Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 664: Mom misses you 100 times a day

In the darkness, the man suddenly chuckled low.

Instead of answering her words, he pushed open the door and got out of the car, causing Zhixi to stun for a while.

She was in a daze, and suddenly the door at hand was opened from outside.

The man's cold voice whispered: "Get off."

Zhi Xi couldn't figure out his attitude at all, so he quickly stretched out his legs, stepped on the ground, and stood up by the door.

After she stood firm, He Jingyao slammed the car door closed, turning his head to the front seat of Li Bo and asked: "You go back first."

"Okay, young master." Li Bo took the initiative and drove away quickly before Zhi Xi reacted.

Zhi Xi looked at the tail of the car that was going away, and his expression was a bit dumb.

"Go in." He Jingyao said with a smile in a trance.

"You..." She pursed her lips. "The hotel has been wrapped up by Dad and there is no room for you."

"You think too much, I just want to see Xiaobao." He Jingyao glanced at her and walked into the hotel first.

Zhi Xi had to bite her lip to keep up, but she felt more uneasy in her heart.

...What does he mean? Doesn't the words she just said touch him?

The man seemed to know where she lived, walked to the door of the suite accurately, and then glanced at her.

Zhi Xi obediently took out the room card and swiped it into it.

A lamp was lit in the living room, but quietly. It seems that Pei Yuanchen has coaxed Xiaobao to fall asleep.

"At this point, Xiao Bao has fallen asleep." She said na naily, "otherwise... shall I take him to see you tomorrow?"

"I can't watch him when he is asleep?" He Jingyao glanced down at her.

Zhi Xi had to close her mouth and pointed him to the little guy's room.

The man strode over, and Zhi Xi had to keep up.

After entering the room, he reached out and opened the door, and the figure of Xiaobao's sleep fell into his eyes.

He Jingyao evoked a gentle smile, walked over, leaned over and kissed his son's face.

This scene made Zhi Xi's heart complex again. She can't remember how long he hasn't seen him so gentle...

When Xiaobao fell asleep, she never awakened from thunder. He didn't know what happened today. He Jingyao just kissed him, and he rubbed his eyes and opened it blankly.

Then he shouted in surprise: "Dad! You are back!"

He Jingyao saw him and hugged him up with a smile: "Well, I'm back, did you promise to do everything I did? Hmm?"

Xiaobao hugged his neck and smiled guilty: "I have recognized a hundred words... Mom can testify! Right mom?"

Zhi Xi watched as the two of them hugged together and was in a daze, nodding in a daze.

He Jingyao glanced at her, and quietly tickled the corners of his lips, and then turned his eyes to Xiaobao: "Okay, then Dad promised that your things can be fulfilled."

Xiaobao's eyes lit up: "Then... in the future, our family of three can live together, right?"

"It depends on your mother." He Jingyao said with a laugh, "Are you asking if your mother is willing?"

"Mum must be willing, she can't wait!" Xiao Bao sold her clean without hesitation, "Dad, you don't know, before, my mother would miss you a hundred times every day."

"Really?" The man looked at her with a smile.

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