My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 223: Press on the ground

"You pack up and leave quickly." Director Zhao said with a big back coming up.

"Ah? Leaving?" Da Dao said, "No, Director Zhao, we all said."

"If something goes wrong, you have to leave quickly, or I will get things done," Director Zhao said in a low voice.

"But ... we've given you a big red envelope." Big back also lowered his voice and approached Director Zhao's ear.

"That ..." Director Zhao hesitated. "I don't care then, anyway, you have to go immediately."

"Then we are not white ..." Da Zhao stared at Director Zhao.

"It's not that I don't give up. It's really a problem and I can't control it." Director Zhao said.

"Then we don't care, we said good to you before, the red envelope was also given to you, and now I want to cross the river to remove the bridge and drive us away, hehe." Big back sneered.

"Come on, you go quickly, I will return the red envelope to you." Director Zhao pained.

"Retreat?" Dabei reluctantly, "then we are not in vain."

"What do you mean?"

"Director Zhao promised that we could hold a lecture here, and now suddenly asked us to leave. We just made a busy trip. This lost time ..."

"You still have money for money!" Director Zhao was furious.

"There is no cost for lost work. Our people will not leave. Anyway, no matter who comes to check, we will answer truthfully, and say that we dare to come because of the protection of someone from Jinling University ..."

"Enough, here you are." Director Zhao had a headache and gave Dabe a number.

"so little?"

"That's enough."

"It's not enough for our brother to have a drink. Double it."

"You, robbery by fire!"

"That's also Director Zhao, you go ahead and go against it."

After some bargaining, Director Zhao finally convinced Dabei to ask Dabei to take someone to clean up the lecture hall and then evacuated.

Outside the lecture hall, Director Zhao returned to his old-fashioned look and pointed to Xu Qingmo: "You are a new company, what qualifications are here!"

Xu Qingmo smiled and didn't speak.

Director Zhao was provoked: "Believe it or not, I teach the guards?"

"Bang, bang!"

Footsteps roared, and the whole ground seemed to tremble. Everyone turned around and looked at the corner. After the corner, it seemed that a team was coming.

Wu Tingyun looked at Director Zhao with a little surprise. Could he really call the guards over?

Director Zhao was also surprised. The corner was behind him. He wanted to twist his body to look at it, but because his stomach was too big, he had a lazy habit and his movement was a bit slow.

The sound of footsteps was not slow, and I quickly crossed the corner. I saw the Huangmao earring men rushing over with a large number of students in the 20s and 30s.

"That's him, hit me!" Huang Mao earring man saw Xu Qingmo from afar, reached out his finger, and shouted.

As for Director Zhao, who was only seen by Xu Qingmo and Huang Mao Earrings ... he was directly ignored.

A group of people rushed forward violently, Xu Qingmo said to the three women behind him, "Don't move, just stand behind me."

The fastest student who has rushed has come behind Director Zhao. At this time, Director Zhao has just turned around and hasn't seen who is coming. He has been pushed directly to the ground.

These people are used to fighting and fighting, so they don't care about people's lives, it is good to push one.

Normal people will be pushed out by this push, at most they will fall to the ground, but they will not be affected by the backsliders, but Director Zhao's body fatness is slow. This push only pushed him out of three steps. , And then lie on the ground.

Director Zhao still wanted to struggle, but the scum in the back had already rushed over, the first jumped over, and the second stepped directly on him.

All the turbulent attacks gathered in front of Xu Qingmo. Xu Qingmo couldn't understand. He only blocked his attacks with his arms.

Moreover, Xu Qingmo didn't give up his heavy hands. His strength was just right. Just after blocking the attacks of the crowd, they could shock them to take a step back. In this way, when these backslids would block the people behind, they could always attack Xu Qingmo. Several people.

Xu Qingmo's hands moved quickly, and from a distance, it became a ghost.

Xu Qingmo's eyes also brightened and felt her own change.

If he had been able to achieve this level before, he may not be able to grasp the force so subtle. After all, everyone's strength and angle of each shot can not be. At the same time, facing so many people attack, he can At this point, Xu Qingmo was able to do so only after he and Ning Ningyun reached the state of water and milk blending.

At the moment, Lulu stalemate formed. Xu Qingmo's attack against so many people was unharmed. Because Xu Qingmo's hand was kept, none of them were injured.

Only one person was injured at this time, and the injury continued to worsen.

Director Zhao was lying on the ground, and the gangsters stepped on the back one by one, almost stepping out the internal organs.

"I'm Zhao Tuanxuan, and I'm Zhao Tuanxuan ..." Director Zhao shouted desperately on the ground, but unfortunately he couldn't hear it.

