Violent exit was Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo hit the mountain wall, but just bounced back to stand on the ground, shook his fist again, and said to this giant ape: "Come again!"

The giant ape looked at Xu Qingmo with surprise, and then looked at his own fist. It seemed that he couldn't believe it. Xu Qingmo received his punch in this way, but there was nothing.

You know, Xu Qingmo was smashed by him before!

I don't understand, then I don't want to, and once again, I hit my fist.

Xu Qingmo also used the fist to meet the enemy.

One person and one ape bumped together again, and it was Xu Qingmo who flew out.

But this time, Xu Qingmo didn't hit the mountain wall, just fell in front of the mountain wall, and then stood firmly.

"carry on!"

Xu Qingmo recoiled towards the giant ape.

The giant ape and Xu Qingmo collided again and again, and each time it was Xu Qingmo who lost, but the distance between Xu Qingmo's retreat was getting smaller and smaller. In the end, Xu Qingmo took a giant ape punch and only stepped back.

"the last time!"

Xu Qingmo took a step back, chuckled, and then punched out suddenly. The wind was full, and the monkey hair on the giant ape that was close to him was blowing backwards and curling.

The giant ape grinned and yelled, then threw his fist again.


Xu Qingmo's fist bumped against the giant ape's fist, and then immediately withdrew, withdrawing less than ten centimeters, and smashed forward again, once again on the giant ape's fist, and then immediately withdrew, and then rushed back.

In a short time, Xu Qingmo actually punched seven or eight punches, but the speed was very fast, so that the sounds continued together like a sound.


This time, it wasn't Xu Qingmo who exited the storm, but the giant ape. The giant ape is huge and cannot fly. It just keeps on its hind legs and can't stop. The mountain wall broke into a crack and stopped.

The giant ape showed an incredible expression, looked at Xu Qingmo, and opened his mouth and growled.

Xu Qingmo looked at his fist with satisfaction and nodded.

After breaking through the bottleneck, there have been many changes, but Xu Qingmo didn't have time to taste it carefully. The only thing I feel deeply now is that my recovery ability has been enhanced a lot.

In the past, Xu Qingmo had to adjust his breath for ten seconds to recover, but now it only takes three seconds.

This is the effect of increased resilience.

Although I was hit by the great ape again and again before, but Xu Qingmo relied on his extraordinary recovery ability every time, and constantly attacked the great ape, and then felt the way to realize the output of the great ape. Use your flexibility to make inch punches, burst out seven or eight punches in a split second, and superimpose the strength together, which then blasted the giant ape out.

Xu Qingmo's power is impossible to compare with that of the great ape, but in this way, he stacked his several punches together and returned to the super ape, so he would have such power.

However, all this is based on the premise that Xu Qingmo recovered amazingly, was able to withstand the attacks of the giant ape, and took the opportunity to find out his power.

The giant ape suddenly punched, hit the mountain wall beside him, smashed the mountain wall that was already covered with cracks and shattered it, and then shot the huge body toward Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo also burst into the shot, and on the way he also pulled out the Emei spunlace inserted in the ground.

The giant ape is like a train, and Xu Qingmo is like a lightning. It leaps on the ground, jumps high, makes a stunning turn in the air, and then falls fiercely on the top of the giant ape.

Hit down the giant ape directly.


The giant ape's head hit the ground fiercely, Xu Qingmo stood on it, holding the Emei water spun in both hands, and held it high, as long as he inserted it, he could nail the top of the giant ape directly to the ground!

Xu Qingmo's hands plunged downwards, while the giant ape raised his head.

When the giant ape raised his head, the emei spunlace in Xu Qingmo's hand had pierced his eyes.

The giant ape's pupils narrowed instantly, revealing a look of terror inside.

Death, any species will be scared!

However, Xu Qingmo stopped her hand, and Emei's water spunlace stopped before the pupil of the giant ape.


Xu Qingmo exhaled a breath, then collected the emei spunlace, jumped from the head of the giant ape, and stood in front of the cave.

The giant ape was cyanotic, and then a bone rose from the ground, looking at Xu Qingmo's eyes full of confusion.


Xu Qingmo wielded the Emei water-spike in this hand and made a face at the giant ape.

The giant ape immediately turned around and ran, ran out of the cave, and then disappeared.

In this world, the appearance of such a great ape is also a vision. It is not easy to say it. No one will even believe it.

Xu Qingmo did not kill the great ape, but it was a special one for this world.

"Come out, it's safe." Xu Qingmo put his hand into the cave and said.

A soft little hand was placed in Xu Qingmo's hand, and Xu Qingmo pulled out Song Qingyin hard.

After Xu Qingmo pulled Song Qingyin out, she let go of her hand, and then stretched out to pull out Song Yinzhang. After pulling out Song Yinzhang, she looked at her fingers with concern, and then held her arm to prevent her from falling .

