Seeing the beautiful young woman, the little girl was very happy, and then played with Xu Qingmo for a while. After getting tired, she led the beautiful young woman and reluctantly agreed to go back.

Before the beautiful young woman left, she suddenly turned to Xu Qingmo and said, "Tomorrow you will go to a place with me."

Xu Qingmo froze, and then said, "Someone at Compassion Pavilion will come over tomorrow?"

"No, but you are my bodyguard. Where should I go, shouldn't you follow?" Said the young woman.

"I'm sorry, I will have something tomorrow morning, but it will be fine in the afternoon." Xu Qingmo naturally will not forget the matter of Ning Ningyun's repair.

The beautiful young woman gave Xu Qingmo a surprised look, probably did not expect that Xu Qingmo would reject herself, and then nodded: "Then tomorrow afternoon, I am waiting for you next door."

"it is good."

After the beautiful young woman left, Xu Qingmo was a little excited and took out the black crystal business card.

Alas, by accident, he became Lin Ruochu's chairman, and he was really happy.

Would you like to tell Lin Ruochu now?

Xu Qingmo looked at the small building outside the window, think about it, forget it, wait until the time to surprise Lin Ruochu.

The next day, Xu Qingmo came to take Ning Ningyun's clinic. Ning Ningyun was working on the computer again. Her online psychological clinic was on track, and she had new guests almost every day.

Xu Qingmo glanced aside. Ning Ningyun's psychological clinic was called "Xinquan Psychological Clinic", and a female patient was being relieved at this time.

The female patient said that she found that her husband had been derailed many times. She had been angry and begged him, but recently found out that he had chat records with other women. She was terrified. What should I do?

Ning Ningyun replied very directly: "Don't keep the scum, just leave."

Xu Qingmo just looked at this and didn't continue to look at it. He couldn't help but feel ashamed. Ning Ningyun's answer was too rude. The thinking of Chinese people is to discourage men and women from friends, but to couples, it is Persuading and not persuading can sometimes make women in a marriage to endure their anger, but Ning Ningyun is obviously not that type of person.

Ning Ningyun saw Xu Qingmo's arrival and got up and undressed. The two soon began to do double repairs in the pool.

The degree of tacit understanding is already very high, but there are still slight differences in the water patterns, and they do not overlap perfectly.

After two exercises, they stopped to discuss.

"I think our tacit understanding should be enough, but this water pattern is still ..." Xu Qingmo said, shaking his head here. This double repair method is also the first experiment and has no experience.

"I also think that there must be other reasons for this. This is almost a month, and if we can't integrate the water patterns, we will delay my research plan." Ning Ningyun said at a glance. .

"What exactly is this problem?" Xu Qingmo stroked his chin and began to think, "Will it be a matter of the ratio of medicinal materials?"

"No, this medicine soup is carefully prepared by me, and the deviation is not more than one gram." Ning Ningyun admits that she often conducts experiments and has absolute confidence in this aspect.

"That's ..." Xu Qingmo reached into the water, and when he took it up again, he wrapped a silk bathrobe on the back of his hand.

"I know!"

"it is this!"

The two spoke at the same time, then looked at the bathrobe on the back of Xu Qingmo's hand.

"The tacit understanding between us is enough. In theory, the water pattern should be perfectly integrated, but now there is always a slight error, which should be the problem of this bathrobe." Xu Qingmo said.

"The bathrobe is not under our control, and it will produce water marks by itself." Ning Ningyun said, "As long as we take off the bathrobe, our water marks will be unified."

"Get off!" Xu Qingmo's heart warmed.

"Yes, let's experiment." Ning Ningyun started taking off her bathrobe in the water.

Ning Ningyun is just a research madman, who doesn't care much about men and women, so he can be so free and easy, Xu Qingmo is agitated, but fortunately, he can restrain himself, and the water in this pool is also a kind of protection. Vaguely indistinct.

Ning Ningyun is a beauty. At this time, she is slender in the water, just like a lotus flower, and not a lotus flower in a pond. It is a snow lotus on the top of a snow-capped mountain soaring into the clouds. , Blooming unparalleled beauty, making the world eclipsed.

After all, Xu Qingmo is a man, and he will inevitably move a little in his eyes. He quickly looks at his nose and nose, and looks at his heart, so as to get rid of his thoughts.

Ning Ningyun laughed suddenly when she saw Xu Qingmo's sloppy look.

Xu Qingmo coughed, concealed her embarrassment, and then threw her bathrobe up.

"If this doesn't work, we can consider a more direct way." Ning Ningyun looked at Xu Qingmo's eyes and said, as if he was making a very scientific suggestion.

Shuang Xiu is a more direct way than this. Naturally, it is the kind of Shuang Xiu that has a negative contact with water and milk, but Ning Ningyun is not shy about ordinary women at this point, which causes Xu Qingmo a headache.

