Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 180: Professionals, Sister Qi: Beating people regardless of the occasion

the next day.

When Zhang Lin heard Song Yayin's words, she couldn't help but scratched her ears, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

"You just said you were going to write that paper?"

She asked again uncertainly.

It's only for one night, can Song Yayin really know it?

Song Yayin nodded obediently, "I want to try."


Zhang Lin couldn't say anything else, she took out the paper from the drawer and handed it to her, reminding, "You only have one hour."

An hour is enough.

Song Yayin had a plan in her mind, she took the paper and started writing. Except for a little pause in the middle, she basically started writing directly.

Zhang Lin was shocked by the speed of her answering questions. Yesterday, she was afraid and hesitant, but today she just wrote and walked around the dragon without even typing the draft?

How can it be?

Doubts grew in her heart, and when she thought that it was as she had guessed, her face turned bad.

After half an hour.

Song Yayin put down her pen, rubbed her sore wrist and said softly, "Teacher, I'm done, take a look."

There was a moment of silence in response to her, Song Yayin looked up and saw Zhang Lin was looking at her with a very bad expression.

My heart skipped a beat, the teacher didn't find anything.

She has tried her best to control the speed.

"Yayin, tell me the truth about how you did this in one night."

Zhang Lin pointedly looked at the test paper, suppressed her displeasure and asked.

At this time, there were only the two of them in the office. When she heard the question, Song Yayin felt a little flustered. She bit her lip and began to explain strongly and calmly.

"Last night I changed all the Mathematical Olympiad materials and asked some professionals for advice. I don't understand why you would question me."


Zhang Lin sneered in her heart, of course, because of your criminal record that made her lose face.

After correcting the paper, there is no place to deduct points, Zhang Lin said lightly, "Since you have done everything right, I will give you the quota. I hope your professionals can make you successful."

She deliberately emphasized the word "professional", which made Song Yayin think she knew something.

Seeing her fill in her name on the registration form with her own eyes, the stone in Song Yayin's heart fell.

How could that slut, Gao Jie, laugh at her now.


Soon the school announced the list of the International Mathematical Olympiad. After seeing the names above, it caused an uproar.

"It's okay for Lu Jinqi to participate. Why is Song Yayin in it? Her grades are definitely not going through the motions."

"It's over, I suddenly feel that there is no hope. No matter how awesome Lu is, he can't take Song Yayin to counterattack in the international competition."

"What does the school think, there are two places in total, why should Song Yayin be there?"

"No way, no one wants to go, and she really wants to go."

However, it was a topic discussed on the school forum, but I don't know who moved it to Weibo, and it instantly dropped into the hot search list.

The surfing netizens saw the title, and the thief rolled his eyes speechlessly. Damn, why is she everywhere.

[Is it uncomfortable for a certain daughter not to be on the hot search? She has to come every three or five? 】

[It's so annoying, she has a lot of **** every day. 】

[This airborne hot search, I don't believe it if I don't give money. 】

[Hao Hao, a rich and powerful daughter just turned into a hot search dog, speechless. 】

However, at this time, a group of people exploded after reading the content of Weibo.

Comments swiped one by one.

[Am I blind? When will plagiarism dogs be allowed to participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad? 】

[I'm going, this school is sick, let this kind of people go to the game without fear of another scandal. 】

[When I think of her plagiarism in international competitions, I feel a chill in my heart, and I can imagine how people from other countries will laugh at us. 】

[Refusing her to participate in the competition, don't embarrass us. 】

Soon different comments came out.

[Laughing to death, our Yinyin is not the only one in the competition, who will be embarrassed by then. 】

[The school can choose Yinyin because she has the ability. If she has the ability, she might as well go and see her grades. 】

[Come, come, her fans came with capital. 】

[Upstairs, the other one is afraid that he is not sick. I suggest you go check it out. The other lady and sister can take off the whole class on her own. 】

[Jealousy makes people ugly, I just see how a certain daughter gets slapped in the face. 】

[School chooses Song Yayin? How do I think it is the capital behind the choice of her? 】

Netizens and Song Yayin's fans were torn apart on the Internet.

In reality, the master justly and proudly accepts the worship of others.

"Yinyin, I knew it would be you."

"Goddess, be sure to get the prize back and slap them in the face."

Song Yayin smiled shyly, "Don't say that, I still need to work hard."

"It does take effort," Zhu Lanzhi said lightly as she passed by, "otherwise, if you lose the game, you won't be a goddess."

Looking at her back, Song Yayin pinched her palms and said gently, "Thank you Lanzhi for reminding me, I will."

But in a competition, she didn't plan to take the first place, she just needed to be in the finals to increase her popularity.


"Sister Qi, Song Yayin's participation in the competition means that you will both eat and live together, so you won't fight, right?"

Liu Hai pulled a chair and sat in the aisle, looking at the girl with gossip.

The words fall.

The rest of the people also looked curious. It was well known in the school that Sister Qi and Song Yayin didn't deal with each other. Now that they are participating in the competition, they eat and live together. I'm really afraid that Sister Qi's temper will kill her directly.

"It's a fight," the girl's cold voice seemed unexpectedly thin, "No, at most with the care of love."


Everyone was stunned. Anyway, after coming over to her, what did she mean by the care of love in her words, the corners of her mouth twitched and she couldn't help but want to laugh.

You have to know that the first person to be loved and cared by Sister Qi doesn't know which corner of the pimple to live in now.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the days ahead for us, Song Dahua, will not be better."

Wen Yu spoke with schadenfreude, and pretended to make a sad gesture, causing everyone to laugh.

"Qiqi, you can't fight during the competition, remember to be careful when you do it, try to find a place where no one is around," Xie Shuyao reminded aloud, remembering the rules of the competition.

Xiao Yao's eyebrows twitched, showing a look of understanding, "Yaoyao, you think Sister Qi will listen. She doesn't care about the occasion if she wants to beat someone."

According to Sister Qi's temperament, if you don't agree, you will do it. It doesn't matter where you are, you can fight again.


He saw the girl hooked his lower lip angrily, and before he could react, he even fell to the ground with a chair.

Retracting her feet, Lu Jinqi supported her face and raised her eyebrows with interest, "Indeed, what is the occasion for hitting someone?"

The sudden attack made everyone stunned for two seconds, and then they watched the play.


Xie Shuyao sneered, "I'll let you talk shit, don't get up quickly."

"Sister Qi, discuss it and say something when you kick next time, I'm mentally prepared."

Xiao Yao patted the dust on his body, and made suggestions very seriously.

Otherwise, he would be caught off guard every time, and he would not have time to think about the escape route.

The girl raised her eyes lightly, her cold voice mixed with a hint of laughter, "How are you going to run?"

Being guessed, Xiao Yao laughed guiltyly, "How could it be, I definitely don't."


Xie Shuyao rolled her eyes, smiled and cursed, "Look at your courage."

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