Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 188: Miller Weiss, Sister Qi: All the rubbish

As soon as he got on the plane, Chu Zhiyi changed his previous attitude and stared at the girl with a smile, "Song classmate, let's change seats."

The teacher leading the team and Duan Ziyun were speechless.

Did this girl forget which school she was from?

Although they went together, the schools were also competitive, so she wouldn't forget them all!

Song Yayin looked at the air ticket in her hand, Zhengchou didn't know how to change seats, when she heard Chu Zhiyi's voice, her eyes lit up.

She pursed her lips and hesitated, "It's not good, we are not from the same school after all."

The voice just fell.

Chu Zhiyi quickly exchanged the tickets in their hands, "That's fine, as long as you have no opinion."


The thief took the girl's hand familiarly and smiled brightly.

"Qi Qi, let's sit together."

Glancing at the happy girl, Lu Jinqi raised his eyebrows, "You sure don't care about your partner."

Chu Zhiyi waved his hand, "Anyway, they go to one place, and they won't lose it."

Hearing this, Duan Ziyun's brows were heart-pounding, he wouldn't lose it, then Lu Jinqi would lose it?

Sure enough, this girl can say anything when she is in control.

Reaching out and grabbing the girl's collar, "Be calm, don't make noise on the plane."

Suddenly being pulled, Chu Zhiyi made a face at him in annoyance, and pulled the girl straight to the position.

Duan Ziyun shook his head amusingly, looked at Xu Lei beside him apologetically, "Teacher, I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's okay," Xu Qi smiled heartily, "Young people love to get together, I understand."

It wasn't until a group of people found their place to sit down that Duan Ziyun realized who was sitting next to him.

Her brows could not help wrinkling, she just stared at the girl, she didn't expect her to change seats, and she wanted to sit with Song Yayin.

half an hour.

Song Yayin was already sitting in his seat, and he was still hesitant to stick with the telephone pole there, attracting the flight attendant to come over.

"Hello, may I help you with anything?"

After regaining his senses, Duan Ziyun shook his head, "No."

"Okay, then please take a seat, the plane is about to take off."

This time, Duan Ziyun had to sit.

His appearance of a strong man who was gone and never returned made the others laugh.


"Counting down every year, there is still a face," came the broken Chinese behind him.

Then a few jeers matched the sound.

Looking at the boy in front of him, Chu Zhiyi was about to speak, but Duan Ziyun held him back.

Do not impulse.

He gestured to her and shook his head, and said flatly, "Long time no see, Wes."

"It's been a long time since you last lost and fled back to China," Miller Weiss said maliciously, "Duan Ziyun, as I see it, there is no useful person in country Z, it's too late for you to retire now, lest It was embarrassing in the end.”

His words were like a slap on the faces of several people, Duan Ziyun was silent for a moment, his face expressionless.

"Why, you are very sure, so why is it that Luo Jia can only be the second place every year."

Being poked into the pain in his heart, Miller Weiss' face darkened, and for a moment, he sneered, "So what, Lorgar is always from our country M, unlike your country Z, I don't seem to remember taking it. Take the prize."

The words fall.

He laughed unceremoniously, and the boys standing behind him laughed along with him.

A group of people's faces and mouths are full of contempt for Country Z.

No one noticed that the girl leaning on the side pressed the brim of her hat, her eyes were cold, and the curvature of her lips seemed to be absent.

"Miller Weiss, don't go too far," Chu Zhiyi clenched his hands tightly, gritted his teeth and said every word.

In recent years, country Z has never been able to win awards in all international competitions, so that there have been rumors that people in country Z are a group of sick cats who cannot help.

Even if they continue to learn with the teacher and improve their abilities, they have no chance to resist in the competition.

No one knows what they are burdened with every time they go abroad to compete. This time they heard that the rules of the Mathematical Olympiad competition were temporarily changed and they were broadcast live, and they were under even more pressure.

"Excessive," Miller Weiss laughed louder. He looked at the person behind and asked, "Am I going too far?"

"Not too much."

Hearing the answer, he raised his chin, "Do you hear me? It's not too much."

the end.

"I really don't know how the people of your country Z learn. You are too embarrassed to participate in the competition at this level. I will be ashamed for you."

Xu Lei finally couldn't help it. Originally, it was difficult for him to speak as a teacher and student friction, but this person in front of him did not forget to slander the country.

"This classmate, is it the meaning of the leader of your country that you are useless as a person from country Z, or is it that you are racist?"

Xu Lei buckled his hat, and the arrogant Weiss just now became a little less arrogant.

People from country Z are really annoying.

If he admits it, I am afraid that the friendly relationship between the two countries will gradually break down. If he denies it, it will be no small matter to slander country Z as before.

"If you want to interpret it this way, I can only feel wronged."

Weiss shrugged and stared at the rogue-like group who had nothing to do with me.

Seeing how they were obviously angry but still enduring it, Weiss couldn't help but feel proud in his heart, he was really a bunch of trash.


Something slammed into Wes's face quickly, and the sudden change made both parties stunned.


Weiss roared angrily, "Who did what?"

Just as everyone was looking at each other, low laughter sounded slowly, and Lu Jinqi walked lazily forward under everyone's attention.

She rolled up her sleeves, squatted on the ground and picked up the broken mobile phone, slender white fingers rubbing the edge.

The voice of the girl who "looks down on country Z" is particularly cold in the quiet atmosphere at the moment.

Weiss looked at the girl who suddenly appeared, took a breath, and his attitude changed drastically, completely forgetting that he had just been smashed.

"How could I look down on country Z, I just made a joke."

"Just kidding," the girl asked casually, playing with her phone, "then I think all members of the M country are trash?"

It seems casual, but the coldness in his voice can make people feel cold.

As a loyal supporter of the M country, Weiss heard the words, and his face instantly turned ugly, "I feel very strong listening to you."

The girl smiled, her eyes were calm, and there was no warmth at all, "It's still possible to solve a country M."


Chu Zhiyi stared at the girl with a blushing face, she was too arrogant, she deserved to be a school bully.

"I don't know that your country has so many talents now."

There was no more surprise on Weiss' face, and he looked around without a smile, and his tone was yin and yang.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at his watch, and climbed to the end of his eyes impatiently, "After talking nonsense, you can get out."

The girl's voice was dull and terrifyingly cold.

"Then let's see."

Angrily left a sentence, and Weiss took the person away.

Looking at their angry backs, Song Yayin's eyes darkened, and she pretended to be worried, "Jin Qi, you offended them all like this, it's not good to end the game if you really lose."

A group of people didn't expect her to say such words suddenly, and everyone's expressions became subtle in an instant.

"It seems that classmate Song likes country M quite a bit."

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