Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 684: If Mr. He loves me or not

Zhi Xi's eyes widened in disbelief: "You..."

Her heart thumped, and for a moment, she almost suspected that the man was serious.

"Then during this period, I had some contact with other ladies, and Ms. Gu wouldn't mind, eh?" The man smiled slightly.

Zhi Xi suddenly breathed a sigh of air and said viciously, "No!"

"Why?" He tickled the corner of his lips firmly, as if waiting for her to declare the monopoly.

"I don't want to maintain this relationship with you!" Zhixi calmed down and found himself almost entangled again.

She clearly wants him to bow his head first and serve first. How can he be twisted into a bed partner relationship?

"Either, Mr. He promised me just now, we draw a line, and since then the marriage of men and women is irrelevant." Zhi Xi waved his hand and sneered. "Or, Mr. He showed sincerity, then, I also Will carefully consider whether you are suitable to be my husband."

He Jingyao paused, with a bit of interest in his eyes.

"Sincerity?" He repeated these two words, his tone light.

"Yes, sincerity." Zhi Xi finally pulled back a round and was in a good mood. "If Mr. He loves me or loves, and sleeps with my name every night, then I will definitely give you this opportunity."

The man gave her a deep look and finally smiled lowly.

He approvingly said: "Miss Gu really made me look at each other."

Zhi Xi reserved a smile: "Mr. He won the prize."


Lunch is finally over.

At the door of the restaurant, He Jingyao was still talking to Gu Bingjun and Ning Yichen, Zhi Xi was already in the car without anyone else.

He glanced at the slender figure in the car, his lips ticked.

Of course, Gu Bingjun also saw it, and he was annoyed and said to Ning Yichen: "Mr. Ning, please help me to send her back."

With that said, he walked to the car and knocked on the window. The tiger said with a face, "Get down."

Zhi Xi turned her head and saw that she was her own father. She had to roll down the window: "What's wrong, Dad?"

"Come down, you come with me." Gu Bingjun said undeniably, "Just go to see Xiaobao."

After hearing this, Zhi Xi had to open the door and get out of the car to find Gu Bingjun's car.

"Dad, what about your car?" Zhi Xi asked.

"Oh, I asked the driver to go back first." Gu Bingjun said lightly, turning his head to look at the man aside, "But Mr. He will send us, right?"

He Jingyao raised an eyebrow and smiled: "If Miss Gu doesn't mind."

Zhi Xi frowned, turning his head to look at Ning Yichen, and before he even spoke, he saw that Ning Yichen suddenly showed anxious expression: "Ah! I remembered! I still have an urgent matter to do! I should go. !"

After he finished speaking, he nodded to He Jingyao and Gu Bingjun to show his resignation, pulled the door into the car and sat in, almost immediately after the door was closed, the car had started.

Zhi Xi watched as his car went away in dust, but he didn't even find a chance to speak.

...This is too conscience! What about Ning Yichen, who promised to give her a chance? How dare Ning Yichen challenge He Jingyao?

Zhixi suddenly discovered that by this time, she didn't even have an object capable of reaching He Jingyao, so failed!

She cast her gaze vigorously towards He Jingyao, and he smiled faintly: "Exactly, Xiaobao must miss me too."

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