My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 242: Wash Song Qingyin's face

Xu Qingmo didn't respond for a while. Was this still the normal reaction of the troubled people?

When Song Qingyin saw himself, he wasn't lucky to be saved, but asked such questions?

But soon, Xu Qingmo saw Song Qingyin's expression and understood that she was poisoned by the snake kiss flower and had not disappeared, so she was drunk like this.

"Say it!" Song Qingyin still stared at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo swaggered, he didn't want to ignore Song Qingyin like this.

However, Song Qingyin thought that Xu Qingmo was guilty of confusion: "Huh, it's not like those men, indicating that the pretense is clear, but in fact, I don't know how to seduce me."

Song Qingyin stood up and looked at Xu Qingmo in disdain: "Don't think that this set is useful to me? I tell you, I know so much about you, not rare at all."

Xu Qingmo shook his head helplessly. The poison of this snake kiss flower is the same as that of wine. It can make people tell the truth. Is it true that Song Qingyin thought so before?

This kind of mentally disabled girl thought she couldn't figure it out.

"What are you doing?" Song Qingyin replied, "You have been pierced by me, and still have this expression, do you really think I will be fooled by you! Do you dare to ignore me, I and you are not finished, I tell you , I won't like you, don't think I will look at you more. "

Xu Qingmo left and right to see if there is any way to relieve the poison of Song Qingyin's snake kiss flower.

"If you really want to win my favor, listen to me now, and give me everything, just like a cousin, kneel down for me!" Song Qingyin Yiqi instructed.

Xu Qingmo almost laughed out loud. What exactly was in Song Qingyin's mind?

Xu Qingmo didn't know how to detoxify the poison of snakes and kisses, but he knew how to sober up, so he started looking for water.

"Not kneeling down yet!" Song Qingyin yelled.

"Shut up for me, even if I like your mother, I won't like you!" Xu Qingmo couldn't stand it and shouted directly at Song Qingyin.

Song Qingyin was startled by Xu Qingmo's roar, and then even more angry: "What? You dare to roar me!"

There were trees and grass around, and there was no water. Xu Qing moistened Song Qingyin's eyes, and then he couldn't move his eyes, and stared at Song Qingyin's clothes.

"You actually like my mother? Your men are all the same. The eyes of seeing my mother are more hunger than seeing me! My mother is old and I am the most beautiful. You are blind beasts, I was more interested in my mother than I was. "

"Hehe, your cousin likes your mother more than you!" Xu Qingmo couldn't bear Song Qingyin's voice, which he thought was a princess, couldn't help but say.

This sentence was like a sharp sword, which instantly penetrated Song Qingyin's heart.

Song Qingyin covered his chest with his right hand and took a step backwards. "What do you say? My cousin likes my mother?"

"Yeah! You thought he would like you, even if you don't have a brain, you don't have a chest! Other people have big chests and no brains, you have flat chests and no brains!" Xu Qingmo continued to stimulate Song Qingyin.

Song Qingyin also touched his chest with his left hand, and then covered his hands with his hands crossed. He turned to the side and did not show it to Xu Qingmo. He murmured, "Yeah ... it is true ... my chest is not as big as my mother, no wonder When my cousin was with me, I often asked me about my mother. I was also very happy. He is a filial and reliable man. "

Seeing Song Qingyin's self-spoken expression, Xu Qingmo finally felt a little out of breath.

But the next moment, Song Qingyin broke out, and suddenly stretched out his fingers and pointed at Xu Qingmo's nose, "It's impossible, you lie! My cousin listens to me, he must like me, how can he like me Mom, it's all yours, right? "

Xu Qingmo shook his head ruthlessly. Such a woman is unclean.

"Yes, it must be right. You like me, so you will be jealous of my cousin's status in front of me, so you want to frame him, you think so, right?" Song Qingyin shouted.

"To you." For the mentally retarded, Xu Qingmo was impatient. "I want to cut off your clothes!"

Xu Qingmo said, reaching out and grabbing Song Qingyin's clothes, trying to make a fortune.

Xu Qingmo originally thought that Song Qingyin would resist, but what made him strange was that Song Qingyin was a little scared at first, but soon, he was standing still like this, and was still performed by Xu Qingmo. He even twisted his shoulders, more It is good for Xu Qingmo to pick up her clothes.

"You don't admit it, but you still listen honestly." Song Qingyin laughed. "You still like me. I can't help but cut off my clothes. I know that you are such an ugly beast . "

Xu Qingmo couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm a beast. Why don't you resist?"

"I ..." Song Qingyin heard a word and was speechless.

Xu Qingmo went on to say: "In fact, you don't have confidence yourself, do you doubt that I like you, so you are not prepared to resist, and think that if I cut your clothes for your body, you are right, I like Is it you, not your mother? "

Song Qingyin's body flickered, apparently being hit by Xu Qingmo, but he kept shaking his head and refused to admit it.

Xu Qingmo further cracked down: "You not only doubt me, you also doubt your cousin. When you talk about your cousin, there is a faint tremolo. That's because your heart has also shaken. Your cousin really I like your mother! "

"No, no, don't say it, I don't listen." Song Qingyin covered his ears with both hands and kept turning his head to resist.