Director Zhao also waved his limbs, struggling, and was directly struck by a kick on his arm, and then he uttered a sigh of pain, but the sigh of sorrow was also stepped on and off intermittently, and became "ah ... um Hmm ... ahh ... hmmh ... hmmh ... "

In the end, the Huang Mao earring man saw that Xu Qingmo could not be held for a long time, and he yelled everyone to stop, ready to trim and attack again, only to find that there was a man who moaned for a long time under his feet, and was about to kick it. As a result, Zhao Tuanxuan finally turned over and let the man with yellow hair earrings see his face.

Although the Huang Mao earring man was able to convene so many thugs in school, it was considered a character, but it was not possible to stop Zhao Tuanxuan in his eyes, and the whole person was stunned. Zhao Tuanxuan, the director of the Missionary Office, stepped on the ground with dozens of feet.

Zhao Tuanxuan also recognized the man with yellow hair earrings, and his vicious eyes could not be turned into sharp swords, piercing the brain of the man with yellow hair earrings.

"I remember ... oh, live you!" Zhao Tuanxuan groaned.

Huang Mao earrings quickly turned around, but it was too late, his face changed several times, and finally he did not admit to Zhao Tuanxuan on the spot, but just turned around and ran.

As soon as the Huang Mao studded man ran, the gangsters had no heads, and all of a sudden disappeared.

This time, only Zhao Tuanxuan and Xu Qingmo were left.

Zhao Tuanxuan struggled and found that he couldn't get up. He stared at Xu Qingmo fiercely, "I can't help me up."

Xu Qingmo smiled: "I can't help others in these years. Didn't Director Zhao just ask us to go, then we will go now."

Xu Qingmo said, turning and leaving.

Zhao Tuanxuan could not help but said, "Pull me up! You don't have to go!"

Xu Qingmo shrugged his head and turned his head: "Director Zhao, did you let us go or stay?"

"Help me first, then talk." Zhao Tuanxuan said impatiently lying on the ground. He was a little worried that the students around him would hear the sound of rushing over. It would be awkward to see the director of his missionary office lying on the ground. I saw that my face was lost, so let Xu Qingmo help him up, just don't let others see, "As long as you help me up, I will let you preach here."

"We could have preached in it, but it was just occupied." Xu Qingmo sneered. "Director Zhao is really capable, and whoever he wants to let in, let him in."

"Huh, knowing my energy, don't help me up yet, don't think they are gone, you can really go in and preach. As long as I say a word, you still have to obediently leave Jinling University." Zhao Tuanxuan was somewhat proud.

Then Zhao Tuanxuan felt that something was wrong. He saw Xu Qingmo looking at him with a smile, and immediately felt bad, and quickly struggling to turn back, and then he saw an old man in a Chinese Tang suit staring at him, and there was a follower beside him. Suit student.

"Principal!" Zhao Tuanxuan was startled, and he was about to get up, but halfway up, he cracked and fell to the ground.

Unlike Xu Qingmo, the boy in a business suit quickly ran over to lift up Zhao Tuanxuan and leaned him on the side of the pillar to release his hand.

Zhao Tuanxuan trembled coldly and said to the old man in the Tang suit: "Principal, why are you here?"

"Let's see how you abuse your power." The old man in Tang suit sank. Before Xu Qingmo had deliberately set Zhao Zhaoxuan on the ground, he wanted the old man in Tang suit who was young in suits to understand the facts.

"I ..." Zhao Tuanxuan stumped me all at once. Before that, the guy in the suit found him and was kicked away by him, but then he felt that something was wrong, so he ran over to drive away the invincible club's preaching, but he did not expect that the guy in the suit was an action The master of Lisuo, without saying a word, went straight to the principal.

This was not Zhao Tuanxuan's estimation error, but he thought Xu Qingmo bumped into him and went to the Student Union. After all, the Student Union was also responsible for receiving foreign companies, but he did not expect that Xu Qingmo and others were the suit boys of the Tang Dynasty old man who instructed the Student Union to receive Yes, the boys in suits are naturally very cautious. They bumped into a wall in Zhao Tuanxuan and turned to the old man in a Tang suit.

"Your problem is very big." The old man in Tangzhuang taught Zhao Tuanxuan without a spot, but said something meaningful, and then turned to look at Xu Qingmo, "I'm sorry, we have some bad phenomena at Jinling University."

Xu Qingmo also smiled: "But there are good phenomena, at least the unfair treatment can be quickly corrected, or the principal will come here in person."

"My principal, some people are too trusting in some people, and time is not too early. Knowing that your time is precious, let's go ahead and prepare for the seminar." The old man in Tangzhuang said.

"Thank you, the principal." After Xu Qingmo thanked her, she took Wu Tingyu into the lecture hall, and Lin Youxi and Xia Xiaotong greeted the old man in Tang costume and followed to help.

Zhao Tuanxuan had a dead face. He knew that the old man in Tang suit was jealous and hateful. The director of this mission department was the end.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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