My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 221: Hard enough not to be beaten

Xu Qingmo and Wu Tingyi followed the suit student and came all the way to a huge lecture hall.

"This lecture hall is empty today, and your company can give a lecture in it." The suit student said.

"Thank you," Wu Tingyun said, and then walked into the lecture hall, but got dumbfounded after entering.

At this time in this lecture hall, there are already a group of people who are doing various preparations, how to arrange the microphones, and distribute the propaganda on each seat ...

This is obviously another company preparing for the lecture.

Wu Tingyun looked at the suit student in a puzzle, and the suit student was also surprised, and said, "No, I remember that no one in the lecture hall applied for it today."

With that said, the suit student stepped forward and found the person in charge, a man with a big back.

"Excuse me, what company are you?" The suit student asked.

"Oh, invincible club!" Big back pointed at the wall, with slogans and posters already on it. The five characters of "invincible club" are very conspicuous.

"I haven't heard of this company," the suit student said. "Have you contacted our school?"

"Why didn't you contact us? If we didn't contact us, would we be able to enter this university?" Big back said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Qian Zeyu, and I am the director of the Outreach Department of the Student Union of Jinling University, who is responsible for handling the seminars of various enterprises." Qian Zeyu said, "How did you get into this lecture hall?"

"It turned out to be just a student." Big back was a little scornful. "Rest assured, we didn't break in, we were allowed. If it's okay, you can leave. Our briefing will start soon, don't delay us. "

"The use of this lecture hall is for the student union to apply for registration. We did not receive the application. Why did you come in?" Qian Zeyu asked, instead of returning.

"You're just a student, qualified to know how so?" Big back was impatient.

"Sorry, as a member of the Student Union, I have this right and responsibility to handle the right to use this lecture hall." Qian Zeyu said humblely.

"Okay, you're really upset." Da backed angry.

"Please also tell me how you got in and where did you get the keys." Qian Zeyu asked further.

"Where did I get it? Did you get it from your teacher? Did you offend?" Da Biao obviously did not go to college. I do n’t know that at the university, the student union is a very powerful organization, and some of them are students. The rights in this respect are even higher than that of university teachers. After all, most university teachers are knowledgeable, and they have no energy to care about these trivial matters. This is why the Student Union was established.

"I offended! Please speak up!" Qian Zeyu said directly.

"Director Zhao, Director Zhao of the Ministry of Education, we only got the key to come in with his permission. Are you satisfied? There is a kind of you go to him!" Yelled.

"Director Zhao, he is only responsible for the allocation and management of the conference rooms. This lecture hall is not within his management scope." Qian Zeyu frowned.

"I don't care, we got Director Zhao's consent, and we can be here. We only recognize Director Zhao, and no other elementary school students are useless." Big back waved.

"Please stop the layout work at hand immediately, I will find out this matter, and then come over." Qian Zeyu said, turned and left.

"Huh." Big back snorted heavily.

"Sorry, there are some accidents in the report hall now. I'll figure it out and come back to take you in. I'm sorry to have you wait here for a while." Qian Zeyu said to Xu Qingmo and Wu Ting.

"Okay, it's okay." Xu Qingmo nodded, and then walked out of the lecture hall with Wu Tingyu.

"What's going on?" The two stood in the corridor and asked Wu Tingyun.

"This is not easy. This invincible club simply does not meet the criteria for admission to Jinling University, but it has passed through the director Zhao." Xu Qingmo said, "and also allocated to the largest lecture hall."

"He is so bold?" Wu Tingyun was surprised.

"The human heart is not enough to swallow elephants. As long as the benefits are sufficient, some people can do everything." Xu Qingmo said, "If we were not here, who would find this lecture hall occupied by them."

"The student now knows that everything will be exposed," Wu Tingxiong said.

"Look at it, it's a big play anyway." Xu Qingmo smiled.

Two people stood in the corridor, waiting, and there was a rush of footsteps around the corner.

Following the sound of the two, they forgot about it, and then they saw a figure running from the corner with bruises on their faces and blue marks on their arms. They wanted to be beaten.

Xu Qingmo looked intently, and found that he had seen this person before. Wasn't that the shorts that slapped the boy at the school gate before the girl slapped him?

The boy in shorts ran away, and he chased out seven or eight boys behind him, some holding iron bars in his hands.

Just after turning around the corner, the shorts and the boy were caught up by the people behind.

The few people in the back ran in front of a man with yellow hair earrings, holding an iron rod in his hand, catching up with the shorts and stabbing the boy, and hitting a stick on the back.


The shorts cricket was knocked with a stick, and he suddenly lay on the ground, but apparently he had suffered a lot, and curled up with great experience. His entire body shrank into a ball, and his hands clung tightly to his head.


The Huang Mao earring man chased him up with a pair of iron bars mixed with fists and feet to greet him.