Xu Qingmo stopped talking, and took this opportunity to take off Song Qingyin's coat from her, then knead it into a ball, and then pressed on the leaves next to it.

Although there are no creeks or ponds here, but it has just rained. The leaves are full of large drops of water, as long as they are covered with clothes.

Xu Qingmo had dipped all the water drops on the surrounding leaves, and his clothes were still wet.

Xu Qingmo looked at the semi-wet clothes in his hands, and looked at the still tangle of his head, and kept talking about Song Qingyin, "No, not this way", and then squatted down and pressed the clothes in his hands. Sweep the wet grass directly.

There are many drops of water on the grass, much more than on the leaves. Xu Qingmo swept back and forth like this, and the clothes in his hands were instantly wet, but compared with the water drops on the leaves, Xu Qingmo collected the dew on the grass like this, I am afraid there will be some dirty.

But Xu Qingmo can't manage so much. Song Qingyin has been so stunned, I do n’t know how long it will take. Song Yinzhang ’s specifics are not known yet. The battle between the giant ape and the white different python there may be ended at any time. After the ape chased, it was all over.

In addition to this, Xu Qingmo also wants to teach Song Qingyin's thoughts. This kind of brain-disabled girl is to let her know why the flowers are so red, or she will not know what kind of perverse character will develop in the future.

Song Qingyin also saw Xu Qingmo grabbing her clothes and graffiti on the ground, like the earth as rice paper, and Song Qingyin's clothes as writing brushes.

Soon after, Xu Qingmo put his hands up and stood up. The clothes in his hands were already soaked and dripping with water, but at the same time the grass was dripping with grass and dirt.

Xu Qingmo stepped towards Song Qingyin step by step. Song Qingyin's instinctual feeling was a little bad, and he couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing? Don't come over!"

"Did you just ask me to cut off your clothes?" Xu Qingmo chuckled.

"Yes! Why should I be afraid of you! Come whatever you want." Song Qingyin was immediately stimulated by Xu Qingmo's words. He looked up and looked at Xu Qingmo, but his body was shaking.

Xu Qingmo smirked, stretched out his left index finger, provoked Song Qingyin's chin, with a grin on the corner of his mouth.

Song Qingyin's rare face blushed, and Yun Shu was very polite to her, not even holding her hands, she was treated like this for the first time by a man.

Unfortunately, Song Qingyin's shamefulness only lasted for a moment. Xu Qingmo just moved Song Qingyin's face to a suitable position, then grabbed the wet clothes with his right hand and pressed Song Qingyin's face.

"Woohoo ..."

Song Qingyin's entire face was covered by Xu Qingmo's clothes. He suddenly made a low whining sound, but Xu Qingmo flipped his left hand and held Song Qingyin's back head to prevent her from breaking away. Rubbing on Song Qingyin's face is like washing a child's face.

Song Qingyin was desperately struggling, but after all, Xu Qingmo completely "washed his face."

When Xu Qingmo let go of his hand, Song Qingyin knelt down to the ground all at once. This hand supported the ground and kept rubbing his neck with his hands, and kept coughing.

Xu Qingmo threw away his clothes and looked at Song Qingyin like this.

For a long time, Song Qingyin finally calmed down and did not dare to stand up, but slowly raised his head, watching Xu Qingmo weakly.

It looks like a kitten that has been abused by the owner.

Seeing Song Qingyin's appearance, Xu Qingmo knew that her method was useful, and she was completely awake.

"Stand up." Xu Qingmo arrived.

Song Qingyin didn't dare to let go. He stood up smartly, his face, and hair and dirt on his hair. It looked like a Cinderella from the mountain.

However, such a song Qingyin sounded pleasing to Xu Qingmo's eyes, and his tone eased a little: "How did you get here?"

Song Qingyin seemed to be a different person. He no longer refuted when he heard Xu Qingmo's words, but immediately whispered.

"My cousin and I went to take a picture, and then saw a good-looking bird, and he caught up. I waited for him in the place ... the result ... the result" Song Qingyin's voice got low.

"What happened?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"As a result, I wanted to go to the toilet." Song Qingyin's face flushed suddenly. "I couldn't hold it anymore and there was no toilet around, so I went to find a place to go to the toilet. I heard my cousin call me , But I didn't feel comfortable answering. "

"Continue." Xu Qing Mo said.

"Later, my cousin's voice disappeared. I was a little nervous. I quickly got up and wanted to catch up. But when I saw a flower so beautiful, I picked it up and stopped putting it on my hair." Song Qingyin recalled, his eyes blurred. "I don't remember much about what happened later. I felt like I was drunk. He was attracted by the fragrance of flowers. Then I came to the edge of the cliff and accidentally fell down."

"Did you fall into the water too?"

"No, I hung on a tree branch and landed safely without scratching."

"Then what?" Xu Qingmo knew that the point was here.

"Then ..." Song Qingyin's eyes looked terrified. "Then it came ..."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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