Song Qingyin saw everything in his eyes, and his complexion looked deep in his eyes.

"Now we are safe." Xu Qingmo said.

"Well, I know what you said, it will be realized." Escaping from the dead, Song Yinzhang is also a lot easier and talks a lot happily, but more importantly, after this life and death, Xu Qingmo's relationship went one step further, it was no longer the kind of relationship before, one was Lin Ruochu's guest, and the other was Lin Ruochu's assistant.

Xu Qingmo took the mother and daughter out of the cave, and then heard the sound of a helicopter above his head.

Rescuers finally came over!

The three men Xu Qingmo came to the open space, waving with clothes, and signaled to the rescue forces.

Soon, the ropes came down from the helicopter, and everyone in the rescue suit slipped down from above.

After a handover, all three of Xu Qingmo were hoisted into a helicopter.

On the helicopter, Xu Qingmo found that there was already a person lying on it, it was Yunshu!

Yun Shu was in a coma at this time, his body was covered with mud and weeds, and his face was purple, as if he was poisoned.

Xu Qingmo squatted down and saw two facial wounds beside Yun Shu's neck.

"This is a wound bitten by a snake." A doctor said, "When our rescuers found him, he was drilling into a small cave, his body twitched, and he found his neck when he pulled it out I did n’t see the snake biting him. Now we have injected him with a snake venom serum, and the rest can only be treated by the hospital. "

Xu Qingmo glanced at Song Qingyin, who happened to be watching her.

The cave that Yun Shu hid was the dog hole that Xu Qingmo had drawn for Song Qingyin.

Unexpectedly, Song Qingyin was not willing to drill that dog hole, and finally drilled it for Yunshu.

"Do you ... just found us?" Xu Qingmo asked tentatively.

"Uh-huh, yeah, are there any other missing persons?" The rescue team leader quickly asked.

"No, it's not." Xu Qing Mo said, looking at Song Yinzhang again, the other side also shook his head slightly.

Neither of them wanted to tell the existence of the giant ape. Xu Qingmo also saw a white anaconda and did not say.

Two kinds of strange beasts are rare in the world. If Xu Qingmo speaks out, they will definitely attract social attention, and maybe there will be relevant personnel from various departments to arrest them.

Xu Qingmo didn't want to see this kind of thing. He didn't kill the giant ape, he just wanted to keep this special beast, and naturally he wouldn't let others catch him.

For what reason Song Yinzhang considered, Xu Qingmo didn't know, but she didn't want to say if she wanted to come.

However, Song Qingyin had a vision that was spoken and was caught by Song Yinzhang, but he didn't say it.

The helicopter flew up the cliff and was ready to fly directly to the hospital, but Xu Qingmo saw the attacking figure on Qiu Ming Mountain below, so he said, "Thank you to let me down, I won't go to the hospital."

"How can you, you all need to go to the hospital to check it again." Said the rescue team leader.

"I'm fine, I don't need it." Xu Qingmo looked out of the helicopter door.

"It's a joke!" The captain of the rescue team slammed his thigh.

"You can go to the hospital with us, you and that ... it's always good to check." Song Yinzhang also said to Xu Qingmo, but his voice was very gentle, and even had some begging meaning in it.

Xu Qingmo still shook his head. Below, there was a figure waiting for him. He couldn't just leave like this.

"Let me go!" Xu Qingmo told the rescue captain.

"It is impossible, you people, just love to do things, do not play well in the scenic area, we have to go to these deep mountains and old forests, and if something goes wrong, we took great efforts to rescue you, but the hospital is not there!" Refuse to agree.

Xu Qingmo wasn't talking, she looked up and looked down. The helicopter just leaped to the top of Qiu Ming Mountain, only seven or eight meters away from the top of Qiu Ming Mountain. , Looking up at the helicopter.

The wind blew loudly and blew up Lin Ruochu's hair, and his clothes were suits, but they were blown as if to escape from her.

Xu Qingmo could not help but turned to Song Yinzhang and said, "Take care."

After speaking, Xu Qingmo jumped out of the helicopter regardless of his disregard.

"Don't!" Song Yinzhang shouted, reaching out to catch Xu Qingmo, but he could only catch the air, then stretched his head to look.

"Slum!" The captain of the rescue team was startled. "Don't die! Hurry down and lie down again."

"No need." Song Yinzhang looked down, his voice choking.

Below the helicopter, Xu Qingmo landed on the ground, standing in front of Lin Ruochu.

"You're looking for death! Jump down!" Lin Ruochu said again worried and surprised.

Xu Qingmo grinned and laughed, "Isn't this afraid you have to wait?"

"Who is worried about you!" Lin Ruochu gave Xu Qingmo a white look.

On the helicopter, Song Yinzhang groped back to his place.

...... He could jump straight for her without looking up ...

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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