Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 182: Psychological problems, Sister Qi reappears fiercely

Song Yayin suddenly remembered the previous two encounters, and she knew that Lu Jinqi was not joking.

So she really wanted her own life.

"If you really dare to do anything, it is against the law."

"Breach of the law."

Lu Jinqi smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

She slowly moved closer to Song Yayin's ear and spoke word by word in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Then you think a murderer with psychological problems will be in charge?"

The girl's voice at the moment sounded like Satan to Song Yayin, she stared at the girl in disbelief.

Does she have mental problems?

Why do you never know?

"Miss Song should go back and see how the word "law" is written before talking about breaking the law with me."

Lu Jinqi threw the wood aside, and slowly wiped the dust on his fingers with a tissue.

Her seemingly casual words were filled with a chill that made people biting to the bone.

"Lu Jinqi, I'll see how you take the first place in the competition."

Feeling the dangerous aura away from him, Song Yayin left a sentence without a long memory and turned to leave.

"Clean up." The girl spit out four words lightly, leaving the classroom without looking.

The three of Xiao Yao glanced at each other and hurriedly chased out, but only saw a back quickly disappearing into the corner.

"Qi Qi's mood is not right." Xie Shuyao's brows and eyes showed concern, "I'm a little scared of her now."

"Try to call her." Xiao Yao took out his mobile phone and dialed the number, but he was hung up immediately after a ringing sound.

"It's over, Sister Qi won't go out to find someone to fight." Wen Yu said his conjecture, and couldn't help but shudder.

"Okay," Xie Shuyao glared, "hurry up and look for it."


After turning off the phone, the girl was like a wandering soul, as if she was detached from this world, her beautiful eyes were constantly surging with emotions, and she couldn't see clearly.

She came all the way to the bar, completely ignoring the scrutinizing eyes around her, and chose a dark corner to sit down.

"Miss, what would you like to drink?" the waiter asked politely holding the wine list.

Lu Jinqi threw a card directly on the table, "The strongest wine, all."

The waiter was a little dazed by her words, and said uncertainly, "You really want all of it, our strongest alcohol here is too high, you..."

"Too much nonsense," Lu Jinqi's eyes flashed impatiently, "If you want to take it, take it."

Seeing her insistence, the waiter swallowed the rest of the words and turned to go to the bar.


A bottle of wine was placed directly in front of the girl.

Seeing the girl drinking like water, several waiters at the bar couldn't help but be startled.

"Huzi, what's up with that girl?"

"I don't know, it's just that her body can stand it when she drinks like this."

No one usually dares to order the spirits in the store. Except for the high degree of alcohol, it is like burning in the throat, and it hurts.

"It's the first time I've seen a girl drink like this."

Lu Jinqi was unaware of their discussion. She was sitting on the sofa now, with one hand on the edge and the other hand holding the wine bottle and shaking it slightly.

The usually beautiful eyes were half closed at this time, and the whole body exuded a coolness, which was as cold as this.

"Miss, how lonely it is to drink alone, why don't I accompany you."


An obese species sat uninvited on the other side, and its wretched eyes kept on Lu Jinqi.


The girl uttered a word coldly without moving her eyelids.

The man was disgraced, and his face was instantly ugly, "I'm looking down on you when I **** drink with you, don't be ashamed of your face, you can still drink this wine today."

The words fall.

All the fat arms stretched out towards the girl trying to grab her.

But before he touched it, his arm was clasped and pressed against the table, and instantly a pain spread all over his body, and cold sweat immediately oozes out of his forehead.

He looked down, a silver knife was inserted into the back of his hand, the red blood looked dazzling and frightening.

"Ah, you bitch," he growled irrationally, eyes full of hatred.

He had a hunch that his hand was about to die.

Lu Jinqi's eyes finally lifted up, and the clear and delicate eyebrows were filled with coldness at this moment.

Under the man's gaze, the corners of her red lips twitched, and she casually poured the wine in her hand into that hand.


The burning pain made him cry no longer, and the back of his hand was burning as if it was on fire.

The whole bar was silent.

Everyone looked at the scene in shock, and even some cowardly people covered their mouths and trembled.

"It's true that two people drink differently."

Lu Jinqi cocked Erlang's legs, leaned back casually, opened the bottle of wine again, and entered lazily.

Feeling the gaze on her body, she lowered her cold eyes and glanced at the man, her eyes filled with anger.

"I still don't get out because I don't think I've had enough wine."

Her tone was sloppy, but it made people feel cold in their bones.

When the man met her gaze, he was instantly apprehensive, and he said ruthlessly, "Wait for me, I won't let you go."

Shut up and get ready to leave.

"Really, I'd like to see why I don't let it go."

But this time.

The girl spoke again, she stood up calmly, walked towards the man step by step, and under his fearful eyes, fiercely pulled out the knife stuck on the back of his hand.

Blood splattered on the hem of the clothes, and even the coffee table on the side was stained with a little red.

"Fuck you..." The man covered the back of his hand and wanted to curse, but he met the girl's dark eyes, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat.

The blood was dripping and blooming at his feet, and the scene looked eerie.

not far away.

Several waiters at the bar were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and a girl said with trembling lips, "What...what should I do, I...we...are we going to call the police?"

"Report it, or it will be bad if you die."

The girl nodded, glanced at Lu Jinqi quickly, crouched down and started calling the police.


The siren sounded at the door of the bar, and Zhang Yuhan walked in with a few people.

When he saw the scene in the bar, his pupils shrank, his brows immediately wrinkled, he glanced coldly at everyone present, and finally his eyes fell on the girl who was playing with the knife.

"What did you do?"

It's an affirmation right from the start.

Lu Jinqi smiled playfully, "You didn't see it."

When the man saw the policeman, his arrogance immediately rose, "Comrade policeman, I want to sue her for deliberately hurting others. Look at my hand."

As he spoke, he shook his hand in front of Zhang Yuhan's eyes.

"Bring both of them back to the police station."

Zhang Yuhan spoke coldly, ignoring the man's words.

In his opinion, all accidents have a reason, who would stab you for nothing?

The man was stunned for two seconds, "No, why should I go, I'm still injured."

"How can I decide for you if you don't go," Zhang Yuhan said lightly, "Don't worry, there will be a doctor who will treat you."

"take away."

After speaking, a policeman stepped forward immediately with handcuffs, ignoring the man's struggles and directly restrained him, but when he walked in front of the girl and looked at her half-smiley expression, his back suddenly felt a little chilly.

Forget it, a girl can't escape without being tortured.

He swallowed and turned to follow everyone.

Lu Jinqi tutted softly, threw the knife on the table casually, and followed slowly behind. It was not like going to the police station at all, but rather like going home.

And this time.

The atmosphere in Yayuan dropped to freezing point, and Qi Ye, who had always been talkative, was extremely quiet.

He glanced at someone who was emitting cold air, and smiled bitterly in his heart. Ever since Master Jing knew that Lu Jinqi's phone was turned off and no one could be found, the storm in his eyes could not drown them.

"Master Jing," Qiao Ye hurried in, "I found Miss Lu."

"Where?" Lu Yuchen couldn't wait to speak.

"Police station."

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