"Let's try this first." Xu Qingmo said, and then he opened his posture and He Ning Ningyun began to cultivate.

The content of the double repair is still the same, but because there is no barrier of the bathrobe, the two people's bodies will inevitably touch.

As a normal man, Xu Qingmo will inevitably have some intentions. On the contrary, Ning Ningyun is serious, sticking to Xu Qingmo's body and practicing carefully.

The ripples from the two people gradually merged together, much better than the water pattern in the bathrobe, but they were not perfect, but they had the last meaning flaw.

The two stopped.

"How can this happen?" Ning Ningyun frowned, and she hoped that she and Xu Qingmo could reach the state of water and milk blending, and then start the next research.

"My question." Xu Qingmo was a little embarrassed.

"Huh?" Ning Ningyun looked at Xu Qingmo.

"I just couldn't maintain a calm mindset, so with some problems, otherwise, I should be able to reach a realm of water and milk." Xu Qingmo embarrassed, touching his nose.

Ning Ningyun also understood, and couldn't help but sweep his eyes down Xu Qingmo's body, but the flood was gently rippling and he couldn't see anything.

"I'm in a bad state today, I'm sorry, but I won't be tomorrow." Xu Qingmo said.

"Do you need to solve it?" Ning Ningyun asked directly.

"Uh ..." It was too straightforward to ask.

"There is nothing embarrassing, this kind of human sentiment." Ning Ningyun seems to have no emotions. "And the male of your age is exactly the age of passion, there is nothing like this reaction, if not, But not normal. "

Xu Qingmo was even more embarrassed by Ning Ningyun, but he was not the type that would only be said by others to dare not talk back. Instead, he drew the corners of his mouth, glanced back and forth over Ning Ningyun, and then said, "You, A woman of your age, cough, isn't that woman thirty as a wolf, forty as a tiger, fifty for sucking soil. "

Ning Ningyun said: "Although this sentence is a bit exaggerated, there is no problem. Women's interest is indeed strong with age, but that means married women, or non-virgin women. I am still a virgin. , I haven't experienced that kind of thing. In the words of the Internet, I haven't tasted the sweetness, so there won't be strong demand. "

"Well, anyway, I will be fine tomorrow." Xu Qingmo really did not dare to continue with Ning Ningyun, otherwise he estimated that Ning Ningyun would give him a one-time enlightenment education from the beginning.

Xu Qingmo reached out and grabbed the bathrobe to wear it. Ning Ningyun looked at him aside, scaring Xu Qingmo to wear it underwater.

"You'll be fine tomorrow, will you solve it tonight?" Ning Ningyun said earnestly, "Otherwise, I'll help you solve it now, and then we practice again."

Xu Qingmo looked up and looked at Ning Ningyun's eyes, and found that this woman was not joking, and quickly said: "No, I have my own method, and I have already cultivated today, and it is not the best state, so it is tomorrow Right. "

"With you, you must succeed tomorrow." Then, Ning Ningyun climbed up to the pool directly in front of Xu Qingmo, then stood on it and changed into a bathrobe ...

Xu Qingmo stood in the middle of the bath and watched directly. He waited until Ning Ningyun walked into the clinic.

Ning Ningyun was definitely intentional, because she said that she did not need her to solve it, which delayed her research process, and thus tortured herself.

Xu Qingmo was a little depressed, and she had been spending time with overseas flowers for years, claiming that the leaves did not touch her body, but she did not expect to be teased by an old virgin doctor in China.

After feeling complacent without land, Xu Qingmo also went ashore, and then went into the clinic to change clothes. Ning Ningyun had changed into clean clothes, and she was sitting in front of her workbench, operating Xu Qingmo's incomprehensible instrument, and began to study. .

Looking at Ning Ningyun's seriousness, Xu Qingmo suddenly gave birth to a pity.

Ning Ningyun is definitely a beauty, but such a beauty has devoted her best years in front of such a mundane workbench. If it is passed out, I don't know how many people will be screaming at the heavens.

However, Ning Ningyun did not mind herself, but was not interested in the relationship between men and women. In her opinion, the workbench in front of her may be more interesting than any man in the world.

No one can feel sorry for Ning Ningyun, but Xu Qingmo, as a man, will feel sorry for it.

"You regret it? Want me to help you solve it?" Ning Ningyun noticed that Xu Qingmo had been staring at her, raised her head and said seriously, "Then you have to wait, I can help you after I have done this atlas analysis . "

"No, no, I'm leaving." Xu Qingmo fled.

After leaving Ning Ningyun's clinic, Xu Qingmo taxied back to Chaoyang Community, and then came to the small building of the beautiful young woman. Before entering, he took a look at Lin Ruochu's small building in the distance. The car parked there should be Shen Wan Qing and Dong Yan came over to discuss the new company.

I don't know what they will look like when they know they are their chairman. Xu Qingmo thought about it, and then pressed the doorbell in front of her.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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