "Several internal exchanges The conference has turned into Mercy Pavilion to challenge the majors. "

"This is kind of interesting. Today, I just have to bring down everyone at Mercy Pavilion?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"This time, there were many people at the Mercy Pavilion. It is said that there are three or four. Be careful." Fei Huiyin said, "They come not only for the martial arts convention, but also for me, so their strength will not be better than before. That woman is inferior. She used to be tenth. This time the ranking will only come in front of her. "

"It's all the same." Xu Qingmo grinned.

"This time, I will take Tingting away for a while, so I don't need to bother you." Fei Huiyin said.

"Huh? Do you want to leave?" Xu Qingmo just asked when he knew he was talking nonsense, and Fei Huiyin's hometown was not here. He came to Jinling City only for some things. Now that things have been dealt with, is he going to stay? Next person?

"I don't want to leave Big Brother." Tingting cried.

Fei Huiyin didn't speak, but her attitude made Tingting understand that this was not something she wanted to leave.

Tingting lifted her mouth and was about to cry: "Couldn't Big Brother go with us?"

Fei Huiyin glanced at Xu Qingmo through the rearview mirror.

Xu Qingmo also saw Fei Huiyin's eyes and did not answer. Lin Ruochu was in Jinling City. He never thought about leaving Jinling City.

"Big brother also has his own business." Fei Huiyin patted Tingting's back and said.

"Tingting good, if you miss me in the future, you can come back and see me. I haven't disappeared. I've been here all the time. Welcome back at any time."

"Uh-huh, I will definitely come back to see you, elder brother." Tingting couldn't help but said with tears.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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