Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 131: Song Yayin was ridiculed, and the parents of Class 6 were puzzled

"She even dared to come to school."

"Tsk, if this happened to me, I wouldn't have the face."

"Cheating in the college entrance examination, I really don't understand what she was thinking."

"Now that several major schools know about it, they may be laughing at us Ming Song."

Song Yayin listened to the people around her pointing at her, her hand holding the schoolbag clenched tightly, her lips pursed tightly.

With incomprehensible emotions surging in her eyes, she glanced at the person who was talking and left quickly.

As soon as he stepped into the classroom, Gao Jie's seemingly casual voice suddenly sounded.

"No wonder I didn't see Yayin's results when the ranking came out. I thought it was a small incident, but I didn't expect it to be such a big cheat."


She held her cheeks and looked at the girl who walked in with a smile, "Ya Yin, can you tell me what you thought at that time, I'm really curious."

Song Yayin wanted to get angry, but everyone in the class was there, so she could only suppress her anger abruptly.

With a pale little face, she glanced at her, and quickly returned to her position and lay down.

Seeing her action, Gao Jie sneered, "I haven't said anything yet, why am I ready to cry."

the end.

She went on to say, "It's also from the Song family. Several colleges and universities that got full marks in the adopted daughter's joint entrance exam are scrambling to grab people, but the master chooses to cheat despite his good grades. Those who don't know, think you're doing this just to surpass Lu Jinqi. ."

When the rest of the class heard these words, they couldn't help but think for a while, and then saw Song Yayin's expression becoming indescribable.

Compared with an adopted daughter, I don't feel that I have lost my style.

What's more, as for Lu Jinqi's achievements, it's so hard to think about surpassing her.

Zhu Lanzhi looked at the girl who was lying on the table without making a sound, and worry flashed in her eyes. She wanted to say something, but suddenly thought that the two had been deadlocked yesterday.

She laughed at herself in the bottom of her heart, maybe even if she spoke to help Yinyin, she would only feel that she was watching a joke in her heart.

Gao Jie caught a glimpse of her expression, and a look of relief suddenly appeared on her face. It seemed that idiots also had their brains one day.

Just don't know how long it will last.

Zhang Lin stepped on the class bell and came in, her mean face darkened at the moment.

She looked at the girl lying on the table, angered, and said in displeasure, "Song Yayin, didn't you hear the class bell rang, and she was still sleeping on her stomach."

She never thought that her most proud student would make such a scandal, which would make her lose face in front of other teachers.

Song Yayin raised her head, and everyone noticed that her eyes were red and there were tears at the end of her eyes.

I really cried, this tolerance is too low!

Seeing her like this, Zhang Lin was stunned for two seconds, and then her anger became even more intense, "Now I know I'm crying, why didn't I expect it would be exposed when I did it at the time."

After he finished speaking, he stopped looking at her and started today's lesson with the lesson plan.


Hearing the school bell rang, everyone in Class 6 was still a little unfulfilled. For the first time, they felt that it was not good that Ming and Song did not study at night.

"Sister Qi, why don't we continue talking."

"This proposal is good, and it's the first time I feel that studying is not bad."

Lu Jinqi looked at the hopeful eyes of a group of people, and said with a playful smile, "I really think I'm busy."

"Learning should be done in moderation and go back."

When everyone heard this, they packed their things reluctantly and slowly left the classroom.

Seeing such a scene, Xiao Yao burst out laughing, "This is the first time I have seen someone who doesn't like to leave school."

"Who made Sister Qi's class simple and easy to understand, I don't even want to leave school."

Wen Yu grinned with a schoolbag on his back.

"Indeed, what the teacher usually talks about is too cumbersome, and it is like a book from heaven to those students whose brains like to tie knots." Xie Shuyao held the girl's arm and said with a smile.

Lu Jinqi raised his eyebrows and looked at the three of them, chuckling casually, without making a sound.


"Haohao, come out to eat."

In a community in Rongcheng, the middle-aged woman brought all the food to the table, calling in a gentle tone.

Chen Hao held the notebook and opened the door helplessly, "Mom, how many times have you told me not to call me Haohao."

He always felt awkward when a big boy was called Haohao.

The middle-aged woman said with a smile, "Okay, I won't call you later."

As soon as Chen Hao heard it, he pouted, it's not surprising that you didn't say it. He said it every time, but he never did it.

It was not until the family of three were seated that the husband and wife noticed that he was flipping through a notebook and could not help but look at each other.

"Haohao, what are you looking at?"

"Sister Qi's key formula." Chen Hao said vaguely without raising his head.

"Sister Qi?" Father Chen pondered for a moment, "Is it the person you talk about every time."

"Well, Mom and Dad, you eat first, don't disturb me." Chen Hao looked up to see what the two of them wanted to ask, and stopped first.

It was the first time that the husband and wife saw their son like this, so they couldn't help being curious about the sister Qi he spoke of.

You must know that he has been naughty since he was a child, and his studies have plummeted. He refused to study hard, and now he is willing to read formulas with a notebook.

"Then why don't you finish your meal before watching."

"There's no time. As Sister Qi said, she'll give us one night to memorize the formula, and we'll check them one by one tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Chen Hao looked at his notes with tears in his eyes, but he still hadn't recorded more than half of them, so he would definitely not be able to play the game tonight.

But the consolation is that he certainly has no time to fight those people.


The husband and wife showed a gratified smile. The middle-aged woman wanted to say something, but the man beside her clapped her hand and motioned her to stop disturbing her.

After eating, Chen Hao did not delay for a moment, took the notebook and went back to the room, and a clear voice came out not long after.

"Old Chen, why don't you call their teacher and ask who is that Sister Qi?"

The man thought for a while and went out with his cell phone, but came back soon.

"How." The woman couldn't wait to speak.

"Haohao is lucky to have such a person to teach," the man said with emotion when he remembered the conversation just now.

As for the six classes that the teacher said on the phone, all of them are taught by Lu Jinqi alone. He doesn't think it's bad. Those who are capable come first. This is the eternal truth.

After listening to him, the woman opened her mouth in surprise, and it took a long while to regain her senses, "How can one person be so cohesive."

"I used to think that my son was like this when he was in Class 6. Anyway, if his grades were not good, he would inherit the family property. Now I look forward to what Sister Qi he said can teach him."

Scenes like this happened everywhere, and it was inevitable that all the adults in Class 6 were curious about Lu Jinqi and had some expectations.


"Yesterday my mother saw me studying and was shocked. She kept asking me if I was uncomfortable."

Liu Hai sat on the table, his legs danglingly swaying.

"Me too, I keep asking me who Sister Qi is."

"It's the same world, the same mother, and the one in my family, too, so I can't even remember the formula with peace of mind."

"Speaking of this, are you finished?"

"Sister Qi's explanation, who would dare not finish it." The girl rolled her eyes at him and looked at him with the expression that you are not talking nonsense.

Xiao Yao and Wen Yu saw this scene when they came in, and couldn't help laughing, "It's very lively!"

Everyone grinned, "Hey, this isn't discussing the formula issue."

Xiao Yao nodded in satisfaction, "Keep it up."

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