"Your boy is impatient to live, dare to grab a woman with our strong brother."

"She dared to confess and made Rong Rong angry, she fanned your dirty hands."

"You are not quite able to run, keep running!"

The Huang Mao earrings and other men scolded and shouted, the boys in shorts shrank and kept silent.

Wu Tingyu was startled by the violent scene in front of him, standing beside Xu Qingmo, shivering, and whispered to Xu Qingmo: "Should we call the police?"

"Look again." Xu Qingmo looked at the curled up shorts and boys on the ground with interest. He could see that the shorts were accumulating strength.

Finally, the yellow hair stud men were tired and stopped.

The man with yellow hair studs kicked him on the body of the boy in shorts: "Don't you have a seed? Dare to grab a woman with me, why don't you single out us Bawuhai, you run your mother!"

The boys in shorts shrank to the ground, motionless, and kicked from east to west and north to south, making the man with yellow hair earrings somewhat relaxed.

Just as the yellow-hair studded man kicked loosely, the shorts on the ground suddenly moved, holding the hands of his head, directly grasping the leg that the yellow-haired stud man kicked, and then lifted it vigorously. The man turned the yellow hair studs to the ground, and the whole man flew up like a tiger, holding his neck with his left hand, and smashing his fist with his right hand.

The boys in shorts were very fast, so that it took a while for the people around them to react and quickly knocked the boys in shorts to the ground and beat them again.

But at this time, the man with yellow hair and earrings had a blue and swollen face, and stood up staggering, pointing at the shorts that shrank into the ground again, and the boy yelled: "Dare to sneak into Lao Tzu and beat me to death."

This time the crowd didn't keep their hands, they all put down their hands, the shorts and the boys couldn't hold back in a ball, and made a muffled sound.

Xu Qingmo almost looked at it. If he continued to fight, these students would make the shorts crippled to a disability if they did not know whether they were serious or not.

"Enough." Xu Qingmo said.

I slowly heard a word, but did not expect that at this time, there were people who dared to call themselves to stop, looked back, and shouted at Xu Qingmo: "Who are you paralyzed, look for death."

"Stop it," Xu Qingmo said again.

"Stop!" The Huang Mao earring man really called everyone to stop, but the next moment, he led someone to come over to Xu Qingmo.

"The boy is a bit arrogant, okay, you help this boy, then I will let you lie in the hospital together." Huang Mao earring man said arrogantly while walking.

The boy in shorts on the ground raised his head between his arms and looked at Xu Qingmo's side.

Xu Qingmo didn't wait for the Huangmao Earrings man to start his work, and made a preemptive strike. He kicked the Huangmao Earrings man's lower abdomen, flew it out, and finally kneeled on the ground.

Everyone froze and stood in place, not knowing whether to help the boss or Xu Qingmo first.

"Ah, oh, ah! Oh!" The Huang Mao earring man knelt on the ground, so painful that he lowered the iron rod in his hand, and then shouted, covering his stomach.

"It hurts! It hurts me! I'm going to die! Help me!"

The man with yellow hair studs yelled, the sweat beads of soybeans rolled down from his forehead.

This time, everyone need not be confused, all ran back to the man with yellow hair earrings and helped him to run away without even saying a word of the scene.

The boy in shorts on the ground then completely relaxed, got up from the ground, glanced at Xu Qingmo, and then turned to leave.

"Why, don't you even say thank you?" Xu Qingmo said.

The boy in shorts was a little indifferent, but when he heard this, he turned his head and whispered to Xu Qingmo: "Thank you."

After that, the boy in shorts was leaving again.

"I see." Xu Qingmo said again.

The shorts stunned the boy and stopped.

"Why is it the same that the thief captures the king first, you continue to be beaten, and I'm fine."

The boy in shorts turned his head, looked at Xu Qingmo, and couldn't help asking, "Why?"

"Because I shot hard enough, you are not enough."

The boy in shorts attacked the man with yellow hair studs and succeeded, but when the rest of the people reacted, he still continued to be beaten. Xu Qingmo also attacked the man with yellow hair studs. Those people chose to lift the yellow hair Earrings male.

"Because I'm fierce enough, he hurts, can't command anymore, and the others can't ignore him." Xu Qingmo continued, "And you, you didn't start hard enough, so you just got double pain."

The boy in shorts understood something, thought about it, and said in an unconvincing voice: "You have learned martial arts."

Xu Qingmo just got that kick, and people who often fight can see that he has a good kung fu foundation.

"This has nothing to do with martial arts, you can also." Xu Qingmo smiled.

"Really?" The boy in shorts flashed his eyes.

"Of course, you and me try."

The boy in shorts stunned his eyes, and didn't think much about it. He turned around and walked to Xu Qingmo, kicking him directly, actually imitating Xu Qingmo's foot just now.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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