Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 228: Grandpa Si video, final exam

No one noticed that the girl with her eyes down and playing games raised her eyebrows, and the curvature of her lips was fleeting.

The relationship between my brother and Yemeng seems a bit intriguing.

"This J's behavior is too appetizing to me. No matter who the other party is, as long as they touch the bottom line, they will do it directly." Qi Ye was emotional and excited.

He didn't expect that the person he boasted was sitting on the sofa lazily playing games.


Xie Lingchuan glanced at him and joked, "It's useless for appetite, he's a man, so it's possible that our young master is going to change **** for love."

The voice just fell.

Qi Ye immediately jumped, "Damn, don't twist, I'm just appreciating it, don't think I don't know that you think the same as me."

They all grew up wearing a pair of pants, and they still don't know each other.

"Pure appreciation," Xie Lingchuan deliberately dragged the end, "I understand."

You know a hammer, but you can't speak well.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Lu Jinqi swiped his finger, and the screen instantly turned gray.

The two of them are afraid that they are not mentally retarded.

The dark and bright eyes lifted up and glanced at the two of them, and then lowered them again.

It's really good looks for intelligence.

at this time.

Si Jingyun closed the magazine and threw it aside, looking at them with a cold look, his aura was oppressive.

When they met his eyes, the two who had just fought each other immediately calmed down and did not dare to say a word.

"Enough is enough," the man said in a casual but dangerous tone, "then get out of here."

Qi Ye and Xie Lingchuan looked at each other and stood up in agreement.

They understand that Master Jing is disgusting them for disturbing the two-person world between him and someone.

It wasn't until the two disappeared that the aura around the man began to warm up.

"The final exam is coming soon, but Ah Jin is not panic at all."

An extremely magnetic low voice sounded abruptly in the empty living room, and it also carried some jokes.

Lu Jinqi smiled, "Brother is questioning my ability?"


The man laughed lowly, his voice full of joy, "How dare I question Ah Jin."

the end.

He continued, "Grandpa plans to wait for two days to come over."

Lu Jinqi paused, "You didn't tell Grandpa Si I would see him."

"Said," Si Jingyun rubbed her head, "but grandpa said that you probably don't want to go to Beijing for the New Year, so I plan to come to Rongcheng to celebrate the New Year here."

The man's low-pitched voice was gentle, and his eyes were full of smiles.


A warm feeling rose from his heart, and his cold eyes were filled with confusion.

After a long while, she said in a low voice, "You don't need to let Grandpa Si come over. He's older, so it's better to run around less, I'll just go over there."

The Lu family's affairs didn't affect her yet.

"It's better for Ajin to say it herself."

After the man finished speaking, he made a video call without waiting for the girl to react.

It was quickly connected to the opposite side, and the spirited face of the old man appeared on the screen.

"Girl Qiqi didn't even know how to call the old man after returning to Rongcheng. It really made me so sad."

Mr. Si said and pretended to be distressed, making the girl laugh.

Seeing her smile, the old man nodded with satisfaction, "How nice it is to smile, I will smile more in the future."

Lu Jinqi pursed her lips and changed the subject softly, "I heard from my brother that you are coming to Rongcheng for Chinese New Year."

Knowing that she didn't want to continue the question, Mr. Si didn't point it out, and jokingly said, "Yes, you girl won't call me or come to see me, I can only go to you."

"Don't come here, I'll go back to the capital with my brother then."

who thinks.

When the old man heard it, not only did he not agree, but he became angry like an old urchin, "I just want to go to the place where you live to see if I can't."

"But your body..."

Before he could finish speaking, the old man became even more aggressive, "Why, you think I'm too old."


For the first time, Lu Jinqi felt that he couldn't speak, and thought for two seconds in the bottom of his eyes, "No, if Grandpa Si really wants to come to Rongcheng, then let brother pick you up."

Beside him, Si Jingyun raised his eyebrows and looked over, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Ah Jin will make arrangements.

Hearing this, Mr. Si was even happier, "That's alright, stinky boy, did you hear that, but the granddaughter-in-law asked you to pick me up by name."

Si Jingyun's voice was sloppy, with a narrow smile in his eyes, full of teasing every word.

"I naturally want to listen to your granddaughter-in-law's words."

The words fall.

A tingling pain in the lower back.

Lu Jinqi looked at him indifferently, and the movements of his men did not stop.

In the eyes of the old man, the actions of the two people looked at each other affectionately, and hung up the video with a smile on their faces.

"Brother is now more and more likely to take advantage."

Lu Jinqi exerted a little force and then let go, standing up and speaking casually.

Looking at the back of the girl who was fleeing, Si Jingyun pulled up his clothes and lowered his eyes to look at the blue and purple on the side of his eyes, and a smile crossed the bottom of his eyes.

It's pretty heavy to start.


Two days later.

The final exam of Ming-Song High School has officially started. The class-based exam is the same as usual. The difference is that more than half of the six classes that are usually scattered are now in the same exam room.

Looking at the familiar people around, the students in Class 6 couldn't help but puff out their chests proudly.

Even the invigilator stepped into the exam room and couldn't help but be amused when he saw them.

"The test time is 120 minutes, and the paper can be handed in half an hour in advance." He said and distributed the test paper in his hand.

The moment they got the test papers, every student in the test room was dumbfounded, even the students in Class 6 who had been psychologically prepared.

I go.

Sister Qi is here for real.

After being dumbfounded, I still took my fate and started to do it.

They don't want to fail the grades and take classes during the winter break.

The 120 minutes of torment finally passed with the bell, and during the break everyone was discussing the perversion of the Chinese test paper.

"School is crazy, the moment I got the test paper, I was completely confused."

"Who is different, it's just those subjects who know me, I don't know them."

"It's all about who has more knowledge."

Just when everyone thought that only the difficulty of the Chinese paper was deepening, each of the following subjects once made them doubt life.

Sure enough, there is no metamorphosis, only more metamorphosis.

After three days of difficult exams, even Xiao Yao and the others couldn't stand it.

If it wasn't for Sister Qi who usually tutored them at school, and even spared them after school, I'm afraid she really wouldn't be able to hold on.

As the last exam was over, there was a howl of relief from every exam room.

"it is finally over."

"It's only been three days, but I feel like three years have passed. Now I finally understand what it's like to live like a year."

"This is the first time I've lost so much hair in an exam, and my hairline can't stand it."

"You're exhausted."

There were all the complaints and grievances in the ears.

Lu Jinqi calmly picked up her things and left, in stark contrast to the others.

"To study God is to study God."

"If I can't compare with the boss, I hope I can pass."

"Passing... It should be fine." Someone said uncertainly, causing everyone to roll their eyes.

As soon as Lu Jinqi stepped into the classroom, Cheng Xin's figure appeared at the door of the classroom.

"Lu Jinqi, don't leave after school."

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